A meeting with Ozpin and discussing your sembelance and the initiation

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Right after everybody woke up and got dressed Ozpin called you to his office.

AN: you are in your previous uniform not your cadet uniform.

Ozpin: ahh YN, I want to talk to you about your semblance.

YN: Sir What Do you mean, I haven't unlocked it yet?

Ozpin: No YN you have, remember when you were fighting Torchwick and those two people who looked similar to you supported your attack.

YN: Sir they were just random strangers weren't they?

Ozpin: No, your semblance allows you to call upon non identical clones to fight on your side.
Think of it just like your own personal army that you can summon at a moments notice. How many troops do you think you could summon?

YN: Sir now at most, about a hundred and fifty.

Ozpin spits out his coffee when he hears this.

Ozpin: have you trained with your semblance before?

YN: Sir no sir.

Ozpin: two things, one stop calling me sir and second, if you can do that without any training, with some work you might be able to summon an army.

YN: You really think so?

Ozpin: I know so. And be sure to use it when at initiation.
Time skip to the locker room when Weiss and Pyrah are talking

Jaune goes up to Weiss and says "Tall formal and handsome huh, I didn't know you felt that way about me.

Weiss: unfortunately for you I wasn't talking about you!

Jaune: But who else could you have meant?

YN: She was talking about me Jaune.

Jaune turns around to see YN then he turns back to Weiss and says "How about it snowflake? Wanna be on the winning team?"

Weiss then runs up to YN and hugs him.

Weiss: I would rather be on a team with my boyfriend!

YN looks at her quizzically and then Weiss whispered in his ear "Please play along." She gives you the puppy eyes as she asks.

YN: Jaune, for your health and safety don't hit on my girlfriend!

Jaune looks dejected and he walks away to find his gear.

YN joking asked "So Weiss, now that we are Boyfriend and girlfriend want to go out on a date?"

Weiss responded without a moments hesitation "YES!"

With that I put on my helmet and make my way to the initiation.

With that I put on my helmet and make my way to the initiation

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This is your helmet

Time skip to the beginning of the initiation.

Ruby: so what did Ozpin want to talk about?

YN: My semblance. Apparently it is called numerical superiority, it allows me to summon soldiers to fight by my side.

Ruby and Yang: Cool, I hope we get to see it

Ozpin tells the students about the objective and    Jaune panics.

Jaune: do we get parachutes.

I turn to him and say "You should have brought your own"

Jaune: what do you mean?

YN just points at the parachute on his back before being launched off of the cliff.


I spot a clearing in the Forrest and I pull the chord on my parachute. I then parachute into the clearing and get my bearings.

As soon as I figure out where I am I summon the 312th.

AN That is what I am going to call YN's personal army.

At that moment a hundred and fifty soldiers equipped with the same weapons that I have appear in formation and then the officers of the group step forward and ask for orders.

Officer: we are awaiting your orders general.

YN: form a column ten men wide and prepare to move out. Also do the men know any marching songs?

Officer: The men know Katyusha and Fredericus Rex.

YN: Have the men sing Frederickus Rex and get them into formation.

Officers:Sir yes sir.

Officers shouting at the soldiers: Column ten men wide, prepare to move out. And when the command is given sing Fredericus Rex.

The army moves out and the song can be heard from a great distance away.

Fridericus Rex, our noble King and Lord
He calls every soldier to gather gun and sword
Two hundred tall battalions and a thousand squadron corps
And every single grenadier has sixty shots or more!

"You blighted men" says his regal majesty,
"In battle I want every man to stand by me.
Silesia they begrudge me and for Glatz they do the same
And they envy all the gold that lies within my royal name.

The Empress has wed, with the French she does consult,
And the Holy Roman Reich is uprising in revolt!
The Russians have invaded, they are storming near and far
Let's show what kind of fighting men the Prussian soldiers are!"

"My general Schwerin and my Field-Marshall Von Keith
And my Major General Von Ziethen are ready for the fight!
Bolts, thunder, crash, and lightning - bloody hell and horrid woe!
Our triumphs go before us so that all the world may know!"

Goodbye, my Luise, will you wipe away those tears?
Your man is a soldier who marches without fears!
If every single bullet were to go and hit its mark
Then where would every regent get their soldiers proud and stark?

The musket ball makes a very tiny hole
The cannon-ball makes an even bigger hole!
The bullets are of iron and are cast of molten lead!
And many straying bullets have missed many straying heads!

Our cannons roar, they're a force that can contend
And a Prussian soldier's loyalty, is faithful to the end!
The Swedes in the north have the awfullest of field
And anything in Austria can nothing better yield!

The French pay their soldiers with bottles of pomade
In Prussia every soldier is always promptly paid!
Bolts, thunder, crash, and lightning - bloody hell and horrid woe!
Who gets their pay as quickly from the Prussian overflow?

Fridericus, my King, the laurel wreath adorns
And every single soldier his loyalty has sworn!
Fridericus Rex, my king and lord
We'd follow you hell if only you would give the word!

Third person

Ruby and Weiss have met up by this time and they hear the singing. They both decided that the best course of action would be to find the source of the music before heading to get the relics.
They walk for about fifteen minutes before stumbling upon the 312th at first they all point their rifles at Ruby and Weiss before they realized that they were not a threat. YN then goes to greet them.

YN: Ruby you wanted to see my semblance, well here it is.

YN points to his neatly arrayed force.

YN: these men are the 312th shooting division or just the 312th.

Ruby and Weiss are utterly flabbergasted by this.

Ruby: But big brother, you haven't trained with your semblance, How are you able to do this so easily?

YN: honestly, I have no idea.

While Ruby and YN are talking Weiss goes up to the 312th and she inspects the troops.

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