Chapter 4: Chin Up & Smile Big

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Harry's POV

I had a huge problem.

Pictures of Charlie clinging to me in the club and walking out are circulating all over, the fans really like her and were excited to see me and her together again.

Management wants us to be a cute cuddly couple we were two months ago. I could always tell her we had to be together, but she is the worst actress and would blow it. I desperately needed her to fall back in love with me soon, and not just to please managements' asses. I needed her to fall in love me, to please my ass.

We pulled up to mine and Lou's flat, I got out of the car before Paul parked it and ran inside.

She had never texted me and I hoped she would be there. I shut the front door and found her asleep on the couch.

I got lost looking at her sleeping, I always seem to. I woke up early this morning to make sure I'd have time to watch her sleep. I sat down on the edge of the couch.

"Hey Char, wake up sleepy head," she wiggled around a bit and her eyes popped open,

"How long have I been asleep? I was just waiting for you guys.. oops," she giggled quietly as I stood up and walked to the door, her following close behind.

There could be fans outside, so I reached for her hand and intertwined our fingers. I felt her giving me a funny look but I ignored it and walked outside, closing the door behind us. No one was out there except for a woman walking a small dog, but I still clung to her hand.

Charlie's POV

I opened the car door and I looked in to see 7 smiling faces looking at me.

Harry pressed up close against my back, putting his hand on my butt, gently pushing me in.

I sat down next to El and Harry sat next to me, Harry not letting go of my hand the entire ride. It felt like old times, and my heart panged with the memories.

Liam and Danielle stepped out of the car first, then Zayn and Perrie, Lou and Eleanor, then me and Harry, and finally Niall stepped out, spreading his arms smiling.

I felt like we were at a Hollywood premiere when in reality we were just going to lunch, everyone was watching our every move.

I clung to Harry, I hated being the center of attention and he knew that. He protectively put his arm around me and held me close to his side as we walked toward the restaurant.

"Chin up, babe," Harry whispered down to me I looked up to see him smiling down at me. For a minute it seemed as if it was just me and him. And Caleb.

He came over calling me nasty names and yelling terrible things at Harry. Paul restrained Caleb, pulling him away from the scene. 

"Stay away from her and we won't have a problem!" Harry looked back at Caleb, I felt horrible, Harry had never even met him before and I admit I had forgotten about Caleb, I turned around to look at him, but Harry pulled me away, but not before I caught Caleb's eye, I mouthed I'm sorry. 

It's not as if I had gotten with Caleb just to get over Harry, that was part of it, but I did feel something towards Caleb in the beginning, now our relationship was being held together by a thin, thin thread that was about to break at any second.

I knew I wouldn't be able to go home tonight, but I brushed that thought aside and tried to have a good time. I held on to Harry and put on a happy smile for the cameras. It wasn't completely fake.

Eleanor's POV

Caleb is the biggest dickhead on the earth, I have no clue why Char moved in with him.

Harry took better care of her, even though she isn't one who needs people to take care of her, she lives independently.

She tries to tell herself she loves Caleb, but anyone who looks at her can tell she doesn't, to see her love someone you have to watch her when she's with Harry. She won't admit it though, and I know she's taking it slow, she doesn't want to get her heart tore apart again.

We sat at a large table, there was 10 of us since Paul joined in.

Louis kept his hand on my leg, and slowly moved it further up, I kept pushing his hand away and shot him a teasing look. He smirked and pointed under the table to Harry and Charlie who were sitting across from us, I leaned down a bit to look and saw them holding hands, Harry rubbing his thumb in small circles around her thumb.

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