Ozpin's speech and the end of the first day

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We get there just in time to hear Ozpin's speech. Ruby then met back up with Yang and told her about her day so far.

Ruby: Then I knocked over some crabby girls luggage and then I exploded!

Yang: Wow, meltdown already?

Weiss: there you are, read this and don't ever speak to me again.

Weiss hands Ruby a pamphlet titled Dust for dummies and other inadequate individuals.

Yang: Wow you really did explode.

Weiss says a bunch of legal jargon and Ruby looks at her as if she has two heads.

Weiss: Do you really want to make it up to me?

Ruby: yess, hi I am Ruby Rose wanna go and buy school supplies together?

Weiss: Oh yeah and we can paint our nails and talk about cute boys like tall formal and handsome over their

She said that last part whilst pointing at YN, as soon as she realized she went as red as Ruby's cloak.

YN was standing near Jaune, and they both heard what Weiss said, with different reactions however. YN fumbles for a bit before regaining his composure, Jaune however takes this as encouraged thinking that Weiss was taking about him.

Jaune walks over to Weiss and says: I am at natural blonde you know.

That earns a facepalm from Weiss as she walks away.

After that they all go to the main hall where they will sleep for the night

Yang looks at all the boys who are trying to show off, she then decides who she would go on a date with.
Then YN comes out wearing his pajamas.

Yang: Damn, I was hoping to see YN without a shirt.

Ruby: Yang that is weird, he is our brother.

Yang: Not by blood, after all incest is wincest.

Ruby: what is incest?

YN walks up to them and says: Ruby I will tell you when you are older.

YN is next to Ruby and Yang as he prepares his cot.

YN is next to Ruby and Yang as he prepares his cot

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This is your cot but it is a bit wider

And you pull out what you call your cadet uniform
It is the same except without the ribbon and cap badge, however it now has red shoulder boards.

And you pull out what you call your cadet uniform It is the same except without the ribbon and cap badge, however it now has red shoulder boards

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AN: yes I know that it is a West Point cadet uniform.

Yang: why the new uniform?

YN: I wanted something new that made me look like a student but still preserved my fashion sense.

Yang: I guess that makes sense.

Ruby: More to the point, why did you bring your cot?

YN: I don't have a sleeping bag and my back hurts if I sleep on the ground.

Then to freak Them out YN said: bugs also crawl around on the floor.

Ruby and Yang promptly freaked out and leaps into YN's cot. Tiny problem, YN is already in his cot and she lands on top of him in an awkward position. Her large...assets smothering YN. Ruby lands on Yang's back further pushing her into YN.

YN manages to get Yang and Ruby off of his cot saying it is meant for two people at most.
Yang is furiously blushing from the ordeal and then Ruby realized what was going on.

Ruby: YN Yang, that's just weird.

YN: How was it weird? You two just jumped me while I was trying to sleep.

Ruby: well Yang's massive brea.

She was cut off by YN covering her mouth and saying "I get it now." He then feel a wet and warm sensation on his hand.

YN: Ruby, did you just lick my hand?

Ruby: well you taste good big brother.

Yang hears this and doubles over laughing.

Then Weiss comes over and says "Do you mind, some people are trying to sleep."

YN: As was I before my sisters threw themselves at me.

Weiss: what on earth prompted them to do that?

YN: I said that the reason I use a cot instead of a sleeping bag is because there are bugs on the floor.

Before YN finished saying floor Weiss has already jumped into YN's cot screaming "Bugs, Where where?"

YN: Don't worry there are no bugs here.

Weiss then proceeded to ask "Incase there are bugs, could I sleep in your cot with you?"

Weiss then proceeded to ask "Incase there are bugs, could I sleep in your cot with you?"

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She asked like a dog that wanted to come in from the rain. YN caved at this and said "I guess it is ok if you want to sleep with me."

Weiss grabbed her blanket and proceeded to curl up alongside YN.

She then gave a smug grin to Yang and Ruby who look furious at this development. Ruby and Yang storm off to find someone else to sleep near and they find Blake they talk for a bit until they all fall asleep, all except Weiss that is. When YN is asleep she wrapped her arms around him and said "You are a boyfriend that both me and my father would approve of."
Unbeknownst to her YN is awake and her hears her say this. YN smiles at the thought.

AN: I feel awkward about writing smut, but if enough people want it I will try.

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