Chapter 1: He's No You

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Charlie's POV

Sitting here with him just didn't feel right, but nothing seemed to feel right anymore. I see it in his eyes he doesn't love me. I don't know what to think now.

I turned my attention back to the television. He had insisted on watching some car racing show with slutty girls in tight shirts, actually I don't think shirts was the right word to describe the flimsy material, it was more like a thin piece of fabric covering their nipples.

My iPhone buzzed, I knew it wasn't him but my heart still skipped a few beats wondering if it could be.

From Ellie Bellie:

i miss u babes! call me soon :) xxxxx

I ignored it. I knew she felt bad about what happened, but it's been 2 months, I need to get over it.

I rested my head against his chest and tried to relax, but I knew I wouldn't. My iPhone buzzed again.

From Ellie Bellie:

get ur pretty little butt over my house now!

I began to stand up, "Caleb, I'm going over Eleanor's, I'll be back sometime."

"Whatever, move you're blocking the screen!" What a joy.


"We're going out tonight!!" she squealed.

I sighed, "Remember last time you took me out to a club...?" I regretted bringing it up when I saw her face drop. Why did I have to keep reminding her of a mistake she made? It was all in the past, and tonight I was finally going to let go.

She had introduced me and Harry about 3 months ago. After a month of dating Harry, Louis, Eleanor, Harry and I decided to go clubbing. Of course we all had been drinking.

I went in to the bathroom and found a shitfaced El and Harry exchanging saliva. It really hurt me. They came after me, Harry trying to grab my hands, slurring excuses. They begged me not tell Lou, that it was a mistake that would never happen again.

I forgave them, but I broke up with Harry, I felt like it was my only choice at the time. I never told Louis, Eleanor really loved him and I knew I couldn't live with myself if I broke them up.

I met Caleb a week later and I thought I could escape my heart ache by moving in with him. I don't think I've ever been more wrong.

"Char, you know I made a mistake, a huge mistake, but I can't take it back, if I could I would and you know that," she sighed and searched my face for any signs of anger, but I never let my emotions show. She was my best friend, I couldn't hate her even if I tried. =

"I didn't bring any clothes so-"

"You don't even have to ask!" El interrupted, grabbing my hand pulling me upstairs to her closest, "Pick anything you want," she giggled, pretending to be one of those game show models.

I chose a small black dress with one sleeve covered in sequins and slipped it on. I picked a pair of strappy silver stilettos and put them on, adding 5 inches to my height, I could pull off high heels, being 5 foot 1 inch tall.

I put on eyeliner, mascara and soft silver/white eye shadow blend, put some lip gloss on and smacked my lips.

I pulled the messy bun I had been sporting all day and let my naturally straight dark hair down.

As we were walking out the door she texted Louis and told him we'd meet him there. I smiled to myself, I hadn't had a night out in a long time and it was well needed.

Louis' POV

I knew Harry was missing her, I saw it in his face every minute of the day. We're gonna meet El at the club, that is if I can get Harry moving.

I knocked on his door and I heard a muffled, "Come in."

I walked in and shoved an outfit into his arms, I couldn't stand watching him mope around all day, it had been nearly 2 months.

"Get dressed, we're leaving in 15 minutes."

"Lou, you know I'm not ready.."

"Yes you are, you need this." I said pushing him to get ready. 

He walked out of the bathroom 10 minutes later, running his fingers through his hair. We walked out to the car, stopping for a few pictures with fans, then climbed into the car.

From Eleanor:

meet u there babe be careful xx

I smirked thinking of how I'd have El the entire night. My mind escaped as I started thinking of ways I could convince her to spend the night.

Charlie's POV

Me and Eleanor stepped out of the car, blinded from the flashing of cameras. How did they always know where we were?

I grabbed Eleanor's arm for support, like I used to grab Harry's. I still wasn't used to the lights and gossip.

We made our way to the entrance taking our time, I heard some of them whispering something about Harry, so I held my head higher. We paused a couple times letting them get photos of us. Luckily we were on the list and we slipped in quickly, ignoring the nasty comments the guys in line were throwing at us.

I released El's arm from my grasp as we entered. I glanced around the club, staring at a crowded spot towards the center of the room, I saw a boy's curls that reminded me of Harry disappear into the madness, maybe it was Harry. I was going insane. I was seeing Harry everywhere I went, I need to get a grip.

I took a step forward looking up, searching desperately for those soft, brown curls that felt so good between my fingers. I could hear everyone talking.

"That's Harry Styles' girl," some would say.

"No he dumped her!"

"No! she dumped him and I think she looks better without him."

The atmosphere around me started buzzing, everything began moving in slow motion. The strobe lights blinded me, then suddenly everything dissolved, my world disappeared from under me.

please leave feedback, thanks babes :) xx

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