Kyle x Stan - 1

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!This will contain Smut!


(Stan Pov)


"guys you should come over to my house instead of Kyle's!" Cartman said upset since he was complaining about sleeping over a Jew's house, "you know I'm so down!" I said ignoring Fatass. "that's great we could play some video games and my Mom and Dad are going out on date night so they'll come back later on at night" Kyle said getting exciting.

"so you guys are going to fuck?" Kenny question making me blush as Kyle slapped his shoulder "Kenny of course not! Kyle hissed out making Kenny roll his eyes, "guys we all know you two have the hots for each other and I just want to know if you are fucking or not, if so I want to join in" Kenny flirted winking over at me and Kyle who slapped his arm again.

"Jews are attacking again!" Cartman shouted earning people to roll their eyes at him as they walked pass, "whatever Fatass" I said as Kenny walked in the middle of me smiling.

"you guys suck I'm going home" Cartman responded not getting enough attention from us as he walked away annoyed, "I'll make sure to bring a movie for us to watch" I said seeing Kyle smile "sounds like a plan!" he responded.

"Kenny you coming to the sleep over or nah?" I question, "well I would but I think I'll be hanging out with Craig soon so you know can't turn those plans down" Kenny chuckled out earning Kyle to look over at him confuse.

"doesn't Craig hate you?" Kyle asked making me think, "yah because you annoy the shit out of him at school?" I added. "you guys ask too many questions" Kenny responded pouting a bit, "hey we're just stating a fact" Kyle replied making me grin.

I jumped feeling Kenny's hand on my back seeing that he had his other hand on Kyle's, "why don't you two just shut up and fuck each other already?" Kenny question making me blush staring at a blushing Kyle to.

"K-Kenny!" Kyle hissed out making himself more cuter, I had to admit I had a crush on Kyle for the longest time now but I was sure not to tell anyone so I wasn't sure if Kenny was just teasing us but I kinda hope it would happen if Kyle liked me that way...

"hey I'm just saying, you two always act like a couple and when people bring it up you both shut it down so fast as if it effects you guys!" Kenny responded making me look down a bit, maybe Kyle did get effected by all those comments but I couldn't help but smile at the thought of us being a thing...

"Stan help me!" Kyle said blushing making me chuckle sadly, "Kenny we don't fuck around like you with almost everyone in the school" I said seeing Kenny chuckle. "staying with one person gets boring I like to have as many as I can" he said making Kyle gag.

"disguising, if your going to date someone or kiss someone you got to make sure you love them and will only choose them" Kyle stated making me smile, I couldn't help but think about him I love Kyle so much and I wouldn't change him for anything or anyone in the world yet... I know it would ruin our friendship if he knew that.

"whatever dude Craig is waiting for me" Kenny said walking away behind the school as Kyle looked over at me, "meet up at my house later?" he question making me nod.


(two hours later)


I found myself knocking the door earning it to open with Kyle who smiled at me, I could just stare at his smile forever if I could. I walked in dropping my bags on the floor grinning over at Kyle, "what's the plan first?" I asked seeing Kyle think.

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