Chapter 28

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Blueberries Yum!

"What?" Crystal said while laughing.
"I'm not easy. Gosh! No, we stayed in his hammock on the beach at his house. It is beautiful here. You know... if I didn't have plans and a college to go to, I'd stay here. It's pretty."
"Well, you should know that I called Michael last night. I figured when you didn't come back that maybe you two made up. So... he's been worried too."
"Let him worry. You shouldn't have called him. Hey, what are our plans today. Do we have any?"
"I don't remember. I spent most of the night worried about you. I don't think so. I think it was just another day of laying out at the beach. Maybe a helicopter ride later of the volcano?"
"Ok, well I'll be here for a bit I guess. I may come by later to change unless you want me to come back now..."
"No, you stay and have fun. I'll let you know about the helicopter in a bit. K?"
"K. Later."
She hung up, and ran back inside just in time for the food to be put on the table.

"So, is she surprised you're alive?"
He looked so sweet glancing up at her while pulling her chair out and gesturing for her to sit.
As she walked over to the table, she sat in the chair and he pushed her in.
"The way she acted, I would have thought she had called out a swat team to look for me."
"She called Michael, didn't she."
He said as he pulled out his own chair to sit in.
"Yup. "
"Why would she do that?"
"Get this... She thought maybe we made up. I was so pissed! She had no right to call him."
"Well, it does make sense. I mean, you left your phone and you do love him, so..."
"No, it doesn't make sense, it doesn't make ANY sense! And if she payed any attention to me, she'd have known better. But I guess I understand. She couldn't exactly call around. I should have called her when I decided to stay."
She looked at her empty plate, and the plates around it that had food on it.

"This looks and smells delicious! I can't wait to taste it!"
She said as she forked some pancakes on to her plate, put butter on it and doused it with syrup.

"Would you like some pancakes with your syrup miss?"
He laughed as he chewed.
"What! I like syrup."
And then she laughed as she chewed.
"Oh, wow! This is so good! You should be a chef!"
"Actually, I went to culinary school. I wanted to become a chef, so that's what I did. Then, my parents died. I kinda lost interest in things, and just lost myself for a while."
"You should do it."
"Actually, just the past few days that I've known you, you've made me feel great. I was thinking of doing that actually. Because of you. You made me dream again. That's not too soon to say, right?"
"No! Actually, it's flattering."
She took the last bite of her pancake and put it in her mouth and grabbed another.

"Hey, did Crystal end up setting plans with you yet?"
"No, she said she'd let me know. Why?"
"Because I have a great idea and you'll still have a lot of the day left to do stuff if she does. But first, we have to go to your place so you can change. Your clothes are probably done by now. Although, I wouldn't really know. I don't use the dryer."

"Ok, I'll go check and get changed."

She went to the dryer and pulled out her clothes from last night, and they were, in fact, done. She ran to the bathroom and changed, putting her hair up in the process, and ran back out to see Brian.
"Aw, it's sad now, not seeing you in my shirt. I really liked it. You can just keep it if you want, it looked better on you anyways."
She blushed.

"Are you sure I need to change again? These are clean."
"For what we are going to do, you'll need something else, and you can't wear those slippers on your feet."
She glanced down to her Felix the cat slippers and realized he was right.

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