Chapter 32: Propo...

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It's been about two days since me and Tae made up. He told me that he would be a little bit busy today, but I did hang out with me for a little.
Holding the refrigerator door open, I stared at all the food. "What to eat?" Suddenly I felt someone crept towards me, "BOO!" I turned around a slapped the person who scared me across the face. "OW!" Jin! "I'm so sorry Jin. I'm so so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you, it was a reflex." He patted my back with one hand over his cheek. "It's ok. Sorry I scared you." I said it was ok and continued to look into the fridge. "Are you hungry?" Jin asked looking into the fridge as well. "Just a little bit I'll just have a snack." All the boys had been sitting on the couch. Jungkook turned his head, "Let's go eat out!" J-hope, Jimin, Mel and Alysha nodded. Suga shrugged and Namjoon looked to Jin. "Ok then." I looked around, "Is Tae coming?" Jimin shook his head.
J-hope immediately popped up from his seat and pointed at me. "Tae Tae said that you gotta put something nice on for today." Suga smacked his head. I looked at him confused, "Um...ok." I ran upstairs, and picked out a cute yet elegant dress. I actually put on some heels. To finish my look I put on a bit of makeup and jewelry. I look... decent. I walked downstairs (I couldn't run because of the damn heels.) They looked at me in aw. "You look amazing!" Namjoon said. "Thanks... I didn't really put any effort into my look but.." I shrugged. J-hope grabbed my hand and pulled me. "Let's goooooo!" JEEEEZ CHILLLLLL! "HOBI I'M GONNA FALL!" I yelled. He turned around to me, "Sorry." He said rubbing the back of his neck. "Did you do drugs? You're so hyper today!" He nervously laughed, "It's nothing. I'm just in a good mood." Jungkook smiled, "Ya because Ta...." Suddenly I heard everyone slap him. "Tae what?" I ask looking at all of them. "Nothing!" They all said in unity. I could see Mel and Alysha try to hold back a smile. What's going on?
We all drove to a small restaurant. After getting our food everyone ate like they never had food. "Are you guys ok?" I asked. Everyone seemed to be acting weird. They stared at me for a good minute. "Ya..... we're fine." Suga said. I noticed Mel whisper into Jimin's ear. His eyes grew wide. WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED?!
After a few minutes the bell that hung over the door rung. I looked behind me to find Tae standing with a smile. He wore a tux and his hair all done. "Tae? Why are yo..." Before I could say anything he grabbed my arm, getting me out of my seat. As he pulled me toward him he whispered, "You look beautiful." I scoffed and flipped my hair, "Ya I know." He laughed, "Let's go." He walked me out the door. I looked back to everyone with a what's-going-on face. They shrugged, smiled and waved goodbye. I could see my two best friends tear up a little.
Outside was a limousine. "Tae what's go...." Again he cut me off by pulling me into the car. "Don't worry," He said with a smile. "The car ride is long. Do you want to sleep a little?" I looked at him confused as all hell, "How long is the ride?" He looked above him, thinking. "Two hours or less." I looked at him in shock, "WHERE ARE WE POSSIBLY GOING THAT IT TAKES THAT LONG?!" He ruffled my hair, "I said not to worry." He smirked at me, "You have all these seats princess, but you couldn't sit in the right one." He patted his lap with a smirk still on his face. "You know this is your spot, right?" I rolled my eyes, "suree." I laid my head on his shoulder. He smiled softly and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "I love youuu." He said. I lifted my head and kissed him gently. "I love you too." Placing my head on his shoulder again I closed my eyes. I fell asleep right in that spot.
"Wake up princess." I heard Tae saying while nudging me. "I slightly opened my eyes. "huh?" I realized I wasn't laying on his shoulder. I turned my head to find out that my head laid in his lap. "We're here." He said slightly singing. I sat up rubbing my eyes like a little girl. Tae poked my cheek, "You're so cute." I smiled with my eyes half opened. He opened he car door and helped me out. I wobbled out of the car still a little tired. I looked around, I eyes widening. "Here we are. Our destination." Me and Tae, hand and hand, stood on a beach. I sun almost setting. "Tae this is... beautiful." He sweetly smiled and turned my head toward him. "Not as beautiful as you." He kissed my cheek. "Take off your shoes," He said pointing to my feet. I began to take his off, so I did so too. With a big smile plastered on his face, he began to run to around in he sand like a little child. I followed behind him. He grabbed my hand and ran with me. We laughed as we fell onto the sand. I landed on top of him.
(Tae's POV)
She stared at me, smiling. Her eyes twinkled in the sunlight. Her smile brighter then a star. She flopped beside me and sighed. I held her hand tightly. We sat up and stared at the sunsetting. I looked at her with a slight smile on my face. "(Y/n)... can you stand up?" She looked at me very confused, "Um...ok." She stood up, swinging her dress around. A car pulled up by ours. I told her to close her eyes. Hesitantly she covered her eyes with her hands. Everyone came out of the car. Namjoon, Jin, Suga, Jhope, Jimin, Jungkook, Alysha and Mel. They all stood behind her and stared to quietly sing Butterfly. She turned around uncovering, shocked. She turned to me, mouth dropped open, confusion in her eyes. I smile nervously. The sun laid over the sea, setting. She looked around, still so confused. I grabbed her hands and held them tightly. "(Y/n)... I want you to know... I love you so much. That's why I'm..."
(Y/n)'s POV)
He began to stutter. Tae laughed kind of nervously, scratching the back of his neck. "I..." He looked to the ground and knelt on one knee. He began to dig into his pocket.
"(Y/n)..." he looked up to me. "Will you marry me?" He held the ring in his hand. I nearly cried. He asked looking into my eyes with a gentle smile. "Tae... I..." I looked around. Alysha and Mel looked at me with big smiles. I slightly smiled and look back to Tae. "I'm sorry...I don't know...if I can." His smile was wiped away from his face. "What do you mean?"

Sorry I took a while to publish this! Did you expect this? Vote and comment please!

————Sorry I took a while to publish this! Did you expect this? Vote and comment please!

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