Chapter 2

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Sparks are flying

"Oh my God Michael, what the hell!" Scarlett about fell out of her chair. While shaking her head, she turned back around and directed her attention to her food. She closed her eyes, and tried wishing away the embarrassing moment she just had, and tried playing it off like nothing had just happened.

"Nice chest Michael. So Crystal, what were we talking about again?" Giving Crystal an awkward look, she hoped that she would pick up on the hint to change the subject and talk about something they WEREN'T just discussing. "About Michael?" But apparently not. "Crystal, we were not just talking about Michael, we were discussing that one thing, remember? And we were going to go do that one thing right now." Michael rolled his eyes, "I think I'll just let you get back to talking about me. I'm sure you have more things to say now. You know, since you've seen my chest before, and you have to compare it to what it looks like now. I'm sure you have loads to think about." He turned on his heels and walked away. Getting high fives from all the guys at the table when he returned. Scarlett got up and started to walk out, and when she walked by the guys, she grabbed Joey's basketball from his hands, twirled it on the tips of her fingers for a few seconds, then bounced it off Michael's face. "SCARLETT" Crystal and Joey said in unison, and she smiled, and walked out of the cafeteria, with Michael hot on her heels.

"Scarlett, what the hell! What was that all about?" Scarlett turned around to see Michael furious! "I'm sorry Michael, I don't know what came over me." Scarlett looked down at the ground, took a deep breath and then stood straight up and said "Well it was nice seeing you again, have a nice day!" She walked away from him, with Crystal running behind her, trying to catch up. "Scarlett. SCARLETT! Can you slow down please? I need to talk to you."

Scarlett stopped dead in her tracks, and turned around to see Crystal, and she could see Michael still standing back where Scarlett had left him. "You know him? How do you know him? Wait!!! Is that... is that the Michael from before? Like 'broke-your-heart-and-was-never-heard-from-again-Michael? That one?" Scarlett shook her head "Can we talk about this later? I need to get home" Scarlett started walking off toward the parking lot. Toward her car.

She had A black 1970 Chevelle SS that she helped her dad rebuild from ground up. It was her pride and joy. She pulled her keys out and opened the driver door. As she got in, she turned the car on for the AC and just sat in her car, thinking of everything she had gone through with Michael, and just wanted to cry into her pillow at home. So she threw her car into gear, and sped off home.

"Scarlett! It's the middle of the day, You still have classes!" Crystal was shouting to her has Scarlett walked off. "What is her deal?" Michael asked Crystal. She hadn't even noticed he had walked up. "Listen. Michael, I don't know you from a flee on the wall..." "You mean a fly. A fly on the wall." He corrected her. "Ya, whatever, Michael, I know nothing about you, and if there is a chance you're the 'Michael' from her past that broke her heart, I can't talk to you about her. It's none of your business, and if you're NOT that guy, and you're just some other Michael, it wouldn't matter. Either way, it's on you to ask her that. If you two have some problem to solve, that's between you two. I want nothing to do with it. It's not my business." And with that, Crystal walked off to class.

Michael's P.O.V.
Michael on the other hand, wasn't done with his conversation with Scarlett. He took off running to his car, an '82 mustang, and threw his books in the back seat. He started that car and revved that engine, loud enough for the principal to hear and the office staff to come outside to see what was going on. He peeled out through the parking lot and took off, in the direction of Scarlett's house. He knew where she lived. He never forgot anything about her. He still remembered the way she looked when he first saw her. Walking through the pod in her tight blue jeans, with her red flannel tied in a knot around her waist and fur boots. She still wore glasses then and always had her hair in a ponytail. She was always so beautiful, and smelled so great. He never did stop loving her. When he left before, it was because he loved her so much and saw where his life was going, and didn't want to bring her into that. His horrible home life was just pouring out into his personal life, and he knew what was going to happen next, and he knew she would stand beside him the whole way. He didn't want that. She deserved better. She had goals, and dreams. None of that would have happened if she had stayed in his life, so he left.

He came back knowing that if he saw her, it could never be the same. It could never go back to the way it was before, and he had his mind set. Until he saw her and they locked eyes across the courtyard. Everything he felt before he left, even the things he had tried to forget came flooding back. He realized, he was going to do everything he could to get her back. He loved her, and wasn't ready to give up his chance. Not unless she didn't want him. If she didn't want him, he would just have to prove to her that he was not the same boy that left. He was no longer a boy that took his home life out on people or things. He was a man, that took responsibility for his actions, and was ready to apologize for the pain he caused her.

As he pulled into her driveway, he saw her sitting in her car with the door open, and she looked like she had been crying, but then saw him and quickly grabbed her things from the other seat and got up, and headed to her front door.

"Scarlett! Wait up! I need to talk to you." She stopped walking and just stood still. He ran up to her, and stood in front of her "Look, I'm sorry. For everything. I shouldn't have embarassed you like that. I wasn't thinking. The guys were all there, and... well, I really wanted to make them all jealous by showing off my awesome abs." She giggled and placed the back of her hand over her mouth, then started to wipe her nose. Michael placed his fingers under her chin, and turned her face to see his. "I'm sorry" She pushed his hand out of the way, and walked back out toward her car. "You really think that's what I'm so upset about? Really?" He looked at her face, and started to wipe her tears. "No. I know that's not it." He looked into her eyes. She could feel his breath on her face, and as he looked from her eyes to her lips, he closed his eyes and moved closer to her lips. He gently brushed her lips with his own, trying hard not to kiss her, but knowing he couldn't keep himself from trying, and as he stroked her cheek, he lost his control and just let go. She could feel the passion they once had return and they both felt the whole world just melt away.


So, this is my second chapter. I hope you're enjoying it so far! Don't forget to leave a comment. Thanks!


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