Chapter 39: Just a few days

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"AHAA!!!! I'm not ready!" I yell while pacing the floor. Mel looked at me, worried, "Relax (y/n)! Take deep breaths." Breathe in... Breathe out... "Everything will be ok," Alysha said reassuringly. Breathe in... breathe out... "Are you sure? What if I trip while walking on the aisle? What if the cake suddenly falls? What if..." I was cut off be Alysha placing her hand over my mouth. "shush! It's going to be fine!" Mel nodded, "Ya, you're just over thinking all this." I sighed. *ring* *ring* I check my phone. "Who is it?" Asked Alysha. "The cake place." I picked up the phone. "Hello?" I listened. "Ms.(L/n), we have some bad news." My heart began to beat loudly, I could hear it in my ears. "What is it?" She sighed. "We might not have the right ingredients for this cake and it's really big so we wouldn't have enough time to get it to you." I sighed and rubbed my temples. Anxiety crept up my throat. "Are you sure you can't bring it?" The lady on the other side of the phone sighed, "yes. I'm really sorry miss." I took a deep breath, "It's ok." I hung up the phone. "(Y/n)... are you ok?" Asked Mel. I kicked my bed with anger, "NO!" I quickly ran downstairs and out the door.
I didn't know where I was walking but I knew I would end up somewhere. I took a few deep breaths as I felt a breeze blow softly. I closed my eyes. "Why?" It's just a cake! I'm over exaggerating. I need to relax. Even though I told myself to relax I couldn't. It's the thought that if something goes wrong, no matter how small it is, it ruins everything.
I felt someone's hands land on my shoulders. I jumped in fear and turned around. "Hey princess." Tae stood in front of me. I quickly hugged him. "Why did you run away?" He asked. "Because if I didn't someone would probably get punched in the face." He chuckled. I smiled. His laughed is so deep and beautiful to hear. I'm lucky to hear it almost everyday. "What's wrong?" He asked, concerned. His arms still around my waste. "The bakery can't bring the cake on the day." He rolled his eyes, "That's all. Come on. We really don't need anything huge. As long as we are married everything is ok." I sighed, "What if..." Before I could start complaining, he place his lips on mine. Departing, he whispered, "Everything is going to be fine. Don't worry." He smiled softly, causing me to smile. "I love you," I said hugging him tightly. "I love you more," he exclaimed. I laughed, "You probably do." He laughed. "Let's go home?" He asked holding his hand out. I nodded, and grabbed his hand.

As soon as I entered the room where Mel and Alysha were they backed away from me. "Don't hit us!" They yelled. I laughed, "Relax. I won't." They slowly came close to me. "Are you sure?" Asked Mel. "Yes I'm sure!" I said nodding. "What happen earlier? Where did you go?" Alysha asked very curiously. I sighed, "I was frustrated, so I took a walk." They both said "ooh." They both hugged me.

12:00. Tae is still not here. I laid in my bed and stared at the ceiling, worrying. I checked my phone several times, waiting for him. I received a text, hoping it was Taehyung. It wasn't. It was Jimin.

Hey (y/n)
Taehyung said to go to sleep because he's gonna be here for a while.

Can I know what he's doing? And what time he'll be here?

I think noticed that I was worrying. Just by those two simple texts.

Relax, He'll be there soon.
He promised
Plus I can't tell you


Because I told him I wouldn't say anything.
Apparently it's something special.

I sighed. I was really curious but all my worries washed away.

Thanks Jimin <3

No problem nabi <3 :)

Once again I check the time. It reads 1:05. Placing it on my night stand, I try to fall asleep.
Minutes pass by, and now it's 1:30. I come to the conclusion that I can't sleep. Maybe it was because I was so used to Tae's arms around me, holding me close. I grabbed his pillow and hugged it. I slept as he would, but it didn't help. I sigh and stare at the door. I hope that in any minutes he'll barge in.
Suddenly my eyelids became heavy. I start to close my eyes. Damn. I didn't want to fall asleep without him.
More time passed. I was half asleep already. Still no sight of Tae. I waited for to long. I was drifting away into a deep sleep. Then I heard the door open. As soon as I slightly open my eyes, Tae jumps into the bed next to me. The stench of sweat stains him. "Ew!" I said turning around jokingly. He flipped me to face him. "I told you to go to sleep. Why aren't you?" I shrug, "I didn't want to fall asleep with out you and a couldn't sleep. Plus as soon as I was goona sleep you came and jumped here." He rolled his eyes, "you need rest princess." I smile my eyes half closed. Tae wraps his arms around me. Hugging me he whispers, "Only a few days left princess. A few days until you can be my queen. Until I can live happily with you." I poke his nose, "You're so cheesy." He gave me a box smile, "I know." He hugs me tighter, "I love you (y/n)." I smile and look at him slowly falling asleep. "I love you to Tae," I whisper.

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