This Was... More

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"Come with me to the park." Kirishima mumbled around a mouthful of rice before swallowing. "There should be a nice sunset today."

A sunset seemed like a nice way to end their day after the embarrassment of the morning and the way they had spent their afternoon.

Kirishima led them over to a bench and Bakugou's eyebrows pulled down in thought as he sat down.

This bench. It was the same bench they'd sat on so long ago before Kirishima had bottomed for the first time. Surely he remembered that. It was pretty fucking significant to Bakugou.

He looked over to Kirishima who was quietly watching the yellowing sunset with a content look on his face, giving Bakugou time to wade through his own thoughts.

He'd considered so many times just leaving the agency and coming back but if he left now then it would have all been for nothing. All of the heartache and all of the work he'd already put in would count for nothing.

He wasn't a quitter. It was that determination that sent him halfway across the damn country in the first place. He'd always vowed to be the number one hero. And if he left now he'd be seen as giving up. As if he couldn't make it to the top.

He just needed to hold on a little longer and he could come home. He'd finish climbing to the top and come home to open his own agency as number one.

But it was so unfair to expect Eijirou to wait for him. He deserved better than that.

This red headed idiot with his too bright smiles and shitty hair deserved the world and he always thought he'd be the one to give it to him.

Kirishima must have been deep in thought too because his voice floated over to him cryptically, "We'll always see the same sunsets, Kat."

Bakugou felt his heart beat too fast at his quiet words.

They would always see the same sunsets, just not from the same place.

Not getting to see the dying sun highlight all the colours of Eijirou's hair. Not getting to see the orange and pink reflected in his eyes as the sun dipped out of sight below the horizon. Not getting to reach out and hold his hand as the stars won the final battle for the sky.

He sighed quietly as the sun finished its descent and stood to slowly make their way back to the apartment. Painfully aware that his hand was still empty.

As they reached the elevator in his building, Kirishima was getting restless so he decided to make a joke to lighten the mood. "I appreciate you keeping your feet to yourself tonight."

It worked and Bakugou scoffed as Kirishima unlocked and opened his door.

Finally secluded in the apartment, they kicked off their shoes before Kirishima continued lightheartedly, "Do you have any idea how much I wanted to drag you into that bathroom and screw you then and there?"

Bakugou smirked back at him, "I wonder how much I'd have to tease you to make you actually go through with it."

Kirishima scoffed as a memory popped into his head. Apparently Bakugou's thoughts had gone in the same direction because he let out a small laugh, "Remember that time in third year when we nearly did it in the supply closet?"

Kirishima groaned, that was not one of his finest moments. Then he spoke up, "Or when I faked being injured so you could take me to see Recovery Girl?"

Bakugou huffed a laugh, "But we went to your dorm instead."

Kirishima grinned "Or the amount of times we made out around that corner where we thought no one could see us."

Bakugou smiled at the memories and laughed softly.

"God I don't know how we didn't get kicked out."

Bakugou shrugged still smiling, "I got a 87 in stealth."

Kirishima was surprised at his little joke and a smiled of pure joy broke out across his face.

The smile Eijirou gave him made Bakugou's chest tighten.

Reminiscing about the past had him reflecting on old feelings and his vision hazed at the edges as he went deep into his thoughts again, lost in that damned smile.

He'd told himself he wasn't missing anything until it was so painfully obvious over these last couple of weeks as what started out as a few flirty touches had turned into so much more.

He'd slowly realised that it wasn't all butterflies and nerves that he'd been missing, it was the comfort of belonging, of being loved and appreciated for exactly who he was and not needing to be anything more, but wanting to be better for him, none the less.

It wasn't the speeding up of his pulse when he saw him, it was quite the opposite actually, it was the slowing down of his heart and the steadying of his breathing. Sure, his pulse still skyrocketed whenever he took off his shirt but just being near him was enough to calm him.

He'd fallen completely and utterly in love with Eijirou all over again.

It was different than before though. It wasn't quite like falling in love with a different person but this Eijirou wasn't the same boy he'd fallen for the first time.

This was somehow deeper.

This was just... more.

Back at UA, their relationship was idealistic and almost like a fairy tale in it's perfection and easiness. Then the real world had hit them.

But this, he hadn't planned on falling in love with him like this. Hell, he'd actively tried not to. It was inconvenient and complicated but it was happening whether he wanted it to or not. It was undeniable and he was a little scared by how much he wanted it. Especially when he couldn't have it.

"Kat?" Bakugou realised Kirishima had called his name a second time and he blinked away his thoughts.


"You okay? You went somewhere for a minute there." Kirishima stood in front of him with concern written on his face.

"I just," Bakugou swallowed, "Yeah, I'm good." His eyes met Kirishima's and the pool of raw emotion swimming in them was enough to drown in.

When he uncharacteristically asked, "Can I kiss you?" Kirishima let out a surprised laugh and reached out his hands to grasp Katsuki's hips, drawing him close. "Do you really have to ask?" He laughed softly. But he felt the weight of this moment acutely, even if he didn't understand what it meant right now.

It was the same feeling as standing on the edge of a cliff readying to jump into the water below, knowing that once you leave the safety of that ledge, there's no going back. He had the strange feeling that if he did this, he'd be throwing himself over that edge.

Bakugou thread one hand into the silken strands of his hair and directed his head toward him.

It was different, this kiss was so different to all the ones that had come before. This was a kiss that showed he was coming to terms with his feelings. This kiss was a kiss shared out of love, he didn't know if Eijirou felt it too but it sure as hell felt like it.

This boy who he'd dared to share all his hopes and dreams with, he had the power to ruin him so easily. Just for tonight, he would let him.

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