Chapter 16: Your Song

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Harry's POV

I packed sandwiches, watermelon slices, snacks and drinks and placed them in to a small isolated cooler. I walked over to the pancakes cooking on the stove and flipped them over, waiting for them to turn golden brown. I pulled the bacon off the stove and onto a plate to cool down and placed it on the island counter.

"Mmm. That smells good," Charlie mumbled as she stumbled in to the kitchen of our flat, not fully awake yet. She pulled out a stool from the island bar and flopped down.

"Sleep good?" I asked. She was restless the entire night, mumbling words I couldn't understand and rolling around and flipping over nonstop.

"I'm sorry if I kept you awake.." she trailed off. She picked up a piece of bacon and ate it tentatively.

I walked around the counter and wrapped my arms around her, my hands resting on the small of her back, "If you have a nightmare or anything, wake me up and I'll be there to chase off the bad guys, I'll be your night in shining armour,"

"That was so incredibly cheesy," she smiled, "But I love it," she grabbed the back of my head and pulled my face to hers. I bit her bottom lip lightly and she bit mine hard.

"Ow! Who the hell do you think you are, a vampire?" she laughed and wiped her mouth, "You think this is funny?" I challenged pushing my body against hers. She smiled and wrapped her arms around me, burying her face in my T-shirt. She sighed deeply and I smiled and hugged her back.

I walked back over to the pancakes and flipped them on to a plate. Perfectly golden. I pushed 3 on to Charlie's plate. She's gained more weight since 3 nights ago when I came home.

"Hurry up and get ready," I said while putting the dishes in the dishwasher.

"Where we going today?" she asked already halfway to our bedroom.

"Casual clothes!" I shouted.

I pulled out my iPhone and dialed Louis' number, "Harry! Where the fuck are you man?"

"Look, I can't finish the rest of the tou--"

"You WHAT!?!" he interrupted.

"Charlie's not good, I can't leave her," I said, praying he would understand and I wouldn't have to explain.

"Her and Eleanor can hang out!" he complained.

"Lou, I can't leave her alone. You know how much the band means to me, but Charlie. I really can't leave her. I love her. I think she's the one," I said smiling at the thought of her.

Louis sighed, "Hold on, let me get Paul," I heard the other boys shouting that they wanted to talk to me and I smiled.

"Harry, where the hell are you?" Paul sighed deeply.

"I can't finish the tour. Charlie needs me."

"You're gonna throw your career away for a girl?" the anger seethed and boiled inside me.

"She's not just a girl. And it's not my career, it's 15 concerts!"

"You say that now. What happens after this tour? You'll have to leave her sometime,"

"Sometime. Not right now. I can't abandon her now," Paul sighed again and paused for a moment.

"Alright Harry, take good care of her and yourself," the call disconnected and I turned around to face Charlie staring at me.

"How much did you here?" I sighed. What was up with everyone sighing today?

She paused for a second before answering, "Enough to know that I need you here but they need you there more."

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