Chapter 31: The talk

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-a few days later-
I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling, bored as all hell. Tae hasn't hung out with me at all since last week. My friends had their boyfriends to hang out with. And everyone hung out with each other. I, on the other hand, sat in my room, depressed and lonely. I tried to eat my feelings away but that didn't even work. Sometimes Alysha and Mel tried to get me out of my room but I wouldn't budge. They told me that everything would be ok, that Tae will talk to me soon, that he still loves me. I hoped that it was all true. But again I just laid there, thinking of all the reasons way this was happening. It seemed like a small thing to cry over but I guess I'm an emotional wreck. I sighed, trying to keep tears from flowing out of my eyes.
[Tae's POV]
Ok I have the ring. I just got wait a little while longer. I walked upstairs. Letting out a heavy breath, I knocked on (y/n)'s door. "Come in," I heard her say from the other side of the wall. I peeked inside. She laid on her bed lifeless, staring at the ceiling. She looked over to me and sighed. "Yes?" (Y/n) asked with a questionable tone. I slowly walked in, "Hey... I wanted to see you, maybe talk." I shrugged nervously. I could see tears appearing at her lash line. (Y/n) sat up and stared at me. "What do you possibly want to talk about?" She seemed annoyed, mad, or even sad. I sat next to her, "I..." She stood up, turning her back to me. Tae...what happen? Why didn't you wanna talk to me? Why did you avoid me? You don't love me anymore? I'm sorry I sound so selfish but I..." I stood up, grabbed her hand and turned her around to face me. As I stared into his eyes I cupped her face. Her cheeks in my hands. "I will always love you (y/n). I just been so distant because I have a surprise. If I was with you all that time, it wouldn't be read and I'd probably ruin it to." I pulled her into my arms, "I'm sorry princess." I planted kissed her forehead. She smiled and hugged me tight, "I love you too Tae." Those five words was all I need to know that I was doing something good. That she would like the surprise.
[(y/n)'s POV]
"Where are you guys going?" Jungkook asked curiously. "We are going out to eat." Yoongi scoffed, "Are we not good enough for the two of you?" I smacked the back of his head playfully. "I'm just kidding," he said rubbing the spot I hit him. I rolled my eyes and snickered. "Have fun!" Mel and Alysha said in unity. They both sent me a wink. Dirty minded girls! I was ready to hit the both of them but Tae was already pulling me out the door. I waved goodbye before the door had shut. "Where are we going?" I asked. He looked back, smiling at me. "Places." I rolled me eyes with a smile plastered on my face, "What places?" He looked back forward, "You'll see."
After walking for a while, we stood in front of the coffee shop. "Ta-da!" He said with a smile. "It's kind of the first please we really hung out so I thought it would be nice." I smiled and hugged him, "It's perfect." He gives me back and held my hand. We ordered or drinks and found a table. He stared at me dreamingly. "What?" I said with a smile. "You're just so beautiful. I can't keep my eyes off of you." I blushed, "Stop." He teased, "Why princess?" He gave me a smirk and leaned close. He rested his forehead against mine. "I love you so much." He cupped my cheeks within his hands. "I love you too Tae." He leaned even closer. Gently he kissed me. I could feel the same warm, tingly feeling I had felt before. From the first time we hung out. He departed and sipped his coffee. "OWWWW!" I said sipping my coffee. "What happened?!" I began to fan my tongue. "It's hot." He pointed to himself, "I'm hot?" I rolled my eyes and smiled, "stop it." He laughed, "Last time I burned my tongue, now it's your turn." I laughed too, with a slight smile.
After talking and laughing he stared at me once again. "(Y/n)... I wanna know something." I looked up at him with a smile. "That boyfriend that you had in eighth grade... what did he say to you at graduation?" I sighed, "how do you remember that I told you that?" He shrugged. I sighed again, "He told me... I wasn't worth being his girlfriend. That I wasn't worth waiting for, since I went to a different high school. He said he wouldn't want to be with me. He never liked me. He did it for show." A tear fell down my cheek. Tae placed his hand over my cheek, wiping my tear with his thumb. "I gave him my heart and he broke it. That's why I never tried to get a boyfriend... that's why I don't trust most people." Tae stood up and moved his chair next to mine. He turned to me and wrapped his arms around me. "I'm here now. You know I will never do that to you. I laid my head on his chest, closed my eyes. "That's why I'm gonna ask you soon," he mumbled. "What?" I asked questionably. "N...Nothing."
Sorry this chapter was shorter then usual. Plus hope you guys remembered what happened earlier in the story. I had to reread some parts to write this. Vote and comment please! Bye 💜

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