The beggining of prom and meeting Weiss's family

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Everyone at beacon is talking about the prom and everyone is trying to find something to wear or trying to ask someone out. YN has found what he will be wearing. When he was walking back he saw Weiss arguing with a blue haired boy so YN walks over to see what is going on.

YN: is everything ok?

Blue haired boy: Yeah everything is fine.

Weiss: No Neptune everything is not fine!

YN: What is not fine Weiss?

Weiss: Neptune wants me to go to the prom with him but I don't want to go!

At that moment Neptune grabbed Weiss's arm and tried to drag her away but it just pissed of YN. YN rushes up to Neptune and grabbed him by the collar.

YN: I suggest that you let her go.

Neptune: And what is the wannabe soldier gonna do about it.

YN: Wow That is some big talk from someone whose hair looks like a hi lighter.

Neptune then tries to punch YN in the gut but punches YN's bulletproof vest inadvertently breaking his hand. YN then picks him up and throws him into the side of a nearby bus.

YN: now that that is over. Weiss, would you like to go to the prom with me?

Weiss: Yes YN I would very much like to go to the prom with you.

YN: then I shall pick you up at your dorm tonight.

Time skip to the team RWBY dorm

Yang: Weiss why are you smiling so much? Did you get a date? Who is the lucky guy...or girl?

Ruby: Yeah, spill the beans.

Weiss: Yes I have a date and no it is not a girl.

Blake looks a bit upset before mumbling: in my fanfic it is.

Ruby: So who is it?

Weiss: YN, I am going to prom with YN.

Ruby: I wonder what he will wear, he is known for his uniform. Maybe he will wear something similar.

Time skip to right before prom.

There is a knock on the team RWBY dorm and they open it to see YN wearing this

There is a knock on the team RWBY dorm and they open it to see YN wearing this

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Just imagine this with a few medals and white leather gloves

YN: I am here to pick up Weiss.

Everybody in the room blushes and Yang gets a nosebleed before Weiss walks up to him. At this point YN has a small nosebleed when he sees what Weiss is wearing.

 At this point YN has a small nosebleed when he sees what Weiss is wearing

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What Weiss is wearing

YN quickly pulls out a handkerchief and wipes the blood from his nose.

Weiss: you look stunning in that uniform.

YN: As do you in that dress Weiss.

Weiss blushes when she hears this. They then walk into the courtyard only to be greeted by a blushing winter.

Winter: Damn How come my little sister gets such an attractive date.

Weiss forgetting all of her formality rushes up and gives winter a hug. Weiss then noticed someone else and proceeded to give him a big hug.

Weiss: Dad

Jacques holds out his arms and gives Weiss a big hug.

Jacques: My little girl, it has been a long time.

AN: in this story Jacques is not a ass and they have a stable family.

They hug for about two minutes before they left go.

Jacques: Weiss, So is this the boy you have started dating.

YN just stands as stiff as a board.

Weiss: Yes father, this is the man who I have started to date.

Jacques: Well introduce yourself then.

YN: YN, Commander of the 312th Elite Guards and the Advisor General to Vale, and at your service sir.

YN then salutes and clicks his heels together.

Jacques: At ease soldier, so I see that you are of high standing, both in class and character.

YN: I am glad that you think so sir.

Jacques: Well be on your way you two don't want to be late now.

YN: thank you sir.

Time skip to the prom

Everybody is socializing outside when a drunk Neptune stumbles in and tries to start a fight with YN.

Neptune: YN you're a real bastard, Weiss was supposed to go out with me when (hick) you stepped in. Now I am gunna kick your ass.

YN: We are in a public place, don't make a fool of yourself.

Neptune just tried to punch YN but he slapped Weiss. That infuriated YN prompting him to throw Neptune to the ground and beat him to a bloody pulp.

YN: DON'T (punch) YOU (punch) TOUCH (punch) MY (punch) GIRL (punch) FRIEND (punch)

YN has to be pulled off of Neptune by Teams RWBY JNPR Orchid as well as Ozpin Glynda and Winter.

YN looks stunned at what he did. He just wiped the blood from his gloves off on Neptune's coat and proceeded to the main hall where they would have dinner.

Weiss has a warm and fuzzy feeling inside (in head) he got that mad just because Neptune slapped me, I know I shouldn't feel this way about that but it was really attractive.

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