Chapter 10: Nothing Special

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Charlie's POV

I slid the button on my iPhone to answer the call, "Hello?"

"Charlie?" the voice pierced me like a knife, went straight through me like a bullet.

"Yes?" I asked wary.

"You're hitting it big with him, you know? You two are all over magazines back home"

"Yeah, I guess so" I sighed, where was he going with this?

"I just want you to know I got help with my drug problem"

"That's good, Caleb, that's really good" Harry stopped making the sandwiches to glance over at me at the mention of Caleb's name,

"Yeah. Can you come home?"

"I can't. I'm sorry" I closed my eyes and braced myself for what was coming, 

"I don't need you! I got a new slut to take your place in bed, you're easily replaceable, just remember that next time your bigshot boyfriend looks at anoth--" he was cut off by me hitting the 'end call' button. I turned my phone off and stood up throwing it against the couch. I walked in to the bathroom and locked the door. His words burned. They were like a slap in the face. Worse than that, actually. I was expecting some namecalling, but not the truth. I looked in the mirror and looked away quickly.

He's right, Harry can replace you anytime he wants. What makes you different than the other girls? Nothing, zero, zip. Except one thing. He noticed you. You're nothing special, lucky is more like it. Replaceable, that's what you are. He could easily get other girls prettier and better than you.

My thoughts overwhelmed me, I looked in the mirror again watched a tear roll down my cheek. I watched it cascade slowly before quickly wiping it away.

You cannot let yourself slip like this, Charlie, get a grip. You have to be strong, you can't show weakness or be weak. You can't. You just can't.

"Let me in, Char" Harry's voice interrupted my thoughts, he jiggled the doorknob but it wouldn't open until I unlocked it, "Please let me in, love" he begged. I glanced in the mirror to make sure my eyes weren't leaking any tears, I wiped a little excess mascara off and unlocked and opened the door as Harry flew in, "What's wrong?" "Nothing. Why?" I asked, plastering the smile on. I was getting pretty good at this, "You're lying" "How--" "You're dimple that's on your left cheek isn't there. It's a fake smile" damn, he's good, "It's nothing, I promise" half of me prayed he would leave it alone, but the other half of me wanted him to keep asking.

He picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder, and walked in to my suite bedroom. He threw me on to the bed and laid down facing me, "Now are you gonna tell me what's wrong?" he asked placing his hand under my chin, tilting my head, forcing me to look at him, "Nothing!" I said exasperated. He gave me a knowing look and I rolled over, buried my face in the pillow and groaned. Then I felt two hands on my body, "Stop!!" I shrieked as Harry tickled my stomach, "Stoppp!" but he didn't. He poked my left cheek and smiled, "There's that dimple" I groaned again and he continued tickling me as I laughed, "Now tell me what's wrong" he demanded, "Okay! Alright!" I gasped for air. I squirmed closer to him and closed my eyes,

"Caleb called and told me he got help with his addiction," I started, "That's good I guess"

"He also asked me to come back home" "Are you thinking about going back?! He doesn't deserve anyone! You deserve so much more than that sleaze bag! Char, don't go back to him" I sighed,

"When I told him I wasn't coming back he told me that he already had girls lining up, that they would beg to take my place in bed, that I was so replaceable" Harry remained silent so I continued, "That doesn't bother me. But he reminded me that you could replace me easier then he could. That's what hurts, because it's slap of reality" I opened my eyes briefly to look at him. He opened his mouth to protest, then shut it realizing it was true. I closed my eyes again and rolled on to my stomach, and buried my face in the pillow once again, breathing in it's fresh scent.

Harry's POV

She rolled over onto her stomach and I rolled over onto mine. I brushed her hair off to the other side of her head. "Yes I could replace you with another girl. But she wouldn't be you. Plus I have no need to replace you anytime soon. I've never met anyone quite like you, Charlotte Hayden Somers" her head popped up, hitting me in the nose, "Way to ruin a moment" I joked and she half-smiled, "Do you really mean that?" she asked with wary eyes, and I don't blame her. How many times do girls get told that another girl could never replace her? A lot.

She rolled over on top of me and stradled me, she leaned down and kissed my nose where she had bumped it. She made her way to my lips and I opened my mouth as she stuck her tongue in, our tongues darted around. She slipped her hands under my Jack Wills T-shirt and traced my stomach. I sat up, placed my arms on her back to bring her with me. She stradled my lap and pulled my shirt off. She looked at me and I looked back at her, gazing in to her deep chocolate brown eyes, "Are you sure?" I asked, "I don't want to be clingy, but I need you. I need you a lot right now" we smiled and I pulled her flower print tank top over head, and tossed it on the floor. I kissed her passionately as she started unbuckling my belt and I fiddled around with her bra clasp, "Hey Char, have you seen my phone charger?" Ali walked in, looking up from her phone, "Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I should've knocked! Oh god" she screamed backing out of the room. Charlie gave me a sympathetic look as she got off me and clasped her bra back on and grabbed her shirt, pulling that on as she rushed out to talk to Ali.

I buckled my belt back on and put my shirt on and walked out to find a smug looking Perrie and Zayn on the couch, Perrie laying on Zayn's lap and Zayn with his feet up on the coffee table, "Shut up" I said before they could say anything. I opened the fridge and pulled out a beer, twisting the cap off it and chugging half of it. Charlie and Ali walked out of Ali's room laughing, when Ali saw me her face dropped, "Harry I am so so so sorry! I had no idea you were in there" "It's okay Ali," I laughed, "At least you came in when we still had our pants on" Charlie's face flushed a deep shade of red, "Yeah, some of us aren't that lucky.." Zayn hinted and Charlie's face turned an even deeper shade of red, "Fuck off Zayn" she said and walked over to me, grabbed my beer out of my hand and chugged the rest of it, "You know, I think I like that shirt better off you" I said just to get under her skin, she choked on some of the beer and her face flushed red again, "Stop it!" she said and smacked my arm. I jumped up on the counter and hooked Char with my feet and pulled her to me, wrapping my feet around her. I cupped her face and kissed her, "You are still a freak" she mumbled against my lips.

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