If Mei found Yuzu's letter part 2

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If Mei found yuzu's letter pt 2

If the roles were reversed...

Mei was still shocked rereading yuzu's letter clutching the ring that was given to her during the first anniversary becoming sisters

She remembered also they had became lovers around that time

They went through hoops and many emotions, to think yuzu would leave cause of mei's arranged marriage was unheard of, mei thought yuzu would stick around and defend their love or whatever you called it

She looked into the closet hoping yuzu's clothes would be there and to her surprise they weren't.

Yuzu took all her belongings with her, this hit mei very hard and this made her question herself so much more now

"Yuzu left because of me, because I was too childish to Express my feelings to her. She left because I didn't speak up enough to grandfather.

My arranged marriage chased her away.

We are both 19 now and she decided to leave the aihara household to go back to her hometown and went back to her old last name.

What have I done to deserve happiness? I lost the most important person besides my father leaving the academy... this could have been avoided. Yuzu loved me too much and I couldn't show her it back.

I was too busy worrying about what grandfather wanted and how the academy was taken care of.

What if yuzu found someone else already by moving back to her old hometown? What if she was taken from me?

I have to find her and tell her what I really feel. What if she doesn't accept them? What if she rejects me completely?

I have to find Yuzu..."

Somewhere on the other side of the city

Yuzu was unpacking with matsuri and harumin's help

"Thanks for helping me guys, I very much appreciate it. "

Harumin was concerned about her friend

"Why did you leave aihara academy? Why did you pack up and leave everything behind Yuzucchi?"

Matsuri was putting stuff away

"It was for her own health and happiness she left. She couldn't deal with mei and her arranged marriage.

There was no way in hell yuzu was going to be the robot's mistress.

I wouldn't allow it. This is the only grown up thing yuzu has ever done."

Yuzu was still unpacking and her eyes were puffy from crying

"Let's just get this done ok? No fighting over why I decided to leave. Mei wouldn't care anyways. She wouldn't chase after me like all the times I chased after her.

She has her life I have mine. I am no longer apart of that household. No matter how many times I tried to love her, it's like a huge slap in the face. Right now she is probably married.

I have accepted it for what it is. I mean little to her. I don't mean anything at all actually.

Her cell phone rang and it was the aihara house, she declined the call

Remind me to change my cell phone number. I dont want any traces of the aihara household coming near me. This is my farewell to that side of the old me.

I can live on my own now and not worry about rules. I can hang out freely without being stopped cause of my uniform. I can live life for me now and not worry if I am being followed."

Harumin blinked

"I will visit you everyday if I have to. I will ask my sister to bring me over."

Matsuri finished helping yuzu unpack

"So tomorrow you change your last name back to your old one? You will no longer be an aihara?"

Yuzu nodded

"Yes, I wasn't an aihara to begin with. My name is Yuzuko Okogi. I am nineteen years old and I am single.

My last relationship didn't last long cause she was in a arranged marriage. I ran away so I wouldn't deal with it.

She comes from a family of high standards.... I come from a normal one. My life has no meaning to the aiharas. It's a good thing I left. I cant deal with the constant heart ache."

She sat on the couch staring into space

Matsuri dragged harumin away

"It's time we go back to our side of town. Yuzu-nee-chan needs time alone. Let's go taniguchi senpai."

Yuzu was laying on the couch squeezing the couch pillow crying and didn't notice that her best friends left

She become distant and quiet for many days

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