30.K. Married, happy & I still kill people

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2 roky neskor, Emma má 21:
,, Zosumarizujme si to. Winter Soldier je slaboch a vy ho chcete späť. Načo je moja jedina otazka. " uplne kludne sa spytala brunetka. ,, Len tak. " bola ich odpoved ,, Fajn. " vzdychla si bruneta a vzala od nich svoju "novú" tvár a parochnu. Nasadila si to a stala sa z nej žena s dokonalými perami a trosku dvihnutým nosom no trošku prisebe na tváry. Ryšave vlasy a pyhy tomu dodali svoje čaro. ,, Tak ako to hovoria? See you soon. " povedala s britskym prizvukom a usmiala sa. ,, Už idem zlatko. " usmiala sa a šla.

Zazvonila na dvere a otvorila jej nadherna blondyna ,, Hi, you must be the maid. Perfect. I am goig to work, but my husband works home now, policeman, well good luck. " povedala a obisla ju. Emma vosla dnu a usmiala sa. ,, Hello? Anybody here? " ozvala sa. ,, Ou yeah. Here! " ozvalo sa zo zadu a Emma tan kracala. Stal tam za stolom a pozeral sa do papierou. Vlasy ostrihane a na tvary sa mu vytvaralo strnisko. ,, Oh you must be the maid. May I ask for your name? ",, Ou ofcourse. Elisabeth Reach. " povedala a usmiala sa ,, But Betty is fine. " povedala ,, Yeah sure. Just you know what to do. There are no rooms you are not allowed to come in. If you would want to you can stay over night. " povedal a jej pohlad padol na jeho lavu ruku. ,, Working as a policeman takes its price. Oh by the way Henry Williams. " klamár. Pomyslela si Emma no len mu potriasla rukou.

O 2 mesiace:
Emma zakazdým zavolala upratovací tym ked dvojica niekde odišla. Určute by im tu nepratala. A dnes sa rozhodla milej Isabelle ukazat kto je jej manžel. ,, Betty? " ozvalo sa a Emma dobehla do obývačky. ,, We have to talk. " povedali a Emma sa vnutorne usmiala. Našli to. Sadla si a Emma vydela schovanú pistoľ za mužovym chrbtom. ,, Just, what is this? " povedali a vytiahli lovecký nožík na stôl ,, Oh my appologies i did not tell you that. So sorry, oh just. My parents died and this is the only thing I have left after them. Oh god I am so stupid. ",, Oh no we are sorry. Truth? We were kinda scared you are gonna kill us. ",, You are right. Kinda. " usmiala sa a schmatla nozik naco na ňu muz namieril zbraň. ,, Oh calm down James. " povedala pričom to meno priam až zasyčala. Jednym pohybom ruky si dala dolu masku aj parochnu a potriasla hlabou aby sa jej rozpustili vlasy. Muz cúvol. ,, You..." zašepkal ,, Surprise! " skrikla. ,, You were dead. " ,, Ou you mean the train? ",, Oh no darling. I got into a hospital and then locked in a psychiatric hospital. " povedala a usmiala sa ,, Stop. " ozvalo sa vedľa nich ,, Henry who the hell is she and why did she call you James? " ,, Yeah Henry. " zasmiala sa nad tym menom. ,, Emma dont do this. ",, Fine, I'll back off a little bit, but you will explain everytihg. Starting with your name, and year of birth, year of losig your arm and life and ofcourse the Hydra's best year. "

,, Fine. Isabelle. My real name isnt Henry Williams but James Buchanan Barnes. I was born in the year 1917 and- ",, Hold up? 1917? Hold old are you? " ,, 107. ",, oh god okay. Continue. ",, In the year 1942 I had an accident. I fell of a train and fell hundreds of meters down. My arm did not sivive it. That is where I got this. " povedal a dvihol svoju kovovu ruku di vzduchu. Isabella si ju prehliadla a bolo na nej vidno že svojmu manželovy nechcela veriť ani slovo. ,, Continue. " zašepkala ,, They were torturing me for around 20 years until a broke and they erased from me who I was. In the year 1965 they made the perfect weapon. The Winter Soldier. " povedal. Isabela sa trhane nadychla a prikryla si usta rukou a vypadla jej slza z oka. ,, I am sorry. ",, Just talk. " povedala ,, 50 years later. I met this girl for the first time. Still remember the day they brought her half dead, I was there when they carved that word into her neck, I was therw when they were yorturing her for 9 months. Then I left, 2 years later, she had a fight with me. Her side. The Russian soviet milittary grounds and Hydra. She won. She killed what brought her freedom. I stayed with hydra. And then, she got into my life. Making me remember. Showing me ho bad these people are. Stayed with me when I almost murdered her in front of her family. But she still stayed. Then the story went on. And we had a crash with a train. Last time I saw her. " dokončils skratenu verziu pribehu a jeho žena plakala. Tak veľmi a on vedel prečo. ,, I always heard about The Winter Soldier. How cruel he was. How cold-blooded. And know i found out he is you. I just. Give me a second. " povedala a odišla.

,, Well that went better than I expected. " sarkasticky povedala Emma no potom sa stalo čo nečakala. Bucky ju chytil pod krk a tak silno prirazil o stenu až sa tam vytvorila diera. Emma lapala po kusliku no jeho kovova ruka bola prilis tesná. ,, Why did you come back?! Why are you with them?! After everything! " kričal až do miesnosti nebehla Isabella. Bucky videl že Emma chce nieči povedať a tak povolil stisk. ,, Because you are not with them. They appreciate everything I do. " zachrapčala ,, And ofcourse. Wanted too see if you meant it. The thig you said in the pris- " nestihla dopovedať pretože stiak kolo jej krku zosilnel. Nohami kopala no na nič. Rukami drzala Buckyho a snažila sa vyslobodiť no jeho stisk bol čoraz silnejší. Emme sa zatmievalo pred očami ktore jej zapadali dozadu. ,, Henry put her down. " povedala Isabella a Bucky akoby z tranzu sa zobudil a pustil brunetku ktora dopadla na kolena a rozkaslala sa pricom lapala po kusku kysliku ktory sa jej nakoniec distal do pluc. Plytko dychala a spamatavala sa z toho co sa prave stalo ,, What did you say to her. Int he prison. Exactly the same words. " povedala a Bucky sklonil hlavu ,, I love you. " zašepkal a Isabella len kyvla hlavou ,, Tipted. I have to take you to my boss. " povedala ,, They are nobody. " ozvalo sa za nimi. Emma stala na nohach no stale sa opierala o stenu. ,, The FBI are the best. ",, Isabella dont argue with her. Please. ",, Why not? Because I am a manipulative bitch as you called me once? ",, Yeah. " povedal bez zavahania ,, Sure. Arrest your filthy husband. Im out. Bye. " povedala a chystala sa na odchod. ,, Wait! I have just one question Ripper Wolf. " povedala Isabella ,, Yes? " ,, If you could. Would you say it back to him? " spytala sa so slzami v ociach ,, Now? Absolutely not. Then? If I could I would say it about a hundred times and even more. " povedala a vykracala z domu kde zacala hadka.

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