Chapter 26: F***k Off

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I woke up to my normal alarm, V. "Good morning sunshine." I smiled as I kept my eyes closed. "Come in get up. Today is a day." I yawned opening my eyes a bit, "Of course it's a day." He shrugged and grabbed my arm pulling me out of bed. He picked me up and took me to the bathroom. "Here." He placed me down and grabbed the brush. He started to brush through my hair. "You really need to wake up." He said splashing cold water into my face, "EH! I know." He smiled, "I picked out your clothes." He grabbed my arm and pulled me back into the room. I picked up a pile of clothes and handed them to me. I started to unfold the clothes. He had picked out some jean booty shorts and his Gucci blouse.

"Don't button the shirt all the way up

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"Don't button the shirt all the way up. Leave three buttons." Me mouth dropped, "V! Why does my area need to be showing?" He rolled his eyes, "Because, Mai's everything might be showing. If she wants to basically be better then you she's gonna show a lot of skin. Trust me I know." I sighed, "Fine." I walked to the bathroom and got dressed.
I did as he said and left three buttons unbuttoned. It's just out. I left a little uncomfortable but brushed it off. I let my hair fall to my shoulders with light waves and I put a little bit of red lipstick. I walked out of the bathroom satisfied with my look. As V's attention turned to me his mouth dropped, "Oh. My. Gosh. You look amazing!" He grabbed my hand and twirled my around. As soon as I was in his arms he dipped me. He kissed my lips, "You look perfect." After hearing that I didn't feel uncomfortable anymore. "Well you picked it out so." He laughed and put me back on my feet, "Let's go eat." He grabbed my hand and we walked downstairs.
   When we got to the table everyone's eyes were on me. Some of the boy's mouths dropped, "wwwoooowww." I started to blush and put my head down. "STOP STARING AT HER! You've seen her millions of times." Alysha and Melanie started to laugh. As we sat at the table I could hear Jhope whisper to V. "So you want to see her..." V became so triggered, he turned into a bright red hue. "NO!" Me, Alysha, and Melanie all started to laugh together.
   We ate breakfast normally. Talking, laughing, and sticking food in our mouth. Yet in my mind there still was that thought. The thought of Mai. V seemed very worried last night, which made me more worried. The fact that V had said that Mai is capable of doing things made me worried. The fact that it didn't end well last time she had a crush. All of it made me shiver. Am I gonna be ok today? I took deep breaths as I became full of anxiety. V placed his hand on top of mine. He whispered, "Everything is gonna be ok." I nodded, but even though he said that I felt as though it wouldn't be ok.
"Guyssssss! I made lunch!" Jin screamed from the kitchen. Me and V ran downstairs almost making each other fall. We sat down, ready to eat (I mean, when are we never ready to eat.) Suddenly, we heard a knock on the door. V got up to open it. When he did, Mai was standing there. "Good Afternoon Guys!" She said waving. "(Y/n) are you ready to go?" I took a deep breath and nodded. V stood at the door. Before I walked out of the door I kissed V goodbye. He smiled as he put something in my pocket. Then I was out the door with Mai.
   "So where are we going?" I asked. " shop." I took another deep breath as I started to remember what happened there. "Unless you don't wanna go. Since it brings bad memories." I clutched my fist and took a few deep breaths. "I'll go wherever you wanna go." I could feel her anger and disappointment from my reaction. I knew she wanted me to go crazy but I wouldn't.
After a long quiet walk we finally made it to the shop. We ordered our drinks and sat at an empty table. "So (y/n) can I ask you a question?" I nodded sipping on my coffee. "Do you love V?" I choked on my hot coffee. "I mean you guys just act so loving and caring to each other. He can't seem to get enough of you." After the burning sensation was gone from my throat I decided to answer her. "Well... I do love him. It all seems early but the answer is yes." I said with a smile. I could feel that she was angry but I didn't let it bother me. "You know... you should be careful." I looked at her with a questionable look. "I mean he's KimTaehyung. All girls wanna date him. Someone might take him away from you. Or the opposite, they'll take you." I took a deep breath, "Why did you want me to go out with you? I know you don't like me." She laughed, "I just wanted to talk." I knew it was all a lie. She hated me. All she was trying to do was to get into my head, so she can have V. I took a sip of my coffee and started at her up and down. "I need to use the bathroom I'll be back." I picked up my phone and walked to the bathroom. I got into a stall and texted V.
(Y/n): She is being shady. I think she's trying to get to me.
(V): Relax. If you want me to pick you up I can.

