If Mei found Yuzu's letter pt 15

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If mei found yuzu's letter pt 15

If the roles were reversed

Mei's grandfather looked up at his granddaughter who walked into his office of the school

"Mei what are you doing here? What do we have to discuss?

What are those Marks on your neck?"

Mei blinked

"The Marks on my neck aren't that important grandfather, I have come to speak with you about an important issue.

It is of great significance and importance. Will you lend your time?"

Mei's grandfather nodded

"Very well, I will free up my time for you. What is it that's so important?"

Mei had that stern look on her face

"It's about my inheritance of aihara academy.

Shouldn't I be the one to choose who I want to marry to help me to inherit the academy successfully?"

Mei's grandfather glared

"I chose the person for you. He comes from a good family.

He works in a cafe. You have met him before.

You don't have the right to choose anything especially if the person you have chosen isn't worth much or doesn't come from a high standard family."

Mei blinked

"That is harsh grandfather, to be honest before this arranged marriage happened, I was already promised to someone else, someone who is far more important and someone I cherish deeply."

Yuzu walked in

"Long time no see gramps. Am I even still allowed to call you that or am I still a disgrace to your family or am I a disappointment?"

Mei's grandfather glared

"What are you doing here Okogi? You aren't apart of this household.

You abandoned your position and this family."

Yuzu blinked

"I had a change of heart. I am back. I am Yuzu aihara.

I am here to do one thing and one thing only.

I don't care if you like me or not. At the end of the day you will accept I am part of your strict family."

Mei's grandfather glared

"You were trouble the moment were allowed in my household!

How dare you speak to me in that way?!"

Yuzu blinked

"You have no idea what I want to get off of my insufficient chest."

Mei blinked

"I never said anything about your chest being insufficient."

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