The end of prom

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YN has finished his dinner with Weiss. They were eating at the officers table by the way. Then they go to the balcony and talk for a while.

YN: Weiss, what do you think about us?

Weiss: What do you mean?

YN: I mean, I just want to know what you think of our relationship?

Weiss: Well I think that we go together like Chianti and fava beans. (Guess what that is a reference to)

YN: I mean, do you consider me your boyfriend?

Weiss: What kind of stupid question is that, of course you are my boyfriend. We have been dating for a while now and I think that I would like to know you better.

YN: Well my life is an open book, I'll tell you whatever you want to know.

Weiss: Alright, why do you want to go above and beyond with everything you do?

YN's mind is flooded by memories of his tragic childhood.

YN: As a child I was always told that I was never good enough, that nothing I ever did would make anyone feel anything besides disgust about me.

Weiss: Who told you that?

YN: My adopted family. That continued until my mother told me to just kill myself. So I went to my room and put on my uniform, I then proceeded to draw my pistol and shoot myself in the head.

Weiss is horrified at this and she just hugged YN while she was crying.

Weiss: Never listen to them, you are the kindest, bravest, most honorable person that I know, and I love you for it.

YN: I love you too Weiss.

YN leans his head down to Weiss's and they have a passionate kiss. The kiss for about five minutes before Weiss straddles YN who moves his hands down to her waist.

Weiss: If you're going to be like that we should go somewhere more private.

They then go to YN's dorm and proceeded to thoroughly enjoy each other's company.

Time skip to the morning.

YN wakes up he then gets up and puts on his cadet uniform and he kisses Weiss on the forehead as he goes off to make breakfast. Weiss wakes up about twenty minutes later to see YN making EggsBenedict. She puts on a blue tunic she sees lying around and puts it on

 She puts on a blue tunic she sees lying around and puts it on

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This without the belt.

However it is made for YN and not her so it trails on the floor. She then goes up to YN and hugged him from behind.

They then enjoy breakfast before she heads back to her dorm.

Time skip to the RWBY dorm

Weiss walks in and is immediately bombarded with questions from Ruby and Yang.

Ruby: Why didn't you come back last night?

Yang: That tunic isn't yours, who's is it?

Ruby: Yang that tunic is YN's handiwork.

Yang: You slept with YN?

Weiss just goes over to her bed and swaddles herself in the tunic.

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