Chapter 17: Memories

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all you little bunny rabbits should fan @whoooopdeedoo

and read, comment and vote her fanfic Im Not Like The Rest, Harry Styles

because it's incredibly good and she's so nice! now go do it little bunnies ;) xx

Charlie's POV

This is so surreal. I'm going to the US for a long time job. I smiled and continued jamming my clothes in to my suitcase. I managed to fit my tops and bottoms in the same suitcase, now I needed another for shoes and sweaters and sweatshirts.

"Harry can you get me the other suitcase from the living room?" He nodded and disappeared from the bedroom, returning moments later.

"Here," he mumbled tossing it onto the bed.

I shoved the shoes in first. I had no more than 10 pairs of shoes. I think that's pretty good for not being obsessed with shoes.

"Ugh, Harry," I mumbled, quickly walking in to the bathroom. I bent down over the toilet and let it come up. I felt Harry behind me holding me hair back and drawing circles on my back with his fingers.

"Are you sure you won't take a test?" he asked quietly. I shook my head and leaned back wiping my mouth.

"I'll be right back," Harry said getting up and leaving the room. When he returned he handed me a water bottle.

"Charlie I think you should.. just to make sure." He said looking at me while I drank the water.

"No, I'm not pregnant!" I shouted, a little bit louder than I intended.

"If you're so sure you're not than what's the harm?"

"The harm is me putting a stick under my vagina and peeing on it!" He laughed quietly and pulled me up.

I can't be pregnant now. I cannot be carrying a little person inside of me. Not now. Not when I finally got the job I wanted. They would fire me as soon as the baby bump grew noticeable.

"I'm not pregnant," I whispered, more for the sake of me than Harry. He understood and nodded. He pushed some of the sweaters and hoodies aside and sat on the edge of our bed and pulled me to him. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. I relaxed my eyes and breathed in his scent. I would miss him so much.

"Let's finish packing then get some sleep, you have a big day tomorrow." He kissed my nose and I pulled away. I picked up his Jack Wills hoodie, folded it and placed it in my suitcase. I put the other sweaters and hoodies in it and zipped it up. I walked to the bathroom and put all my toiletries, makeup, and hair stuff in a large toiletry bag.

"Can we go to bed now?" I mumbled, my eyes half closed.

"Did you pack everything?" He asked.

"Clothes, shoes, toothbrush, hair stuff, makeup. That's it I think," I felt my eyes closing and Harry's arms lifting me up. Soon my body hit the soft, silky sheets and my eyes fluttered open to see Harry messing around with the alarm clock.

"Your flight's at 9 right?"


"So we'll get up around 7." He said and I groaned. "Scoot over, you're on my side!" I rolled over and he crawled in and wrapped himself around me.

I woke up to the alarm beeping and I reached over to turn it off and placed my hand back on Harry's stomach.

"I'm going to New York," I whispered to myself.

"Just don't forget me," A sleepy Harry mumbled.

"Never could I ever," I whispered as I leaned down to kiss his nose. I laid in his arms for a minute before I forced myself up. Harry puffed out his bottom lip and I kissed it, biting down and then running to the other side of the room as I laughed.

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