An unforseen and drastic change in events

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Time skip three years

YN has done great work for the people of Vale. They now have the highest quality of life out of all the other kingdoms and their economy grows ever more. However YN has still remained only an advisor general.

YN is sitting with Weiss on the chair in his home office reading a book to his two kids when an officer bursts into the room.

Officer: General the monarchists are staging a revolution!

YN: Why, what are their demands? It can't be to restore the old government, we purged them after all.

Officer: They don't want to restore the old one sir, they want to establish a new one.

YN: Who do they want to put on the throne as emperor?

Officer: Sir believe it or not, they want you to be the emperor.

YN is stunned by this and remains so until Sean steps in.

Sean: Father, I would find it prudent that you take this chance to elevate yourself. For how long have your great deeds gone unrewarded, too long I say. You should march into the capital building with the people at your back and proclaim yourself emperor!

YN: but how would the media react?

Emily: Father, you can just say you became emperor to end a revolution. And if you do not like what the media is saying, you could all ways make them disappear.

AN: The kids clearly take after their parents.

Weiss: If this works we would secure a future for both Vale and our family.

YN: How wide spread is the rebellion?

Officer: Well over three quarters of the country are in revolt in support of you sir.

YN: Tell me this, whom do you want to win. The rebbes who want me as emperor or the current government.

Officer: Sir you have my complete and ultimate support no matter what, I would consider it an honor to lay down my life for you.

YN turns to his family, they nod he turns to the officer.

YN: Spread the news that I will be making my decision known tomorrow at midnight!

Officer: who will be in charge of security.

YN hands him a list.

YN: I want everyone on this list brought to me by the time this day is out. Also what is your name colonel?

Officer: Georgy sir, my name is Georgy.

Georgy then ran out of the room to the nearest telephone station to contact the soldiers on the list.

Time skip to the evening.

The two hundred men on the list are in the courtyard as YN addresses them.

YN: You have all served admirably as soldiers and agents of the republic, you have distinguished yourselves as fanatical supporters of me and my policies. It is for these reasons that I ask you to serve as my personal imperial bodyguard under General Georgy. I understand if you wish to decline, but all those who accept step forward.
I will need great soldiers to support me in my bid for the throne, will you support me.

At that moment everybody steps forward and they cheer


YN waves to the crowd and turns to Weiss.

YN: I guess they accepted the job offer.

Weiss just laughed and then they prepared for the next night

YN stands on the balcony overlooking the square. Over ten thousand people are waiting in the square with bated breath to hear what YN has to say. Many more listen on their radios or watch on their TV.

YN: I have decided that in order to preserve the country I will ascend the throne and become emperor.

YN was about to continue but the applause and jubilee of the crowd silenced him. He then climbed down from the balcony and marched down the main boulevard to the capital building. There were roadblocks on the way but they quickly threw down their guns and joined YN. When they arrived at the capital building YN forced the door open while his supporters rushed the stunned council members within.

By the end of the day all of Vale recognized YN as emperor.

It was two days later however when he was officially crowned as emperor YN.

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