Chapter 2: Regaining Balance

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Eleanor's POV

I easily found Louis in the back, when he noticed me his entire being lit up, I assumed that's what I looked like as well.

He squeezed me tight and I kissed him, I could feel him smiling as I started to pull away. I found his hand and held it tightly, as we were making our way to the dance floor a quick flash went off blinding me for a moment.

I felt Louis tense up, "Excuse me, yes, hi. We came here to get away from all of the press, we talked to the boss and he said no one would bother us here and if they did, to talk to them," he said motioning towards the large bouncers in the front of the club, I tried to pull Louis away.

I haven't seen Charlie or Harry since we got here and who knows what those two could be starting.

But Lou wasn't done, "Kindly hand over your phone so I can delete the picture." The girl handed her phone over, shocked that Lou was threatening her, he deleted the picture and handed her phone back to her.

I pulled him towards the dance floor and started dancing, it was relaxing to have Lou next to me, both of us just going crazy with awkward dance moves. I really did love him.

A slow song came on and he wrapped his arms around my waist and I loosely wrapped mine around his neck and rested my head against his chest as he rested his head on top of mine.

I could tell some of the more sober people who recognized us were taking pictures, but I didn't care and I don't think Lou did either, when we got like this it was like we were the only two in the world.

Charlie's POV

I could feel my head pounding as I began to come back to my senses, it felt like my brain was going to pop at any second. What had happened?

I opened my eyes and all I saw is him. He's there, the real him. Right in front of me. I could touch him if I lifted my hand up.

"Are you okay, Charlie?" hearing him say my name again made my heart crumble.

"Wh..what happened?" I mumbled, trying to look away from his eyes, but I found I couldn't.

"I don't know, I saw you walk in with Eleanor. I... Well I tried to hide from you, honestly.." his husky voice trailed off. It all came back to me, El brought me here, she ran off to find Louis, and I was left alone in the center of attention, I tripped and fell, and now here I was.

I stood up a little to quickly, Harry steadied me and offered me his arm, "Are you sure you're okay?" I nodded taking another step only to find myself falling again.

I looked at him as he caught me, "Thanks," I whispered feebly, tonight was supposed to be my night to get over him, yet here I was clinging to him as he guided me to a seat in the back. It felt like everyone turned to stare as we walked by, which they probably were, but I just closed my eyes and breathed in his smell I had missed so badly.

Harry's POV

I knew Eleanor was coming, Louis wouldn't shut up about it. But I had no idea Charlie was going to be here, I saw her and El walk in and tried to get lost in the crowd, but lucky me everyone moved to the side as Harry Styles came through.

I still wasn't over her, I missed her like hell.

I quickly crossed the room and watched her from the side. She looked like a lost kitten trying to find her place in a dog house. Then suddenly she was falling, and no one seemed to have any interest in helping her.

I walked over to her and knelt down, I hadn't been this close to her in a long, long time and I missed our late night talks, and I missed how she used to cuddle her nose under my jaw.

She didn't wake up for a few moments, but then she opened her eyes and looked into mine. I couldn't read her face, I never could though. She never gave anything anyway, she always held it in until it filled up and boiled over.

Before I could think about any of this, I had my left arm wrapped around her waist, leading her away from the noise. She clung to my shirt, digging her fingernails in to the cotton, but I didn't care, all I cared about was that she was safe.

I sat her down on small love seat and sat next to her. She had always been a petite girl, I towered over her by a good 6 inches.

She turned to look at me with her wide chocolate brown eyes, and somehow I could tell she was going to give me another chance, I was going to have to gain her trust back, and it was going to be worth it.

please give feedback, it's much appreciated :) xx

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