Chapter 16

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Weeks had passed since the Tucson trip, and Michael barely had time to call, since he was still on the road. He hadn't said anything about school yet, and whenever Scarlett mentioned it, he would change the subject or suddenly have to go. But she knew better. He was now failing all of his classes, and he wasn't even making time for her anymore. He was avoiding the situation, which is what he was good at.

She had spent the last week going to each of his classes, trying to convince his teachers to keep giving her his homework, but they had finally stopped helping. They said "He isn't showing any effort, and he hasn't returned any of his previous homework." She had to admit, things were starting to look bleak. But she wasn't ready to give up yet. She still had hope. They had plans! They were going to go to college together, and he promised her. He promised he wouldn't leave again. She wouldn't give up. She wouldn't give up her hope that things would go back to normal.

However, deep down, she knew better. She was losing him. But what kind of girlfriend would she be, if she just gave up? Even Crystal had lost hope. She still talked to Liam, and he made it seem like it was never the plan for Michael to return to school. But why would Michael lie? He wouldn't. Not to her. Right?

She did the same thing everyday. Went home, scanned all his homework assignments to his email along with notes from each class. Between her and Crystal, they each had a few classes with him so that helped, along with a few other friends. They all worked together and put in alot of time and effort to keep Michael up to date.

Everyday the same thing. Wake up, go to school, take notes, walk to classes, talk to teachers, go home, scan work, email, and try to call Michael. But again, he didn't have time.

Was he pushing her away?
Was he interested in someone else?
What exactly was he trying to accomplish by all of this?
And that's when it happened.
That was when it hit her.
Michael only ever wanted to be a Rockstar.
That was his reason for going to Juilliard. He wanted a band and to be famous for his lyrics, and that's exactly what he was out doing. Right now.
Why on earth would he want to come home, and go back to school if he didn't have to. He had already gotten what he wanted.
The downside was the attention, but by now, he must have moved on from her. Most Rockstars do.
She needed to call him, or text him.

Scarlett- you're not coming home are you

After sending the text, she went over to her bed, and laid down on the foot of it. Leaning on her pillows, she put the phone down in front of her. Waiting.
For something.

Hours she waited... and nothing.

Scarlett- I know how this ends, you're too busy and have no interest in being here anymore. With me anymore. I should have known better. I shouldn't have let you in, knowing you were just going to break my heart.

Scarlett- michael, say something

Scarlett- Michael


Minutes passed.

Hours passed.

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