·     Work Regimes - ARRANGED

·     Initiation – PLANNED

Meetings with members of the Royal family will be scheduled throughout this time frame to monitor and review progress.

Any problems please contact the Royal family on the number listed.

Kind Regards.


King Alf Natheal          Queen Maryanne Natheal         Prince Kellen Natheal


Completing my first read of the letter, I then read and re-read the letter twice over until I almost had it memorised. My Prowess mindset already in place; I began mentally making a checklist of all the things I needed to arrange regarding documentation and meetings with the other Alphas. I sighed heavily, knowing that this would mean a busy, packed three months.

“Ana? Everything OK?” Asked Samson, anxiousness growing over my silence. I glanced unseeingly at my pack members before focusing once again on the letter to collect my now scattered thoughts, a particular sentence suddenly holding my attention as if I were seeing it for the first time with real clarity. ‘Meetings with members of the Royal family will be scheduled throughout this time frame to monitor and review your progress.’ Oh crap! I frowned, pushing the sentence to the back of my mind until I could figure out what to do about it later.

Standing up straight and collecting myself, I checked the time- just after 11am- “Pack meeting at 2pm today. Everyone is to attend! No excuses. Understand?” I growl.

“Yes Prowess.” Came the surprised answers.

“Rick, my office when you’re finished please.” I order, heading for my office.

Once inside, I set to work unlocking the safe behind one of the back panels in a wardrobe behind the door and retrieve the archive keys. Just as I had finished relocking the safe and shutting the wardrobe door, there was a light knock at the door, followed by Rick entering. “Prowess?”

“Take a seat.” I motion as I head back to sit at my desk. I pull the letter in front of me, as I begin explaining. “The Royals have reached a conclusion regarding the issue of females and relatives connected to pack members. This is a written announcement of their decision,” I hand Rick the letter and wait until he’d read it before continuing, “We’ve got our work cut out for us.” Rick nods thoughtfully and hands back the letter.

“What are you going to do about the meetings that will be scheduled with members of the Royal family?” He asks, concerned.

“I don’t know,” I sigh heavily, “I was going to ask you and Chanel if you have any ideas or solutions.”

Chanel entered minutes later after Rick called her down; she sat on his knee, her lips pursed as she thought about it after I’d finished explaining the problem. “Perhaps you should talk to the Queen?” she volunteered frowning; seeing that I was about to object she hurriedly explains her idea, “hear me out and then think about it. I’m not saying tell the whole family, just the Queen; surely, if you tell her who you are and explain your situation, she’ll understand? And I doubt she’d tell her son once she knows why it’s so important it’s kept under wraps for a while.”

“Its not a bad idea Ana,” adds Rick, quickly jumping in “you’re going to be future Queen some time and you’ll need her advice. Especially if you’re adamant you won’t give up this pack. For the time being, I think you need someone in the family to know where you stand so they can help you, and who better than the current Queen?” He urges.

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