Reforming Vale, the end of team CRDL and planning for the prom

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In the weeks after the overhaul of the government things have been going great. Crime, unemployment, and homelessness have decreased. The new government has created not necessarily an army, but a self defense force and the people are embarrassing it whole heartedly. However some people worry that they could use it as a steppingstone towards creating an actual army.

Blake: YN, do you really think that it is a good idea to set up this kind of government and a pseudo militarized state?

YN: It has been created to protect the people of the new and improved Vale. Also you don't have a problem with the government of menagerie and it is pretty much the same system. They have a chieftain, we have a Kahn.

Blake: It is different.

YN: How is it different?

Blake stammers a bit then she walks off.

Time skip to after Oobleck's class.

Cardin and the rest of team CRDL are angry that YN humiliated them in class and they decided to attack him at lunch. Whilst walking outside YN is confronted with team CRDL.

Cardin: We have had enough of you YN! This time we are going to get rid of you for good.

YN: I am glad you said that because now I have you on conspiracy to commit murder and the planned attack of a government officer.

They look at you quizzically before you pull out a tape recorder. You then proceeded to knock them unconscious and tie them up. You then call all of the students into the auditorium for a mock trial.

YN called on all of Cardin's victims to speak at the trial. Jaune, Velvet, and many others.

Time skip to the end of the trial.

YN dressed as a judge: team CRDL, you have been charged with  conspiracy to commit murder and the planned attack of a government officer and attempted murder as well as public disturbances and breaking the peace.
For these actions you have been sentenced to thirty years hard labor.

They can be heard weeping as they are lead outside. After that only an engine starting and a truck pulling away can be heard.

Then a small smile creeps onto everybody's face before applause shakes the hall.

Time skip to the cafeteria

Yang grabbed YN by the cross belts and picked him up.

AN: No that is not an innuendo.

Yang: YN what the hell? You closed Juniors?

YN: three things, One put me down, Two I didn't shut it down the new safety bureau did, and Three I know how much you like that place so I pulled some strings and had it change hands.

Yang: So who the hell owns my favorite bar?

YN: I do. you see, running the new government isn't cheap and this is one of the ways to keep it afloat.

Yang: So my bar with still be there?

YN: Yes.

Yang: Thank you so much YN, you have no idea how happy I am.

YN: yeah yeah, just don't get hammered like last time.

Weiss: YN what other ventures do the government now own?

YN: Most of the bars and nightclubs, half of the restaurants, all of the communications networks and most of the shipping, mines and farms and factories. It is another way that we are able to provide more for our people, because we keep certain prices down and certain prices high.

Weiss: So what ventures do you control?

YN: I am not officially a member of the government but that doesn't mean that my fingers aren't in the cookie jar. I have various factories to my name, and I am still in charge of the 312th Elite Guards infantry division.

Ruby: weren't they the armored infantry?

YN: The name was changed after Clean Sweep.

Ruby: Oh.

Glynda: The prom is happening and you are the only group that I can trust to get the planning done. Can you do it?

RWBY, Jackson: Yeah!

YN: I guess.

Glynda: Great, I knew I could count on you (under her breath) well the only group that would want the job.

Weiss: What was that?

Glynda: Nothing, Nothing.

Glynda smilies as she walks away

YN: You realize that she was just passing off her work.

Yang: What do you mean?

YN: I heard her talking to Ozpin about how she didn't want the job.

Ruby: How did you hear that? You were with us the whole time.

YN: I bugged her room.

YN smiles as everyone looks at him.

Weiss: you didn't bug us, right.

YN: I didn't. (Under his breath) as far as you know.

Time skip to a day before prom

Jackson: this is the week before prom and you haven't done any work!

Yang: Weiss and I have been coming up with ideas and plans.

Weiss: But they won't work together. And Ruby and Blake have been eating cookies this whole time!

Ruby: Well Jackson hasn't done anything either.

Jackson: I wrote the word prom and where even is YN?

YN bursts through the door.

YN: None of you have done anything substantial so that is why I have taken it upon myself to complete this assignment.

YN leads them into the main hall and shows them what he has done.

YN:It will start off with light appetizers and mingling outside before proceeding inside to where they will be seated at a table and served from a menu. Lobster tail and ravioli, steamed trout with Caesar salad, or spaghetti with veal meatballs with be served as the main dish. For desert there will be chocolate lava cake with vanilla ice cream, or creme brûlée. After that a 34 Bordeaux or a red wine of 1918 vintage will be served for Officers and teachers for students depending on their age they will receive a wine of 2015 vintage or punch and cola. After that the dance floor will be open and then the mingling will continue.

Everybody looks flabbergasted and then Weiss asked "What do you mean, teachers and officers.

YN: Certain middle ranking army officers have been invited to this event and some from Atlas including your sister.

Weiss: YN you mean that winter is coming.

Yang: Wait Weiss, you have a sister?

Weiss: yes I do.

Glynda comes in and congratulates YN for his planning.

Glynda: YN thank you for planning this event, it is sure to be one of the best ones yet.

YN is blushing inside because he was listening in earlier when he heard Glynda...enjoy herself whilst mentioning YN's name. Glynda is also blushing but not only on the inside.

Glynda: (in head) I don't know why, but he makes me go wild.

YN: Miss Goodwitch, you are blushing.

Glynda stammers for a bit before leaving.

AN   If you like what I do please take a look at my friend's work.  He is ImTheUnderTaker_28

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