Chapter 34: Pinky Promise

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I heard a knock on my room door. "(Y/n)?" I groaned. It creaked open. Alysha and Mel peeked into my room, Alysha asked, "(y/n) wanna talk?" I shook my head, "You asked me this yesterday, and I still said no." Ignoring what I said they walked in. I laid in my bed with my covers over me. I laid lifelessly staring and the ceiling. Mel said, "(Y/n)... we can't keep bring food up for you. You've been in bed for about 4 days. You need to get up and talk to Tae." I sighed, "Why should I... I'll just start another problem. He probably hates me." I wanted to have him back so bad, but did he want me? "Well lets find out," Alysha said grabbing my arm. Mel and Alysha grabbed my arms and pulled me out of my room. I squirmed in their grip trying to escape. "Let go of me!" Before I knew I was in front of Tae's room door. I gave them a death stare. "Do it!" They both screamed. I let out a sigh and knocked on the door. No answer. I knocked again. Still no answer. I put my ear up against the door. I heard nothing. I slowly open it. Looking inside, I found Tae in his bed. I looked back at them mouthing, are you sure? They both nodded. I took a deep breath and quietly walked in. I sat on the floor, next to him. I stared at his beautiful face. He hugged a pillow. I remember he'd hug me every night. I placed my hand over his cheek. With my thumb I stroked it. "I'm so sorry...." Tears appeared on my lash line. "We could've been more but I rejected you. Can't we still be together... can you still be... mine." As tears fell to the ground I examined him. I remember the first time we slept together. I tried to smile but I couldn't. "Without you I've been miserable... even if it was 4 days. I want you back." I wiped my tears with my sleeve. "I love you. I really do." I placed a kiss on his forehead. He slightly moved, I jumped. "Ehm..." He said. I quickly ran out of the room.
Alysha and Mel stood outside of the door. "So?" They asked in unity. "He was sleeping." They looked confused, "Really? He was wide awake a few minutes ago." What? "Welp he obviously doesn't want to talk to me, so I'll go continue being depressed now." They shook their heads, "You can't stay in you room forever." Said Mel. I nodded walking already to my room already, "Yes I can." They followed me, "We can't be bring you food all the time." Alysha said chasing after me. I crawled back into my bed, "Then don't. Let me starve. Maybe that'll take my other pain off of my mind." I closed my eyes, "Thanks for trying to help but it didn't work." Alysha yanked my covers away from me, "No! That's because you didn't try! You're too scared that he'll reject you the way you rejected him! But guess what, love doesn't just go away! I know he'll always love you. I know that he thinks about you everyday." Mel sat on my bed, "You know... no matter what, Tae will love you." I was trying so hard not to cry while tears overflowed in my eyes. I cried every day, I didn't want to do it again. "You have to talk to him, like really talk." I stood up with out saying anything and walked out of my room. I knocked no Tae's room door twice but got no answer. I opened it myself to find... "no one's here." I mumbled as my heart sank. Alysha and Mel came to hug me but I brushed them off. I quickly ran into my room and put on some jeans and one of Tae's oversized (at least on me) sweaters. I walked downstairs. "(Y/n), where are you going?" Asked Alysha and Mel. I didn't answer them. The boys sat in the couch watching tv. I stood in front of the tv and stared at them. "Where's Tae?" I questioned. "Somewhere...." I rolled my eyes, "Just tell me where he is." As soon as Jungkook was about to say "We can't..." Suga covered his mouth. "He's at the park." Suga said. They all stared at him like he was crazy. "Let things happen." He said. I ran out the door to the park.
There, sitting on the swing was Tae. His head was down. He hummed 4 o'clock. I took a deep breath as I quietly sat next to him. His eyes were closed so he didn't notice me. I punched his arm. "You!" I jerked up, "huh!?" I took another deep breath, "I love you. I've been miserable for the past few days. I didn't come out of my dark room and I cried almost every five minutes. Today is the day that I get the courage to say... I regret that I said no. I really do. And you know what, I don't care that it's to early... I realized I need you." He looked at me. Clearly he was crying. His cheeks were tear stained and red. "(Y/n) everything you said when you walked into my room... you really mean it?" Anxiety filled within me, "You heard me?" He nodded, "I do mean it." I stood up in front of him, "Kim Taehyung, I miss you. I miss the way you'd look at me, your lips on mine, the way you'd tease me. I miss it all, and it's only been 4 days. I don't want it to be even longer." Tears fell down my cheeks. "Losing you is never what I wanted." He stood up and grabbed my hand. " you too..." My heart beamed. "But... I'm scared that you'll reject me, again." I shook my head, "I won't. I promise." I extended my pinky in front of him. He flashed a cute boxy smile to me. Tae wrapped his pinky around mine. His finer was so much longer compared to mine. "I promise I will love you everyday!" He said with a big smile. I grabbed his collar and pulled him close. I placed my lips on his. Tae cupped my cheeks. I wanted to stay in this moment forever.
Sorry it's been taking awhile to update! I'm barely getting any reads so fxck! (Sorry for my language) This story might same rushed so I'M VERY SORRY!

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