[Mai's POV]
I tried so hard to find something that would make her lose trust in V or make her scared to be with him. Nothing was working. I pulled a little bottle out of my purse. Food poisoning. Good. I poured some in her coffee. That will leave her throwing up all night. Let's see how Tae Tae will act. I grinned evilly.
[end of Mai's POV]

After texting V he reassured me that I'll be ok. He told me to call him if anything. I walked out of the bathroom and sat back down with Mai. "Is everything ok (y/n)?" I nodded and drank some coffee. From the corner of my eye I could see her evil smirk. I looked up, "Why are you staring at me like that?" She shrugged, "Did V dress you? I know his style is good and I know yours is eh." I took a deep and continued to sip me coffee. "Your hair is a little um messy but you look ok." I rolled my eyes, "You know I think I should just g..." My words were cut off by a stinging feeling in my throat. I started to feel my lunch come back up. "Um...e...excuse me." I sprinted to the bathroom and hung my head above a toilet. All of the food I ate came out. After a few minutes I sat on the bathroom floor feeling like sh**t. I heard the door open, "(y/n) are you ok?" I sighed and rolled my eyes, "No. I'm gonna call V to pick me up." She scoffed, "Ok."
*ring* *ring*
"(Y/n)? What happen? Do Mai do something?" I laughed, "No relax. I just want you to pick me u..." Again I was about to throw up, RIGHT ON THE PHONE! "Are you ok (y/n)?" He asked very concerned. "I'm fine. I'm just a bit sick." I could tell he became very worried. "I know Mai did that to you. I'll be right there." He hung up and I tried to stand up. Pain appeared in my stomach. Are you serious?! I let out a groan. I walked out and saw Mai sit in the chair sipping her tea. "Oh you're ok. Good." I saw a little bottle sticking out of her purse. p...poisoning. FOOD POISONING! That b**tch! I immediately grabbed my jacket and walked out. "Where are you going?" She asked lifting from her seat. "I'm leaving! I should've never came. I know you hate me, that's why you poisoned me. Stop pretending to be so innocent. Tae doesn't like you ok, just let it go!" Without saying another word I walked out. I was so mad. I clenched my fist. Agh! I hate her! F**k her. She can f**k off! Suddenly my phone dinged. I turned my phone on a saw a text from V.
(V): I'm on my way.
(Y/n): Can you pick me up by the park?
(V): Sure I'll be right there.
(Y/n): Ok

I turned off my phone and stood on the side for a little. My phone dinged again. It was V.
(V): I forgot something
(Y/n): What is it?
(V): I love you ♥️

My heart fluttered. After all the anger in me from Mai I became happy.
(Y/n): I love you too V♥️♥️

I turned off my phone. I looked to the street. I checked left and right. No cars to be seen. I started to walk across. Without me noticing I saw headlights in the distance. A car was coming right at me. The car was going so fast that it was already to close to me to move. *CRASH* I fell to the floor. Blood dripped from my face, my stomach, and my legs. I heard the car door open. My vision was blurry so I could barely notice who knelt down next to me. "This is why you don't play with me. Tae Tae is mine. I don't care if he's dating you, he will forever be mine. Never say what you said to me ever again or something worse will happen to you." She evilly laughed and got back in her car. She turned and drove away.
I lay on the floor paralyzed. As soon as I was about to pass out headlights appeared again. I was ready to get hit again. But the car stopped in front of me. The door immediately opened and someone knelt by me. "(Y/N)! OH MY GOSH! I should've been here earlier! My sorry! I'm so sorry!" I knew who that was. It was the same deep voice that I would hear all the time, V. My vision was still so blurry. I raised my shaking arm and put my hand on his cheek. "It's ok. It's not your fault." His tears fell onto my face. Rain started to pour. He lifted me by my back and put his jacket over me. He carried and started to run leaving his car in the middle of the road. I looked to his face. I regained my vision for a second. I could see his face with tears falling. Then my eyes forced shut and everything was gone. The last thing I heard was V saying, while sobbing, "I love you (y/n)! I love you! Please be ok!" My last sight was his face. But after that everything was gone. The sound and my surroundings were gone. All I could see was black.

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