Winter's new job and a new chief of security

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YN is waiting at a helipad on the grounds of the imperial palace for Winter's helicopter. She then lands and YN greets her.

YN: Ahh Winter, Its so lovely to see you again.

Winter: Well I couldn't refuse an invitation from the emperor.

YN: You can drop the act, we are old friends not to mention family.

Winter: Thanks, so why did you call me here?

YN: I have a post that needs someone like you.

Winter: What post is that?

YN: The post of local commander of Patch.

Winter: Didn't you bomb that place into submission and liquidate the populace.

YN: We did, Your job will be the administration of the island and its conversion to a vacation spot for the top brass.

Winter: Ahh you were factoring in the fact that I sent my retirement letter to you.

YN: Yes I was, you are much too valuable to lose and I thought that it would be a nice relaxed post for your last assignment.

Winter: I graciously accept your offer. Now, what budget do I have to work with for refurbishing the island into your personal resort?

YN: I think that several billion Lien will be allocated for this project, more money will be provided if necessary.

Winter: What about labor?

YN: I have set a decree that conscripts the surviving population of Patch in the aid of the project. So a few thousand.

Winter: What conditions should they work under and what style should it be built in.

YN: The structures should be built in the style of the ancient cities. I see it that if one hundred of them are killed while building a building it is only important that the building is built.

Winter: Ok. (in head) That is dark.

Winter then flew to patch and then saw that she basically had a blank slate to work with due to the fact that there are no man-made structures still standing. The project would take about a year to a year and a half and with the furnishings, costs about six billion lien.  YN was willing to send in the VACE, Vale Army Corps of Engineers, to help. Winter accepted and it cut the build time down to one year.

Timeskip one year because watching several thousand men build a city is not that interesting.

YN, Weiss, Sean, and Emily are flying to Patch to see the end result of the massive building project

Weiss: Winter, it is so lovely to see you again.

Winter: Likewise your majesty.

Weiss smiled at this because she remembered all those times her sister outranked her.

YN: So is the project finally finished?

Winter: Yes it is, after one year, and several hundred conscripted workers being killed due to various injuries, it is done.

YN: Were any VACE workers killed?

Winter: No, they all survived.

YN: No problem then.

They then inspect the island and it is to their satisfaction.

YN: You have done a wonderful job Winter.

Winter: Thank you your majesty.

YN: (chuckles) you don't need to use my title when you are talking to me.

They then proceeded to explore the island and then Sean walks up to YN.

Sean: Father as you know the post of Chief Commissioner of the security beuro has been open since I became King of Atlas.

YN: Why are you bringing this up now?

Sean: I have found the perfect person for the job.

YN: Really, who is it?

Sean: Its,

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Vote for one of the five and the one with the most votes with become the next master chef. No wait, I'm being told that they won't be the next master chef. However they will be the next Chief Commissioner of the security beuro.

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