If Mei Found Yuzu's letter pt3

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If Mei found yuzu's letter pt 3

If the roles were reversed

Yuzu was single and mingling among her former classmates of her old school, she was a third year and went by her old last name

She had been distant from her old high school friends because she was heartbroken and wasn't up for hanging out like she used to be

Ever since she left the academy and left mei behind she had been in different moods. One minute she was happy, the next depressed or she just didn't feel like being around anyone

She knew in her heart leaving was the right thing to do and she couldn't keep up with it anymore

She settled into her new life and her new place, she felt at ease but mostly at peace

She never had to worry about people looking down on her or thinking she was a pain in the neck

"My heart won't be the same anymore. I know that this will make mei mad, but right now I need to work on me and forget her. Forget what we ever had.

She won't chase after me. After all she is about to be married. Inherit the school.

I refuse to be apart of it. I can't stand there with a smile on my face and pretend that I am happy she is married. No, that will be the biggest lie ever known to man.

Mei doesn't care anyways about how I feel. Why should she? She is the one who is getting married and all.

She was in her apartment on the floor crying with the curtains closed

Why did I ever fall for her? It would have been better if I hated her. Isn't that what siblings are supposed to do? Hate each other? But no I had to be stupid and fall for her.

My love grew instead of my hatred. My life would have been better if she was never placed in it.

Like they say you make plans God laughs. He is having a big old chuckle up there.

I won't fall in love again.... my heart won't be able to take another failed relationship.

It's best I stay single. No more dating for me. No more love for me. I have to focus on myself and my own happiness. I can't be with someone if they don't want to be with me.

She heard the door knock

Who is it now? I don't want to be seen or be bothered by anyone.

She went to open the door and it was mei out of breath and it was pouring rain out

Mei had the look of disbelief on her face when she saw yuzu

"Yuzu aihara.... you are wanted back home."

Yuzu wiped her tears

"I want you to go back home. My life doesn't exist there. You have something to do. Something of great importance. I left because I don't belong there anymore.

I never ever did. Just go home mei. I can't deal with this right now.

You can't expect me to be all happy that you are getting married and inheriting a school that your dad left behind.

I am no longer an aihara... I am an Okogi. I am Yuzuko Okogi. The yuzu you knew is gone. The happiness left her.

This person you see isn't the one you can topped. She has learned her lesson and has decided to stay out your way. Stay away from you.

I parted ways from you so you can live your life. We can't be seen together. Gramps would have wanted that anyways. Just be the good girl you are and go back to the aihara household. "

She had been upset for days now, mei showing up made it worse on her

She planned to never see her again and here she is in front of her soaking wet from the rain

Mei looked at her with a concerned look

"What's happened to you yuzu? What happened to the yuzu I knew?

The happy go lucky always standing up in what she believes in yuzu? You couldn't have possibly changed that much in this short amount of time.

What has become of you yuzu? Tell me what happened."

Yuzu shook her head

"Just go home mei. I don't want to see you again. My life is my life. Your life is your life.

You have a wedding to prepare for and I won't be attending it. Consider me dead alright. I grew up. We are both 19 years old.

You are engaged and I am single. You have alot more to do then I do so just leave me alone. I can't deal with this anymore.

I am already broken enough as it is already. You being here makes it worse. Just go back to the aihara household. "

Mei saw yuzu getting tenser by the moment and backed away

"If that's what you want.... goodbye yuzu."

She walked back to the limo she was brought in, it drove her back to the aihara household

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