Chapter 37

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Driving my Ferrari today, cause the Lambo is in the shop. Music just has me beat! I can't sleep right, can't even go out in public without people hounding me.

Michael said on the phone.

Ya ya. I know. I'll see ya tonight at the party. Ok?

Michael hung up his bluetooth, and continued to drive.

Everything is so foggy. Why is it so foggy?

He continued his long drive from the studio in Long Beach, to his beach house in Huntington Harbor.

Michael's house was right on the beach. He loved that the sand came all the way to his back door.

He took a shower, wondering why he couldn't really feel the relaxation the water gives you.


He thought.

Wait a minute... what's going in here? I don't live on the beach or own a Lamborghini.

Shaking his head, he began to feel his heart beat get faster, and he wasn't quite sure what was going on. His first instinct was to call Scarlett. So he grabbed his phone, noticing the suit he had on as he reached for his phone. It was a light blue, silk jacket, and navy blue dress pants. He even had gold cuff links.

He dialed Scarlett's number on his phone. She answered on the first ring.



Yes, who is this?

It's Michael, do you have a second?

Michael? I don't know a Michael. I think you have the wrong Scarlett. Sorry.

Suddenly, the line went dead. His phone showed call ended.

She hung up... She actually hung up on me! She said she didn't know a Michael, but she does. Why would she say that? I need to call her back.


Scarlett, it's Michael, Michael O'Connor? How can you say you don't know me?

Wow, I haven't heard that name in a while! Not by you anyways. Just on TV. Why are you calling? Is this some joke? At my expense?

No! I just... I need to talk to you. I don't understand what's going on. I don't understand what happened?

He could hear noise in her background.

Stop that! Isabel stop hitting your brother!

I'm sorry Michael, but this isn't a very good time.

Are you babysitting?

Babysitting? No, those are my kids. And I need to get back to them. They need a bath before their father gets home. I'm sorry Michael, but I can't help you. Goodbye.

And she hung up. Michael felt a heaviness on his heart. A constricting on his chest. This wasn't right.

Something is wrong. What is going on here!

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