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Bakugou caught movement out the corner of his eye and turned to see his mom leaning against the doorframe. "You haven't broken a stick in a while."

"That's because I haven't played in a while," he snapped back.

"Watch your temper, you little shit." She came in and sat on his vacated seat. "What happened, Katsuki?"

At first he didn't say anything but soon realised his mother was as stubborn as he was and wasn't going to let it go. As the silence stretched, he found himself needing to explain.

So he did, and as the words tumbled from his mouth, he felt the pain of it all over again as if he was reliving every word they'd said.

"You really fucked up, didn't you?"

Katsuki stared defiantly back at her, an obvious tell-me-something-I-don't-know expression on his face.

"Look, the Katsuki I raised isn't a quitter so why are you giving up so easily?"

"It's not that easy, you old hag," he said back but his words held no bite.

"It seems it's exactly that easy, you little brat." When he didn't say anything, she continued, "You're fighting to be the best. In a couple of years you might be the number one hero. Then what? What did it cost you? That boy loves you with all of his heart. And god knows you're not easy to love. You know how to fix this. Come home. Come back to him."

He started to interrupt her but she held up a hand, silencing him.

"You have a choice of agencies to work at, he doesn't. I'm sure that's the only reason he didn't follow you in the first place." She looked at him for a long moment before her voice softened uncharacteristicly, "Katsuki, is being the best worth it, without him by your side? Is it that important to you? More important than him?"

Bakugou knew the answer immediately. "Of course not," he replied fiercely, nothing was more important than Eijirou.

"Then what are you doing?"

His face remained set in a scowl but a range of emotions filtered through him as he took in her words, staring at the ground. What an idiot he had been. So blinded by his childish goal of proving to the world that he was the best, that he had pushed aside everything he had ever wanted.

He'd been so selfishly single minded that he hadn't really tried to look at it from Eijirou's perspective. Stupidly sincere, understanding Eijirou's perspective.

"Katsuki?" his mom called as she stood up.

He looked up at her. "Fight for what makes you happy for once."

That afternoon as he lay in his childhood room, staring between an All Might poster and a framed photo of him and Eijirou, his head was spinning with thoughts of what to do next.

It should have been easy. He should have marched right up to his door and poured his heart out to him.

But it wasn't easy. How did he tell the love of his life that he had made the biggest mistake of his life and didn't know how to take it back?

He groaned derisively, he'd fucking done that a few weeks ago when he'd ended up at his apartment in the middle of the fucking night. If only his socially inept brain had been quicker to work out the solution, he could have saved them both a fucking huge amount of heart ache.

Why did it all seem so damn easy now?

He thought over that night from a few weeks ago again and what Eijirou had replied to him, remembering how he'd told him there'd never been a problem he couldn't deal with. He hoped he was fucking right.

He still didn't have a plan but he was good at thinking on the fly, running head first into things was his way of life. He just really fucking hoped Eijirou would forgive him. Again.

After not sleeping very well, Kirishima ended up at his mom's house. She immediately knew something was wrong but waited for Eijirou to tell her. And he did. It felt good to tell someone everything that he was feeling. Even if it was through ugly sobs.

She considered him for a long moment after he had finished. She put her tea cup back on the saucer and regarded him with a steady gaze that never failed to make him feel small even when he was twice her size.

"You love him, Eijirou. Even though you mucked up, you were trying to do the right thing. I know you love him."

It wasn't a question so he didn't give her an answer, just looked back at her.

"When you find that kind of love, you hold on so tight and you don't let it go. Because the kind of love you have for that boy, and he has for you, is rare, Eijirou." She looked out the window and he wondered if they were still talking about him.

"I don't think so anymore, Ma."

She turned back to look at him, "Then your head is harder than I thought. That boy will never stop loving you, as I assume is the case for you."

Eijirou nodded sadly.

"Then why are you sitting in my kitchen sulking?"

Eijirou snapped his head up to look at her.

"Go." She shooed him with her hands, "Stop moping and go find him before he leaves for good."

"He told me to let him go. Why do I have to be the one to find him?" He knew he was being petulant but he was still hurting.

"Because you need to apologise too," she said sternly. Her voice softened then, "It's easier for you, Eijirou, remember that. You know that boy doesn't know how to deal with his emotions, how hard it is for him to understand himself. He left because he thought it was the right thing to do. For himself and for you. He's trying to protect his own heart as much as yours. That's not easy, Eijirou."

She was right. She was always right. He'd never thought about how Katsuki had taken their breakup the way he had and how he'd been hurting for so long, thinking that he wasn't enough for him.

Kirishima owed him a proper apology. He'd never got to apologise before Kat had left.

"You don't mind if I-"

His words were cut off as she made a shooing motion at him. "Go, Eijirou. Do what you need to do."

He grabbed his things and rushed to the door. He paused for a second on his way out giving his mother a soft smile, "I love you, Ma."

I Still Like His Shitty Hair [Kiribaku]Where stories live. Discover now