Chapter 36

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Getting back to the hotel, he said his goodbyes for the night, and kissed her on the cheek. They touched hands for a moment, and he felt that electricity between them. That pull. That feeling that they were supposed to be together was there, but he didn't know how to make it happen. He knew that if he gave up his music career, she would take him back, slowly, but he was almost sure. But with how busy things had been, and how much he loved it, he didn't know if he could actually do it. He just needed to figure out what he wanted more.

Michael made it back to his hotel in just a few minutes. Liam was already there. Each of the guys had shared a room with one other person so there were two beds in each room.

Liam was on the one opposite his.

Liam looked up from the TV as Michael walked in, then glanced back at the TV. Switching channels.

"Hey man. How was your 'walk'?" He enunciated that last part. "You weren't gone long."

Michael went to his bed and about fell into it. Sinking his head into his pillow. "It was nice. I miss her. I miss... us."

Michael looked up to the ceiling, folding his arms over his chest.

"You know if you hurt her, Crystal will kill you. Right?"

"Ya ya. I got the talk already. Ok? I don't need it from you too."

"Just sayin'."

Michael drug his hands over his face in frustration...

"I love her... ok? I just don't know if I love her more, or my music. That's my problem. Happy?"

Liam put down the remote and turned to face him.

"Dude. You know I got your back. Not matter what. And I know Crystal and I aren't all that serious, but we make it work. Because we really like eachother. You'd think you would have figured out something by now, with how much you love eachother."

"Ya. I'm not so sure she loves me anymore."

"Trust me. She does."

Michael sat up, aggressively, curious to where Liam's insanity came from. "And how may I ask would you know that?"

"I'm an inside man. Dude. Scarlett talks to Crystal, and Crystal talks to me. She's still head over heels for you, but you really need to figure out what you want. She won't wait around forever. One day she will be happily married, with a career and kids. Then what? You change your mind? Finally decide what you want and try to ruin her marriage?"

"Of course not. But I don't like the idea of her being with someone else either. I just don't know, man. I wish I did. I wish I had a magic 8 ball. You know, like the kind we had when we were kids? But a real one. One that actually knew the answers. Not 'should I eat this chocolate?' Or 'will I get married one day?' And just rest all your decisions on something that random."

"Dude, life is not that simple. If it was, everyone would be happy. People wouldn't be homeless, women wouldn't get beaten by the wrong man. You can't predict the future. You just have to figure it out. Think about it. What can you live without? Or... just... make it work."

"Ya. I hear ya. I just... I wish it was more simple. That's all. Like someone would just tell me what to do."

"Me too, bro. Me too."

Liam said, as Michael slowly fell asleep...

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