Token x Clyde - 4

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(Token Pov)

I couldn't help but stare down at notepad looking at my drawing of a broken heart that was bleeding...

God something is wrong with me, I felt myself chuckle at the thought but jumping feeling a hand on my shoulder making me close the book shut looking over to see Clyde with a small grin.

"What you drawing?" he questioned making me fake a smile, "oh I wasn't drawing" I lied he only gave me a confuse face until Craig flipped me and Clyde off as he strolled over with Tweek.

"You guys coming tonight?" Craig mumbled with a bored expression earning Clyde to nod his head fast while I only sigh, "I don't think I can" I mumbled knowing I have all the time to go spend it at Craig's party but I just haven't been my happy self for a while.

"w-why not?" Tweek whisper worried making me feel guilty that I made him worried about me, I faked another smile to Tweek "dude don't be worried, I just have to do jobs for my parents" I lied earning Tweek to nod.

I felt Clyde's arm wrap around my shoulder from behind knowing he's pouting, "please come Token!" he begged but I only shook my head as a no.

It gotten to the point that Craig had to drag Clyde off me as we heard the bell ring signing for home time.

I stood up placing the notebook into my bag and waving bye to the guys who returned the wave, I must admit I felt bad for not going but I just couldn't handle being in another party and faking for the rest of the night.

Last time Stan almost made me take my jacket off which would of shown my scars...

The thought of anyone finding out scares the hell out of me...

slowly walking toward my house knowing Mom and Dad went on a family trip to visit my grandpa and grandma, sighing I made my way toward my bedroom putting on some music as I lay down on my bed staring up at the roof feeling nothing.

As the lyrics played I listen close thinking about each single word, the memory of Cartman and his friends making fun of me.

What if they were right about me being stupid and worthless...?

The song hit me hard as the lyrics played making me tear up god what if they knew...

Would they care? Would they change? Maybe I wouldn't been seen as the happy person they all knew...

I sat up closing my curtains and took my hoodie off staring at the scars on my arms in shame, I hate lying to them... I hate that they believe my lies...

Gentling rubbing one of the scars feeling it before pulling my hand away in disgust, god I wish I didn't start doing this to myself but it's too late to go back anymore.

It's like a drug now, I want to stop but I just can't. Who would even care about someone so broken anymore?

As I was about to fall asleep into darkness I heard the doorbell ringing making me sit up grabbing my hoodie again and placing it back on just wanting to be left alone so I can hide all weekend.

Walking down the stairs opening the door to find Clyde standing there grinning as he jumped into my arms making it a hug, "Token I'm not leaving unless you are coming with me to Craig's party!" Clyde stated making me sigh hugging back.

"fine I'll go" I said giving up knowing Clyde is stubborn, he soon pulled away and walking up the stairs making my eyes go wide a little since I left that song on in my bedroom.

"C-Clyde I didn't say you can go to my room" I said in a worried tone as he only giggled and ran into my bedroom making me hear the song as we got closer.

Getting to my bedroom I saw Clyde checking my computer checking out the song seeing him frowning a little, "why you listening to something so sad?" he questioned making me look away unsure what to say.

I jumped a little feeling arms around me pulling me into Clyde's chest as I slowly let a few tears out as Clyde rubbed my back, "Token... do you want to say something to me?" he asked worried.

I stood there in his arms slowly wrapping my own around him, would he care...? The thought scared me.

What if he doesn't care?

What if he laugh and make fun of me?

I didn't notice I was crying until I heard Clyde shushing me in a smooth voice while leading me to my bed as the song ended, "I'm here for you Token and I'm not leaving your side" Clyde said making me tighter my grip on his shirt.

After what felt like hours of me crying on Clyde's shirt I soon felt a little better as Clyde and I was laying down on my bed cuddling, to be honest I didn't care anymore having my head on his chest.

I felt relaxed, I felt like this was my safe place.

"Token you ready to talk to me?" Clyde whisper in my ear in that smooth voice making me nod slowly.

"I... I have depression" I admitted not wanting to look at Clyde who only played with my hair, "mind if I ask why?" Clyde questioned making me stop panicking a little until I felt him kiss my forehead "you don't have to if you don't want to" he mumbled after.

I slowly peeked up to him seeing him giving me a loving smile, "o-one day I'll tell you... but for now... I just can't" I whisper shaking a little earning Clyde to nod kissing my forehead again.

"take your time Token, I'll be here when you're ready" he said making me smile a little, not just any fake smile I do but a real smile.

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