Chapter 21: 15 years

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everyone fan autumnenergy and read her story Flawed Design! it is so good please go check it out and vote and comment on it! XX

last chapter! :( let me know if you want an epilogue!

Charlie's POV

It's been almost 15 years since I last saw Harry. Why, you ask, am I still thinking about him after all this time? Good question, but I don't have an answer. Maybe it's because I wanted this life with him, or maybe it's because he really was the one.

"Mummy, look what I can do!" Justin called out as he dribbled the football down the field while his little sister, Darcy toddled after him. Justin kicked the ball in to the net and I clapped, "Good job, Jus!" I called out as he beamed as much as his 5 year old self could. He had just turned 5 a month ago. Darcy would be turning 3 in 8 months.

My phone began ringing and a number I hadn't seen in so long popped up. "Justin, watch your sister for a minute." I slid the answer button,

"Eleanor?" I said a huge smile visible on my face.

"Charlie, you might want to come back to Cheshire. We're about to buy plane tickets for you. How many do you need?"

"Um.. Eleanor I don't know..." Cheshire's Harry's hometown. I don't know if I could go back there.

"How many tickets, Charlie?" She asked, as if I didn't have a questino of whether to go or not.

"3," I answered. Logan was out of town for the rest of the week.

"The flight is at 2 today, your timezone." We would get there around 5 am.

"El, what's going on?" I asked. They do not get up at 5 am.

"Just promise me you'll be here. Call me when you land and I'll pick you up from the airport." She hung up. Something was not right here. We're in our 30s, we haven't talked in 15 years. Why now?

I didn't want my kids to meet my past life. But I guess sometimes your past wants to meet up with your present life.

She bought us first class seats. I swear they always spoil me.

"You two sit here, alright? Mummy is going to right across the aisle," I spoke to Justin and Darcy. "Try to get some sleep, it going to be very early tomorrow morning."

I sighed and settled down in to the seat. I did not miss these long plane rides.

I lifted Darcy up and set her on my left hip and she rested her small head against my shoulder sleepily. I kissed her forehead and her eyes fluttered closed. I grabbed Justin's hand with my left one and he pulled his suitcase behind him and I pulled mine and Darcy's behind me. We each brought one carry on that contained our clothes. I didn't plan on staying long.

I noticed Eleanor before I even had to call her cell phone. Justin flopped down on to a bench and closed his eyes. Eleanor embraced me in a tight hug, "I've missed you so much, Char!" She squealed. Still the same old Eleanor.

"Let's get to the car, eh?" She smiled.

"Justin, come on," I said reaching out for his hand.

"I got him," Eleanor smiled and put him on her back and pulled his suitcase behind her.

Instead of taking the familiar road to Harry's family's house, Eleanor veered the opposite way.

"El, will you tell me what's going on?" She gripped the steering wheel and stared straight ahead, not saying a word.

"You're seriously freaking me out."

She parked the car and got out. I lifted Justin up and carried him on my hip, his head lolling from side to side against my shoulder as I began walking towards the hospital with Eleanor carrying Darcy.

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