"Get out of my way." Bakugou snarled.

After a seconds hesitation, Akihiro stepped aside and Bakugou made his way outside with Kirishima wrapped in one arm. Kiri laid his head against his shoulder as he walked. He heard him let out a sigh before he drawled "I know you're not always like that." He hummed before continuing "Underneath all that Lord Explosion Murder, I know you're soft."

Bakugou didn't reply.

After a few more steps though, his mood got the better of him "Who was that guy?"

Kirishima giggled "You're jealous!" He giggled again "You shouldn't be. I don't want any of them. He's just Tetsu's friend."

Bakugou just huffed.

"You take such good care of me, Kat. Even when I don't deserve it."

There was that name again. Kat. It sent a shiver up his spine despite his mood. "Tch, you shouldn't drink so much."

Kirishima smirked "Yes, Mom." Then his eyes rounded "Or should I call you Daddy?"

Bakugou whipped his head to the side to glare at him and mumbled "I should have left you to sleep in the gutter."

Kirishima just chuckled in response. They continued on in silence for a while before he sighed again "Remember when you said you wanted to have kids. Do you still want them?"

Bakugou tensed but Kirishima was probably too drunk to remember any of the conversation "I only wanted kids with you, Kiri. So no, I don't still want them."

"I know I've said it before but, you'd make a good dad. Daddy." At that, he started giggling again as if he'd just told the most hilarious joke.

Bakugou rolled his eyes and muttered "Ins.."

But Kirishima cut him off, still laughing "Insufferable, yes I know. Always will be."

They had finally reached the entryway to the apartment building where Kirishima lived. He helped him up the stairs and into the elevator. Kirishima slumped against the wall and Bakugou took a much needed step back.

The doors opened and Bakugou put his arm back around Kirishima's shoulders, his hand coming to rest over his collarbone. He didn't trust him to walk the short distance to his apartment by himself.

Kirishima dug into his pocket and took out his door key. He placed it in Bakugou's waiting hand and let him unlock the door. He swung it wide and they both stepped inside.

Kirishima's hand came up and laced their fingers together. He turned his head and placed a quick kiss against Bakugou's temple. "Thanks for getting me home safe, Kat."

"Let's get you into bed." Was all he replied, too stunned by his actions to say anything else.

Kirishima giggled again "Oh I wish." He flopped on the bed and kicked his shoes off humming in contentment while Bakugou grabbed a pillow and lay down on the floor next to his bed.

"Hey, Kat?" Kirishima's face appeared over the side of the bed, looking down at him.

"What?" Bakugou asked, exasperation coating his words.

"Whatcha doin on the floor?" Kirishima replied.

"I'm staying here so you don't choke to death on your own vomit in your sleep."

"Oh. That hasn't happened before." Kirishima's head disappeared and he could hear the sound of the sheets rustling as he got comfortable.

"Yes, Kirishima. I realise that, otherwise you would, in fact, be dead." Bakugou deadpanned.

His soft voice floated down to him once more but it was said more under his breath this time "Don't you 'Kirishima' me. Don't like it when you call me that."

Bakugou held in the laugh that tried to bubble up his throat. He was still annoyed about the whole situation but Kirishima sounded so much like a petulant child it was comical.

He heard Kirishima huff before saying "You don't have to sleep on the floor you know. Bed's plenty big enough for two."

Bakugou didn't reply and he hoped the idiot would just finally fall asleep. He started to close his own eyes, his breathing becoming slower when he heard Kirishima again. His voice had taken on a wistful quality when he spoke. "Ahh Kat, I wish it was different. Why do you have to be so far away from me?"

"I'm like three feet away from you, Red." Bakugou huffed in reply.

He heard Kirishima let out a soft laugh but no reply until he heard him whisper softly to himself "Red."

Then Bakugou realised why.

He'd called him it without even realising. The name itself was fine but it carried a wave of feelings with it. It was only a nickname though. After a while he figured Kiri had actually fallen asleep this time, but Bakugou couldn't get to sleep, Kirishima's words floating through his head from earlier. After an hour of staring at the roof he was fed up with trying to sleep on Kirishima's hard floor.

He thought about going to sleep on his couch again but the only reason he was here was to make sure he was ok and he couldn't do that from the other room. He sighed as he sat up and glanced at the bed. Kirishima lay sprawled on his back with the sheet twisted around him and he had some sort of red stuffed animal tucked under his arm as he slept.

He was right though, it was plenty big enough. He walked around to the other side of the bed and lay down on top of the covers. His heart thudded at the familiarity of the position but he squeezed his eyes shut.

I Still Like His Shitty Hair [Kiribaku]Where stories live. Discover now