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this is dedicated to 1DLauraxx because she's commented and voted on almost every single chapter!

thank you to everyone who has voted and commented it means so much :'')

The drive was long and quiet, the roads and countryside blurred by my tears freefalling down my cheeks. He had been the only one I loved, the only one I wanted to spend my life with. Logan was simply a substitute.

Yes I love Darcy and Justin with every single piece of me, but that love was nothing compared to my love of Harry.

I pressed my foot against the brake, slowly pulling the car to a stop. With shaking hands I pulled out my iPhone and dialed Eleanor's number. She answered on the second ring.

"Charlie, where are you?!" I checked the time. I'd been driving for 2 hours, I didn't even recognize where I was.

"I'm not sure. Let me talk to Justin and Darcy." I heard the phone being passed around.

"Mummy?" Darcy's baby voice pierced through me like a knife. Ironic, right?

"Yes, baby. Mummy needs you to be a big girl, be the best you can be. You look after your big brother, alright? No matter what anyone tells you, you're beautiful and perfect. Do not let anything get to you and become like mummy. I love you baby girl, so so much." I knew she wouldn't understand most of it now, but hopefully she will later on in life, when she's on her own.

"I love you too, mummy." She said, her voice causing my eyes to fill with tears.

"Let me talk to Justin, okay?" I heard the phone being passed around again.

"Mummy, where are you?" His voice sounded so small. The tears poured out silently.

"I'm okay baby. Listen, I need you to be a big boy and take care of Darce and daddy, alright? You're so beautiful, okay? I need you to take care of Darce no matter what, look out for your baby sister. I love you so much Justin, you'll always be my baby boy. Let me talk to Eleanor, okay?" I wiped a few tears away and heard the phone being passed around once again.

"I need you to make sure Darce and Justin are alright and get back to Logan safely. Promise me that." I spoke before she could.

"Charlie, what's going on?" Her voice picking up panic.

"Just promise me that."

"Alright, I promise. Now what's going on?"

"I love you Eleanor, you're my best friend. Tell Louis, Ali, Niall, Danielle, Perrie, Zayn and Liam that too. I love you all so much, you've made my life worth living for."

"Cha--" She started but was interrupted by me ending the call.

I pressed down on the gas and gripped the steering wheel tightly. I realized where I was and waited for the familiar tree around the corner. The road began to veer to the left and I stepped harder on the gas. The car picked up speed and the familiar tree came in to view. I turned the steering wheel, making the car swerve to the side, toward the tree.

The impact sent me flying through the windshield and in to the tree.

The jolts of pain going up and down my spine were unbearable. But not as unbearable as losing the love of your life, the other half of you, your best friend, your life. It was no where close to that.

"I love you, Harry." I whispered as I began to slip. I was aware of the whir of ambulances and firetrucks, but they quickly faded in to the background.

"I'm seeing you way more than I should," Caleb laughed. I smiled and looked past him, noticing him standing with his arms crossed and a smile on his face.

I walked past Caleb, the faint sounds of people rushing around me completely died out, he opened his arms and I walked right in to them. The feel of his arms around me felt so good.

This is where I belonged, forever in his arms, forever with him. Forever together. As corny as this sounds, it's my life now, well afterlife I guess. I'm not sure, I never believed in anything, but Harry made me believe in myself, him and us.

Together we watched our families miss us and move on slowly with their lives. Together we watched Ali and Niall raise their son, Harry. Together we watched Zayn and Perrie move on, occasionally going to the other's concerts. Together we watched Danielle and Liam travel the world. And every day we watched Eleanor and Louis raise their family, Darcy, Justin, and Charlotte. Every day I watched my children grow up. Every day I watched them miss me, and every day I saw myself slowly fading to the back of their minds.

There are some days I wish I was there with Justin and Darcy, but then I look at Harry and remember how much I had loved him, so much I gave up being with my babies, so much that I gave up my entire life.

And did I regret giving up my life?

Harry is my life. Does that answer your question?

GAH! it's over, bittersweet moment :')

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2012 ⏰

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