Chapter 6: Dance Party on a Jet

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Charlie's POV

Our flight left at 7:45 and we have to be at the airport at 6:15. It's 5:28 and Harry won't wake up. I rolled over to be closer to him and kissed his lips softly. Of course he wakes up for that. I pulled away and stood up to get ready even though I just wanted to lay next to him all day. He groaned, "Let me sleep" and stumbled in to the bathroom to fix his hair. I walked over to Lou's room to make sure him and El were up. Always the responsible one I am. I laughed to myself and opened their door, only to find them cuddling and whispering things in each other's ears, "You lovebirds disgust me" I joked, "We heard you and Harry last night don't act all innocent!" "Ha ha, very funny. But I fell asleep at 9 last night. Get up and get ready we're leaving soon!!" I skipped out of their room, smiling. I walked in to our room as Harry was putting on sweatpants and a Jack Wills T-shirt. Did I just call it our room? I put on a pair of yoga pants and Harry's Jack Wills hoodie, "You look hot in that" he winked and pulled me in for a hug. Nothing's official but I have more than a couple drawers filled with my clothes and my toothbrush in the bathroom.

Louis' POV

We called a cab to come pick us up to take us to the airport. Harry climbed in first, then Charlie and Eleanor then me. I pulled out my iPhone and checked the time. 5:57. I looked down at El resting on my shoulder and wrapped my arm around her, squeezing the side of her stomach, "Stop!" she squeaked punching my leg. I smiled and relaxed back, looking over at Charlie and Harry. He was leaning against her, probably asleep.

The cab driver pulled up to the airport and I tipped him and got out, pulling Eleanor out, reaching for her hand as she leaned on me. Charlie dragged Harry out and started bouncing up and down, "This is gonna be so much fun!! We're gonna have the best time!!! We have to do everything we can while we're in the U.S.!" Harry groaned and she playfully slapped his stomach, "Stop being such a party pooper!" all of us laughed, "It's freaking 6 in the morning, how are you this hyper?!" "Come on! I've always wanted to eat breakfast at an airport!" "What is wrong with you?" I asked jokingly.

We went through all of the security detectors and finally made our way to the airport lounge area, Eleanor and Charlie rushed over to Danielle, Perrie and Ali. Liam was leaning on Danielle's lap, Niall was sprawled out on a couple chairs with Ali sitting near him, Zayn had his sunglasses on and was sitting in a chair, obviously asleep, with Perrie sitting next to him.

Danielle's POV

I slid Liam off of me, Perrie jumped up and we engulfed Char and El in hugs, "This is gonna be so much fun! Are you girls ready?!" Perrie squealed I looked back and saw Ali awkwardly sitting there, not knowing how to introduce herself, "Oh I forgot! This is Alison McGinley!!" I said pulling Ali over to us, "You can call me Ali" she said quietly looking down at the ground, El and Char hugged her, "This is gonna be fucking great!" Eleanor shouted a little too loudly, getting a odd looks from the surrounding few people. After they released her from the hug, Ali visibly brightened up.

We walked up to Starbucks, each getting 2 drinks, assortments of coffees and teas, one for us and one for our boyfriends who are too lazy to move. We walked back to see a small crowd of no more than 10 fans around them, we gently pushed through to give them their drinks, "Liam we're going to the bathroom" "Okay, babe, be back soon"

I pulled out my iPhone, "It's 7:15 girls!" we took off to the bathrooms. We were by the mirrors, putting on some makeup and touching up our hair when a group of about 10 girls came in, we tried to get out but they wouldn't move, "Please let us leave, our flight leaves in 20 minutes!" "SIGN THIS!" "TAKE A PICTURE WITH US!!" I grabbed Char's hand and Ali's, Char grabbed Perrie's and Ali grabbed Eleanor's and we started pushing our way through the girls blocking the door in the kindest way possible. We got out and started running towards the lads, all 5 of us in a line holding each other's arms. We got there and collapsed in the chairs, all of us out of breath and laughing, "Your. Fans. Are. Insane.!" Perrie managed to choke out, making all of us start laughing again.

Harry's POV

They called our private flight and we started boarding the jet. Me and Char sat facing Niall and Ali, Liam and Danielle sat facing Eleanor and Lou, while Perrie and Zayn insisted on sitting alone. We knew we would be sitting in different seats by the end of the 11 hour flight. I reached for Char's hand and intertwined our fingers, resting my head against her shoulder, after a few minutes she wrapped her arm around my back and I drifted off to sleep.

"I know!" giggles, "Look at how he sleeps, he looks like a little kitten!" more giggles, "We should cut his curls!" even more giggles, "No, he would never forgive us" I made out Charlie's voice, "Then we should straighten it!!" "We should!" "I can hear you guys" I mumbled opening my eyes. All 5 girls were circled around me. They kept giggling and Char unwrapped her arm from around me, "Good morning sleepy head" she said smiling, "How long have I been asleep?" "Almost 2 hours" I looked over at Niall who was hugging himself asleep. I looked across the jet to see Louis and Liam half on the seats, half falling off sleeping. I couldn't see Zayn but I figured he was still sleeping.

Perrie's POV

"We should have a dance party!!" Danielle shouted, causing Niall to wake up, "Don't you guys ever sleep?" he groaned, "We're just having a good time" Ali replied, turning around to face Niall with a sly smile on her face. "Okay. Dance party. I'll go get my phone for music!" I said getting up and walking over to where Zayn was sleeping, I pulled my iPhone out of my purse and looked at Zayn. He had his beanie pulled down, covering half of his face, and he was curled up in a ball, I held his hand and bent his thumb and put it in his mouth then I took a picture.

I put on my favorite playlist with good party songs. Danielle immediately started dancing, Eleanor got up to join her. Charlie was still sitting with Harry, him leaning on her, still sleepy, "Oh come on Harry! You can live without her for 10 minutes!" we laughed as I grabbed Char's hand pulling her up, "Let's get CRAZY!!!" Ali sat next to Niall looking kind of distant so I offered both of my hands to her and she took them as I lead her to the center of the jet, going crazy with awkward dance moves. Soon all the other boys woke up from our loud singing and clumsy dancing.

"You started a dance party and didn't invite me?!" Louis got up and joined us, using extremely awkward moves to make us laugh, especially El. The jet took a slight turn to the right and we all toppled over, landing on each other, laughing the entire time.

Ali's POV

Everyone was really nice, but I couldn't help feel a little awkward, they have all known each other for a while and this is my first day really meeting all of them. It was a tad overwhelming. "We will be landing in about 20 minutes, please be seated and use the seat belt" a semi-robotic voice announced. I sat down next to Niall and he held my hand, squeezing it every moment or so.

Charlie and Perrie were the first people out of the jet, rushing in to the terminal to grab their suitcases. Harry and Zayn close on their heels, "Slow down!" they shouted in unison "Come on!!" El complained, dragging Lou behind her, Danielle and Liam kept whispering to each other and laughing, and me and Niall trying to keep up with everyone, "You know I don't move that fast" Niall whined even though they were so far ahead they probably couldn't hear.

Char and Perrie were picking all of our suitcases up from the conveyor belt, er, that's what I think it's called, I've never been in an airport before this. We got all of our bags and walked through the security again and eventually made it outside. Surprisingly there were no crazed teenage girls waiting for the boys. A strech-limo is waiting for us and we put our bags in the trunk. "Now this is what paradise looks like!" Char exclaimed, spreading her arms wide spinning in a slow circle, looking up at the LAX airport sign.

sorry this chapter had a lot of switching POVs, the next chapters will have a few switching POVs but not as much as this. please leave feedback and message me if you have questions :) xx

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