Scars and Bruises

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The pairing would be :
-Reborn X Tsuna
-Yamamoto X Gokudera
-Dino X Hibari
-Ryohei X Hana
-Mukuro X Chrome
-Xanxus X Squalo
- Byakuran X Marshmallows ( IM SORRY I JUST HAD TO XDDDD )
- Bel X Narcissism
- Fran X Sarcasm
- Mammon X Money

And you'll meet other ships as well but I will surely inform you when that happens , FOR NOW YOU MAY ENJOY


Italics Bold - Italian
Normal - Japanese
Normal Italics - Thought
Underlined - other languages ( cos why not ? )

All of the other guardians stand guard to watch over the small brunette, with all due rsspect, they stopped talking and Gokudera even nagged at Yamamoto using sign language for these types of situations.

 Which Yamamoto also replied with " I love you, too " . Which only made the bomber a lot more furious before realising his boss was stirring in his sleep and decided that he would have his revenge back at their home.

 Yes, ' their ' Yamamoto had moved in to Gokudera's apartment during the early spring and ever since then they had lived their life like an old married couple.

After the sound of the recess bell broke out, with EXTREME carefullness like a certain boxer would've said, Yamamoto and Gokudera gently shook the tiny boss' sleeping body.

Thanks to their gentle effort , Tsuna slowly stirred before waking up " Oh , is it already break time ? .. * yawn * thank you for waking me up , man I'm starving ~~ " Tsuna stretches himself before pulling his Storm and Rain along with his bentou to their usual place ( the rooftop ) .

         As they enjoyed their lunch , a sudden phone ring breaks up the atmosphere, it was Gokudera's . Gokudera checked the contact number and clicked his tongue in annoyance .

 " It's him , AGAIN " Gokudera said , clearly pissed off by the annoying caller , " I thought we both told him to leave us alone ! How the hell can we leave Tsuna like this ?!  " Yamamoto suddenly snapped before realizing what he had said . 

Tsuna smiled gently at the both of them ," It's not good to leave people hanging you know ? Go on , take care of it , It must've been important , I'll be right over here "  Tsuna said ushering them both to have their private talk as he continued to eat his lunch .

        After it seems like forever , both of the guardians came back with a pained look in their faces . " What's wrong ? What's with the call ? " Tsuna asked carefully , just in case it might've been a taboo matter .

 " Jyuudaime .. actually .. " Gokudera sat in-front of his boss politely with both of his feet tucked underneath  before biting his lips in guilt and kept his quite , as if each word he's about to pronounce would be as if he's drinking acid . It hurts so much to tell Tsuna about the call .

          Yamamoto noticed his lover's struggle and gently patted his back , asking him to leave it to him . " Actually , the phone call was about you .. we have a mission in Italy for a week but if we leave you , how can we call ourselves your guardians ? Moreover your Right and Left Hand Man ? The team in Italy kept on pressuring us to go on the mission , even though we had declined the offer " Yamamoto said , his head hung low from guilt .

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