The rest of the morning consisted of chaos; everybody set to work, files from the archive and documentation covered various surfaces throughout the house but I found myself reveling in the hectic atmosphere; it served as the perfect distraction from my meeting later this afternoon. When it reached quarter to 3, my nerves returned- I told the boys to have a break while the girls and I went shopping, as long as everything I asked for was on my desk by the time we returned.

In what seemed like no time at all, the girls and I were getting into the pack Jeep and pulling out of the pack house, passing through the territory gates. We were soon out on the main road, traveling through the various villages as we headed to Morisville Town centre. Parking up half an hour later, the girls got out eagerly, Chanel linked her arm through mine and we headed towards the shops. “Quit worrying so much Ana, you’ll do great! I’m sure everything will turn out great at the end of this and you’ll be kicking yourself for worrying so much.” She nudged me, gently-playfully. I smiled gratefully, taking a weary breath.

“You’re right. Come on, let’s go shop.” I slipped on a pair of sunglasses, grateful that the sunny day gave me an excuse to wear them. For the rest of the time leading up to the meeting, I purposely immersed myself in looking through clothes for who knows what, agitatedly checking the time on my cell periodically. An hour later at quarter to 4, I put on a mask of completely calm composure as we all headed to the shop ‘Voila’, once inside I quickly told the other girls that I had a meeting and to keep an eye out for anything suspicious. Thankfully, they knew not to ask questions and agreed; conspicuously looking through dresses while also keeping an eye out. Chanel gave me a warm, tight hug before walking over to join the girls as I headed to find Violetta.

“Ana! How good to see you!” gushed Violetta, giving me a small peck on the cheek. “You look so grown up since the last time I saw you.” She smiled which I return warmly. I was about to reply, when she leaned a little closer, “But enough of this time taking, let me not keep you from your true purpose today. You’re expected in the back room sweetheart.” My eyes widened, my heart picked up in anticipation, the Queen was already here? How long had I kept her waiting?!


Seeming to understand my shocked expression, Violetta’s face softened as she reassured, “Do not worry Ana, her Majesty was here early in-keeping with a separate appointment she’d made with me.” I swallow; soothed a little as we turned and Violetta lead me through to a door, no doubt leading to private compartment where Violetta said she fitted and designed clothes for her elite clients. Stopping at the door, “I hope there will be time for us to catch-up afterwards Ana, I would much love to hear how your mother gets on.”

“Of course,” I said quietly, smiling kindly. Wishing me luck and telling me to call if we needed anything, Violetta then turned and headed back to the front of the shop. I looked at the door blankly before taking a deep breathe in, heart in my throat as I pushed the door open, revealing a well organised, formal room. Carpeted floor, a podium for someone to stand on and various fitting rooms tucked around the circular room. To one side, set out neatly was a small table with two chairs; one already occupied by the Queen, flanked by two royal guards, all of whom looked up when I entered.

“Wait outside please” The Queen spoke to the two guards, who promptly bowed and passed me, shutting the door behind them.

The Queen smiled, an expression which omitted such warm delight that I found myself instantly relaxing in her presence. “Your Majesty” I greet, lowering my head respectfully.

“Ana dear! You don’t have to bow to me, I already consider you family! And please by all means, call me Maryanne” She enthused, standing and coming over to me, surprising me by giving me a motherly hug. “Come! Sit down!” She motioned. We sat down, and Maryanne took a sip of tea from a tray that had been laid out as her eyes took in every bit of my face, a barely noticeable frown forming.

“Oh, my apologies,” I said realising I was still wearing my sunglasses. I hesitantly took them off, dropping my gaze as I did so before looking shyly back up at the Queen, whose expression lit up- a smile seeming to break her expression.

“You, my dear, are a beautiful young lady,” she said taking my hand and giving it an earnest squeeze.

“Erm thank you?” I spoke uncertainly but gratefully.

“How are your injuries from the fight?” She asks concerned, her eyes dropping to my arm, almost as if she could see the healing injuries through my clothes.

“Healing well; the injuries on my arm wont heal fully for a while yet- they were quite deep.” I say, before deciding to dive straight into the reason I was here. “Your Majest- sorry, Maryanne, I wanted to talk to you today because I thought it time that someone in the Royal family understand the position I’m currently in and as Queen, I thought you would understand the most.” I began, folding up my sunglasses and putting them in the bag I’d brought with me. Straightening my shoulders, I continue, “I’m also hoping that you will be able to help me. You see, I wasn’t expecting to see as much of your son as I have; I firmly believe that the safest solution right now, while the rogues are around, is for Kellen and myself to be apart.” I spoke formally, my tone picking up as I began to rush my words unintentionally. “Meeting him at the club recently was completely a much welcome coincidence, thankfully it was a masked party... I still believe that its too soon for him to know who I am yet and the changes that are required by the new policy may well throw him into my path and possibly endanger him sooner than need be-”

“Wait a moment.” Cut in Maryanne, her frown returning as she held up her hand. “Your Alpha told you about the policy?” She asked puzzled. Now it was my turn to be confused.

“My Alpha?” I repeat in confused amusement before it dawned on me. They don’t know who I am, so they’ve assumed I had an Alpha whose been protecting me. I laugh momentarily. “No, you seem to be mistaken, I don’t have an Alpha.”

“Then how do you know about the new policy?” Asked the Queen seriously, pinning me with her curious, slightly weary expression. Okay, Ana, time to come clean about who you are…

“Because,” I say slowly, carefully measuring the Queen’s reaction to my next words, “I’m the Prowess.”


MAJOR CLIFFHANGER!! One of my personal favourite chapters :3 Love love love it!

But what are we all thinking now? I'd love to know!

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DOUBLE UPLOAD on November 18th - one in the morning, one in the afternoon! Much love <3

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