Chapter 33

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Scarlett's pov

Waking up to a familiar warmth, I brace myself as all the thoughts came back to me of my actions lastnight.



Am I happy?

I'm not really sure how I feel.

These arms, cradling my body like petals to an unblossomed flowerbud... Strong and yet at the same time soft. My heart, is currently at full strength.

As I lay with my back to him, I can feel him nuzzle my neck with his chin.

Almost tickling me with each movement he makes.

I giggle

Then, as gently as possible, I feel his fingertips gently graze my side. From my shoulder to just below my hips.

Chills erupt over my entire body causing him to inch closer to me til there is no air left between us.

As if we fit together like a puzzle, his legs bend to the curvature of my legs. As if a shadow of myself.

I feel a slight heat on my cheeks, and turn towards the sensation to see the sun beating down on me.

As realization hits me that it's morning, I begin feeling tiny kisses along my neckline. As I bow my shoulders out, to show him I want him to continue.

"Don't stop. I don't want to get up yet."

I whimper to the warm soul behind me, as I hear a deep rumbling coming from his chest.

"Are you laughing at me?"

I giggle as I spin onto my side, facing him.

Seeing him smirk as he looked up at me, from under his platinum blond bangs.

I quickly move my hands to his sides, as I begin to tickle him.

Both of us laughing, as we tickle eachother. However, he curls into a ball, grabbing his knees with his arms as he growls out with uncontrollable laughter.

"Stop! Please stop!"

He begs me, as I slow down to a gentle brushing with my fingertips. I watch as his eyes calmly close.

I can sense he is enjoying the slowness of tempo. I move my hands to his sides as I slide my hands over his back in an almost light massage.

"Now that you can continue. Please."

I hear him say with near shaky lips.

Moments went by, as we just lay with eachother. Enjoying the company of one another.

Deciding between ourselves to stay in bed as long as possible, we begin to reminisce of good times.

"Speaking of basketball... how is Joey? Do you even talk to him still?"

I ask, with honest curiosity.

He was my friend too.

"He's doing really good, actually. I think he got a scholarship to U of A down in Tucson. He's pretty content. He said I have to come visit anytime I'm in town and get him front row seats and VIP backstage passes when I'm in town. Which is simple."

He looked almost sad as he talked about him.

"I'm glad he has succeeded! Please tell him hi for me?"

I really did hope he did well in life. He was a good guy, and so funny. He was the class clown and always had me laughing. I'm actually surprised he was able to get a scholarship since he had so many detentions last year.

Pulling myself back into the conversation, I almost missed what Michael had said.

"I will. I'm sure he'd love to hear from you."

Michael looked down at his hands, almost in a sad way again.

"Michael, why do you seem sad when I talk about Joey?"

He looked up to me, his eyes seemed cloudy.


"I'm not sad. I'm happy he is doing so well. Just... A little jealous I guess."

Jealous? Of Joey? But he had the life! Joey had years of school left.

"Michael, why are you jealous of him? You're living you're dream!"

I hated saying that, but after so long I finally understand. Just like I have a dream.


I wouldn't give that dream up for anyone. No matter what Michael promised me I wouldn't. It took me some time and lots of reflection. I may miss him and love him to heaven and back...

But I get it.

"Am I? Really? I mean... what do I really have to show for it?"

He held my hands in his for a moment, tracing the outline of the lines in my palm.

Not missing a beat or looking up at me.

"Scarlett... You are my dream, and I'm sorry I hurt you. You never deserved what I did to you and I'm sorry."

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