If Mei found Yuzu's letter pt 5

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If mei found yuzu's letter pt 5

If the roles were reversed...

Mei's grandfather went to the aihara apartment to speak with ume and shou about yuzu and her behavior as of late

He sat at the table drinking his tea placing the cup down in a dignified manner

"Ume and Shou.... how could let that child leave the household like that? Have you have any idea how this makes us look?

Aihara child abandons household and decides on her own free will. She had no right to leave the house. She will attend the wedding weather she likes it or not. Mei will be highly upset if her sister isn't in her presence."

Shou stood up and looked at his father sternly

"Father. , I encourage yuzu's decision. I applaud her for leaving. I understand her reasoning for leaving. She and ume didn't ask to be in our family, well ume asked me to let her take care of mei, but yuzu

poor yuzu didn't ask to be apart of this family. She has suffered enough because of your rules and the way you have the family! I wouldn't blame her for not attending the wedding.

The person she loved dearly is marrying someone that you placed there. The academy is fine with or without an successor. Yuzu has to suffer because mei is getting married to someone else.

You don't think about anyone's happiness but your own father. Mei and yuzu are both suffering. You don't see it because everything with you is about business and the welfare of the academy.

How about taking sometime off and be an actual grandfather for once? See how yuzu and mei are feeling. Yuzu mostly left because you looked down on her too much and you tried to turn her into a robot.

You do realize that mei really didn't know how to reciprocate feelings? She was so busy being like you that she didn't know to properly be in love.

Yuzu came along and tried to show her that love doesn't hurt all the time. She showed her that life is about choices and how those choices make you happy. Yuzu left to find her own true happiness away from the aihara name.

If that meant leaving us behind and changing her last name back to her old one... she did the right thing. Having the last name aihara is a strict one. Always about rules and appearances. Success and wealth.

I left to find myself and search the world. Yuzu did it because she wasn't happy being here in this stuffy apartment.

Mei was taken away from her. We all have to live with that. There was an equal balance. I stand with her choice to leave. "

Ume was shocked but smiled

"I stand with my daughter's choice too. Yuzu has been through a lot this year.

She finally confessed to me and shou that she was in love with mei. She hoped to marry mei but she saw it wasn't going to happen.

I support the choices of my children. Yuzu did the right thing. She wanted to be free."

Mei was reading a book about romance when she heard the adults going back and forth about the wedding

She stopped and went out to see what was going on

"What is going– grandfather what is going on? It is rare you would visit the apartment like this. What has happened?"

Mei's grandfather looked at her

" Mei I didn't know you were here. I thought you would be planning your wedding."

Mei nodded

"I am still planning it grandfather. I have already tried on my dress. I have chosen one.

I will still inherit the academy as you wish. The academy is in my hands now.

I don't have time to waste. This is the big change now, I have to grow up. What was this about yuzu?"

Ume blinked

" We explained about why yuzu left and how we support her choice. Your grandfather wants her at the wedding. I don't think yuzu will show up. She wants you to live your best life.

This is why she left. She couldn't bare seeing you get married. She knows you have a lot on your plate and she didn't want to add more to it. She felt what she did was right."

Mei had a sad face on

"I saw yuzu a few days ago in the pouring rain. I went to her apartment, she wasn't happy at all to see me. We got into an argument and she sent me home.

She wasn't the same happy go lucky yuzu we all knew and loved. She died on the inside. The happy go lucky yuzu who stood up for what she believed in is no longer here with us.

The happiness was sucked out of her like how a planet gets sucked into a black hole. She had dark circles around her eyes, her eyes that were once bright are now dead looking.

She said she never wanted to see me again. She had to leave because she didn't feel like she belonged here anymore. She did in fact changed her last name back to okogi.

I couldn't keep her happy. She tried everything to please grandfather and to keep me happy.

I was the one who couldn't return the favor. I couldn't return her love.

I couldn't say it. I couldn't tell yuzu that I was engaged, she found out anyways. I wanted to tell her I shared the same feelings.

I was too much of a coward. She tried loving me but I kept being cold and distant with her.

It's my fault she ran away. It's my fault she isn't in this house anymore.

This house has became lifeless ever since she left. I tried to bring her back home but she wouldn't hear of it. So she sent me home."

Shou looked at his daughter with a concerned look

"What's done is done mei, we're all worried about yuzu. If yuzu doesn't want to come home we can't force her to come back. She made her choice and we have to support her. Yuzu left for her own sake and happiness.

Having our last name comes with a lot of responsibilities and appearances. We reap what we sew. Having the last name aihara takes its toll on everyone."

On the other side of town

Yuzu was working in a clothing store getting new ideas for future fashion line called city girls who have their hearts broken in a span of a year

She was folding the clothes neatly and focused on her work, her manager called her

"Oi okogi, you can take your break now. You came in super early this morning, you earned this break time. Take two hours for yourself. You are free to do whatever you want in those two hours."

Yuzu finished folding the clothes

"Thanks boss, I will. Thanks again for hiring me.

She clocked out for lunch walking around the city she went into a book store and saw a new edition of peach sisters and was tempted to pick it up but she ignored it because it would have put a strain on her broken heart

A love between sisters that can't be broken, what a big joke. I don't believe in that stuff anymore.

What's to come of two sisters being in love anyways? It's just going to wind up in heartbreak and depression. Arranged marriages.

Nothing good can come from loving your sibling. I don't have a sibling.

I have no one to love and to take care of. That ship sailed and sank like the titanic."

if mei found Yuzu's letterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora