Chapter 5: Conquering the U.S.

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Niall's POV

We have 3 days before we have to go to the U.S. for a month.

My plane landed and my family greeted me with suffocating hugs, but I didn't mind, I haven't seen them in a while.

I was surprised to see Ali, my childhood friend with them standing shyly off to the side. I wrapped my arms around her and inhaled her sweet smell. I think I've always had a special spot for her in my heart, but she would never give me a second look if I told her how I felt.

"I missed you Nialler," she whispered.

"I missed you too, Al." I released her from the hug. 

"Some school friends are having a party tonight, wanna come?"

"Sounds fun" I couldn't stop smiling.


My hand rested on Ali's mid thigh as we were sitting close together on the couch.

"When do you leave?" She asked.

"I fly back to London tomorrow afternoon, and the next morning we leave for the U.S." I took a sip from my solo cup. 

"That soon? You just got back!" She pouted.

"Well the Grammy's are coming up-"

"The Grammy's!?!" She exclaimed unbelievably.

I laughed, "Yup."

"Damn Nialler, you're really hitting it big, but I knew you would as soon as I heard you sing," She cooed.

"Well, all the other boys have dates, and I kinda need to bring someone.. I have this one girl in mind but-"

"You should just ask her! She'd be really lucky to have you," Ali said wistfully. 

"Ali, will you come with me to the U.S. as my red carpet date?"

Zayn's POV

What I liked best about Perrie is that she had her own life outside of our relationship, it really gave her character.

I was on my way to see one of Little Mix's concerts. I also needed to make sure she could come to the U.S. with me, we had three days until we left.

I figured the other boys were bringing their girlfriends, Niall said something about an old friend and Harry's probably bringing Charlie, which is great, she lightens up the mood whenever she walks in the room, then again all of our girlfriends seem to.

As shallow as this might sound, I really didn't want to show up alone, I wanted Perrie to come badly but if she couldn't I'd respect that.

I just didn't want to be a third wheel, well in this case a ninth wheel.

Most of the fans seemed to think our relationship was a publicity thing because we're both signed to the same label, it helps because management does support us, but I fell in love with her for her, not for publicity.

I was pulling up to the venue they were performing at. I came three hours early. 

I stepped out of my car and locked it.

Perrie came running out of the arena and jumped up giving me a hug. I squeezed her tight and kissed her forehead, I put her down and she grabbed my hand, pulling it up against her cheek.

I didn't really fancy the idea of public affection, a quick kiss or hug and hand holding was fine, but making out and being cheeky I preferred to do somewhere more private.

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