Was That What I Thought It Was?

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Kirishima pulled his suit jacket on and inspected his outfit. The Young Heroes Conference was thrown annually by a different high school for graduates to attend and network with other recently graduated heroes. This year it was being hosted by UA so it was expected that all graduates from the last three years attend. Obviously that meant himself and Bakugou. He imagined that was the reason why Bakugou was staying so long in the first place.

They had organised to catch a cab together since they were in the same building and Bakugou waited for Kirishima to finish getting ready while he lounged on his couch, he'd called the cab a few minutes ago and knew it would be there soon. "Are you ready yet? I forgot how damn long it takes you to get dressed." Bakugou yelled toward the other room.

Kirishima came out adjusting his tie "Yeah, I think I'm good. Do I look ok?"

Bakugou rolled his eyes, how was he supposed to answer that? He replied before turning around "Of course you do, you can't take that long to get ready and not look good." He turned to face him and paused, letting his eyes fully take him in "Yeah, you look really good."

He wore slim black dress pants with a dark shirt and burgundy tie under a fitted black jacket. The outfit showed off all of his best features and Bakugou couldn't help but appreciate the sight.

Kirishima smirked, pleased that he could affect him so much. "You do too." He said before he lost his nerve and turned to grab his wallet and keys to hide his blush.

Kirishima's casual compliment had Bakugou's face heating and he looked away before he could say anything else. Seeing that Kirishima was finally ready, they headed out the door.

Kirishima was in his element the moment they stepped through the entrance to the conference. Kaminari and Jiro were back and he couldn't wait to hear about where they went on their honeymoon. He spotted Mina and Sero then Midoriya surrounded by a group of younger graduates. He was swept away soon enough by Tetsutetsu who rushed over to excitedly inform him "Riot, dude, I found a girl who has basically the same quirk as us! You've gotta come meet her. Maybe we should get her to intern with us!"

Kirishima had been caught up in conversation for the better part of an hour before he found Bakugou again. He was chatting about training programs with a few of the newer graduates. He made his way over to him as their conversation came to an end.

Bakugou saw him approach and gave him a relieved smile. "How long do you think we have to stay here for?"

Kirishima laughed but he empathised with Bakugou's obvious discomfort "A fair while longer I would think. It hasn't been that bad has it?"

Bakugou shrugged "Probably could be worse." He looked up to see Mina bustling over to them, he wasn't in the mood for more of her teasing and decided to find someone else to talk to "Speaking of being worse, I'll catch up with you later." He muttered and was quickly swallowed by the crowd.

"Hmph, Bakugou sure looked pleased to see me." Mina said from over Kirishima's shoulder.

"I think he's just really uncomfortable with all the people." Kirishima replied quickly.

Mina smirked at him "Pretty quick to defend him, huh? Kiri's got it bad."

"Oh shut it, Mina." Kirishima laughed, brushing her comments aside. But he couldn't find it in himself to refute her claim.

There was a door that lead to a long balcony and Bakugou had stepped out to get some fresh air. Crowds weren't his thing and socialising definitely wasn't either. He hated how much publicity went into being a hero. He wished he could have been more like Aizawa and avoided all this, but being the top hero came with other responsibilities and he reluctantly complied. It still didn't mean he enjoyed doing it.

He found a quiet spot at the end of the terrace and leaned against the wall. He let his head fall back and closed his eyes, enjoying how the cool night air washed over him.

Kirishima was feeling stuffy in his suit and was relieved to find a reprieve from the crush of people as he stepped onto the empty balcony. Not quite empty, he noted as he spotted Bakugou leaning against the brick wall, one foot propped up and his hands in his pockets. He was the picture of nonchalance but Kirishima knew better. He could see him tensing his hands in his pockets to keep them from trembling and knew he'd had about enough for the night.

"Mind if I intrude on your solace?" Kirishima asked quietly as he came to stand next to him.

Bakugou replied without opening his eyes "You know I don't mind if it's you."

Kirishima smiled even though he knew Bakugou couldn't see it. He saw that he had loosened his tie "You doing ok?"

"Yeah, I'm alright." Bakugou opened his eyes and swept his gaze over to Kirishima. "I haven't gone back in yet because I have to retie my tie and my hands haven't stopped yet." He snorted derisively.

"Want me to help?" Kirishima offered tentatively.

Bakugou released a breath "Yeah, that would actually be really good."

Kirishima stood in front of him and undid the ruined knot. He quickly retied it and his hands brushed Katsuki's chest as he did, sending sparks through his knuckles.

He popped his collar, adjusted the tie around his neck and smoothed his collar back into place. He brushed his hands over it, admiring his handiwork but didn't immediately pull away.

Kirishima's hands were still resting high on his chest and he wondered if he could feel his heart beating underneath. Hell, he could probably hear it, it was so loud. "Thanks" he said but it came out more as a whisper than anything as his eyes moved from Kirishima's throat to his eyes.

Kirishima slowly wet his lips and his hand came up to the side of Bakugou's face, caressing his jaw.

Bakugou swayed toward him and reached out to grasp Kirishima's jacket to pull him closer.

Someone suddenly pushed through the door and they both abruptly stepped away from each other and turned to see who it was. Of fucking course, it was Kaminari.

Bakugou almost laughed "I don't know if I should blow him up or thank him right now."

Kirishima nodded as his hand came up to straighten his jacket. "He definitely has a knack for interrupting."

"I should go back inside." Bakugou confirmed as he started for the door. He brushed past Kaminari but didn't say anything to him.

Kaminari hesitantly came to stand near Kirishima. "Was that what I thought it was?" He asked quietly.

Kirishima blushed lightly as he nodded. He released a deep sigh "Yeah, it was."

"Are you mad at me for interrupting?"

"I don't know, man. I don't know what I'm doing." Kirishima admitted.

"Well it didn't look that way to me. Seems like you both know what you want but you're both too stubborn to figure it out." Kaminari admonished.

Kirishima gave him a sardonic smile "He's just going to leave again. It didn't work before so what makes you think it'll work this time?"

"I don't think you realise how much you still mean to him. But be careful with his heart, bro. We both know he's not as tough as he likes people to think. Just," he released a deep breath before he continued "Just make sure you both know what you're getting yourselves into before you go any further, ok?" Kirishima loved how much Kaminari cared about him so he wrapped him in a hug and thanked him, not able to say anything else.

Bakugou walked back inside but was immediately overwhelmed by the crush of bodies on top of what had just happened. He decided he needed to leave, he couldn't be around Kirishima right now without wanting to kiss him again and it wasn't like his reputation could be damaged any worse by leaving a conference early. Deciding going back to his room was the best idea, he left without saying goodbye to anyone.

Kirishima wasn't in the mood for socialising anymore, he needed to think. He said a couple of quick goodbyes and slipped out.

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