Chapter 3: Good Night

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Charlie's POV

I didn't want to be the kind of girl that fell down on her feet ready to serve and worship a guy. But with Harry it's nearly impossible, every time he looked at me on the inside I was melting, my heart and stomach doing flips never in sync, never giving me a break, but on the outside I played it cool, hoping he couldn't tell I was head-over-heels in love with him.

I stood up to walk to the dance floor, after a couple steps I realized he wasn't following me so I turned around.

What I saw disgusted me. It made my stomach clench, and my heart seethe with anger and disgust.

A few girls had already taken my place next to him, trying to get in his pants, I knew it wasn't his fault but I couldn't help getting mad. I hadn't even been gone for a minute and he had girls crawling over him, it sickened me.

I caught his eye and turned away. Why was I acting like this? He's not even mine. He was, not anymore.

He's not a part of my life, tonight I was supposed to hook up with another guy, yet here I was, my heart ripping a part just like last time I went to a club.

Maybe I should give up on clubbing, all it does is make me feel worthless and easily replaceable.

"Beer!" I shouted to the bartender over the music, he handed me a beer and I began to sip it. I hated beer. It always made my head spin, making it impossible for me to focus on anything. But that was what I wanted right now, what I needed.

I looked down the bar table and saw a wasted El and Lou making out at the end. I finished off the rest of the beer and ordered another. 

7 beers down and Harry showed up, "Charlie-" he began but I cut him off.

"Harry Edward Styles. I turn away for a minute and you already have whores crawling all over you, I look away for five minutes and you have your tongue down her throat, about to.." I trailed off, choking out the last part, it still hurt me to think about it. I knew I was slurring my words, but he knew what I was saying. 

"It was a.. never mind. How many beers have you had?!"

"This is my second!" I lied.

"I'm taking you home." He said protectively.

"Nooo this is fun! I'm finally letting go, don't take me away!" I was a hot mess, making a fool of myself, I couldn't help it.

He wrapped his arm around me, tightly grasping my shoulder to support me up.

We made our way out of the club, and were halfway to his car when the paparazzi noticed us and came running over, circling around us, blocking us from the car.

I was so sick of this, ever since I met Harry they never left me alone.

I buried my face in his shirt, hiding from the flashing lights. I was starting to get dizzy, I couldn't tell if it was from the alcohol or the lights, probably both. Harry pushed past them, sat me in the passenger then took the wheel and sped away from the club.

"I can't go home.. he's there and he doesn't like me drunk, he doesn't even like me sober.." I trailed off, slurring my words.

Before I knew it I was in his arms being carried up to his room. He had done this so many times before. I felt the tears building up in my eyes from all the memories we made in that one month we spent together, but I never allowed them to pour out. Crying showed weakness, and I was definitely not weak, especially not tonight.

He sat me on his bed, walked over to his dresser, and pulled out a T-shirt. He slid my dress off of me, even through the haze I could tell he was trying not to look at me, and pulled the T-shirt over my head.

It's the same shirt I used to wear whenever I slept over, I used to forget to bring clothes just to wear his. 

The smell of him was overwhelming.

He lifted me up and laid me on one side of the bed, then he climbed in on the other side. He never once rubbed his foot against mine, but did I really expect him to? 

"Goodnight Char," he whispered. He hasn't called me Char in a long time. And I missed it.

Louis' POV

I went back to El's for the night. I had a feeling Charlie went home with Harry, he always got his way.

I had a wicked headache, my head my pounding. Not the best idea to go out drinking the night before a big interview.

I got in my car and drove back to my and Harry's flat. I came in quietly, not wanting to disturb them if they were there. I went up to my room to change clothes and try to waken up a bit more.

I knocked on Harry's door softly, "Shhh! Lou let her sleep," Harry came up the stairs.

"You dirty pig!" I laughed jokingly.

"We didn't do anything! She couldn't go home and I had an empty place in my bed."

I saw a note on the kitchen counter, obviously for Charlie.

We walked out the door just as Paul was pulling into the driveway, we got in the car, we were the last ones to get picked up. This is like elementary school all over again, I thought to myself.

"You look like shit," Niall laughed at me.

"So I've been told. But I think we should all ask Harry how his night went," I smirked at him as he shot a look of hate at me.

"It was just Charlie," he mumbled.

Charlie's POV

I woke up with a humongous headache. I opened my eyes, it took a second but I realized where I was.

I had no idea what happened last night, I couldn't remember a thing, I hope I didn't do anything stupid.

I went downstairs to get the aspirin and make breakfast. I didn't see Harry or Louis anywhere.

I opened the cabinet above the oven looking for the aspirin, but I couldn't find it. Then I saw the note;

 Charlie - me and the boys have an interview this morning, we should be back around 2 if you would like to go to a late lunch with us. You can stay here until then if you want. Text me when you wake up. P.S. the aspirin is in the cabinet in my bathroom :) xx

I had to go back home to get clothes, hopefully Caleb wouldn't be there.

"WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?!" He raised his arm up, ready to hit me as soon as I walked in the door.

"Caleb, calm down," I soothed. 


"I was at Eleanor's," I pressed my body close to his and held him until he calmed down.

I know he seems like a douche bag, and well he is, but he's a person and when he's coming down from a high he just needs to be held. I can't really explain it, but I do somewhat care about him.

I slowly walked him over to our bed and laid him down and climbed in next to him, wrapping my arms around him.

"Shhhh," I knew once he fell asleep I wouldn't have long before I had to get ready and go back over to Harry's, but it doesn't take to long to brush my hair and slip on an outfit.

Caleb's breathing slowed and I kissed his forehead, slowly backing out of the room.

please leave feedback bbys :) xx

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