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Bakugou shrugged "Couldn't sleep."

When Kirishima realised that was all the answer he was going to get, he shook his head and indicated for him to follow as he went to sit on his couch, crossing his legs underneath himself.

Bakugou took a seat on the floor in front of him and leaned back into the couch; his head rested back against Kirishima's knee. His hair was even more of a mess than usual, as if he'd run his hands through it in frustration too many times.

Kirishima's hand twitched, he was close enough for him to reach out and run his fingers through it. He could imagine how his head would roll back in pleasure and he could almost hear the contented sigh that would whisper through his lips. He snatched his hand back into his lap.

"Katsuki, what's going on?" Kirishima asked again.

Bakugou was quiet for so long that Kirishima wasn't sure he was going to answer. When he saw him fiddling with something around his wrist Kiri knew he was struggling to find the words so he remained quiet a little longer, just like he always had, giving him time.

Bakugou started in a quiet voice that squeezed at Kirishima's heart. "Have you ever made a mistake and not known how to take it back or if you can ever get past it?"

More than you would ever believe, Kirishima thought to himself. "Yeah, believe it or not, I have."

"Does it ever get any easier?"

No, he thought but instead he said "I don't think I can answer that for you. I guess it depends what you do about it. There's never been a problem you haven't been able to deal with though, man."

Bakugou nodded and his shoulders seemed to slump a little. Defeated was the word that came to mind when Kirishima looked at him. He couldn't stand seeing his friend like that and he swore he would find out what had Katsuki in such a state.

He rose from the couch and knelt down, his knees sinking into the carpet in front of Bakugou's feet. He reached out and risked placing his hands over his where they rested on his thighs. He tried to be reassuring when he squeezed his hands before pulling back "I'm here for you, Kat. Always. I'll grab you a blanket and we can talk tomorrow. The couch is pretty comfy."

As Kiri stood up he felt Bakugou's hand reach out and grip his calf and heard a single word that nearly brought him back to his knees.


Kirishima nodded, he needed him and as hard as it might be, Katsuki would always be his friend and he would always be there for him. "I'll go grab us some blankets. I'll be back in a second." Kirishima told him.

Bakugou just nodded briefly and let his hand slip from where it clung to his leg.

When Kirishima returned with two blankets and a couple of pillows, he dropped one next to Bakugou and settled himself into his armchair.

He used to be able to pull Bakugou out of these moods with his incessant chatter but that was before. Now he wasn't sure how he would respond but he just knew he had to try.

So he talked. And finally, Bakugou responded with more than one word answers. Slowly, he opened up to him and Kirishima felt like he was getting his old friend back, piece by piece.

They talked and talked, the conversation jumping between one subject and the next and back again but somehow it made perfect sense to both of them.

Kirishima's eyelids had started to grow heavy and he blew out a content sigh "I've missed this. Remember how we used to stay up late and talk about absolutely nothing?"

Bakugou laughed "Yeah, you'd talk all night if I let you."

Kirishima shrugged in reply even though Bakugou couldn't see him in the darkness "I liked talking to you." But he decided to be the responsible one this time "We should probably get some sleep, the sun's probably close to coming up."

"Yeah I'm fucked. But at the same time, I don't wanna wake up and this was all just a dream." Bakugou said, the last part almost coming out as a whisper.

"I'll still be right here tomorrow. Promise. Goodnight, Katsuki." Kirishima reassured him quietly.


Finally, Kirishima closed his eyes for the night even though he was pretty sure he wouldn't get a wink of sleep.

Kirishima was awoken the next morning by smells that his apartment had never been filled with before and his mouth watered despite the lack of sleep he'd had the night before. He shot up out of his makeshift bed as he remembered the reason for his lack of sleep and followed the enticing smell toward his kitchen.

He leaned against the doorframe and drank in the sight of Bakugou in his tiny kitchen making breakfast. He'd somehow managed to find enough utensils to cook with and looked totally at ease in the unfamiliar space.

Bakugou turned and smiled at him, all remnants of his bad mood from last night gone. "Breakfast?" He asked as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

Kirishima was utterly confused but he returned his smile. "You know I can't say no to that."

The two sat at his table as if they had done it a hundred times.

"God, this is amazing, Kat." Kirishima mumbled around a mouthful of food.

Bakugou's fork paused halfway to his mouth and his eyes flicked up to Kirishima. He didn't even realise what he'd said, yet that one word had sent Bakugou's heart hammering up into his throat. He'd said it last night too but was sure he didn't realise it.

After breakfast, he thanked Kiri for letting him stay and told him they should hang out before he left. Maybe they could do something they would normally have done as friends like hiking or sparring. Kirishima nodded in agreement and told him he'd text him. Bakugou gave him an appreciative smile and left.

Kirishima's head was spinning after Bakugou had gone, he wasn't sure what to think about everything that had happened but it seemed like he'd got his friend back. He knew that was a good thing but he wasn't quite able to convince the hole in his heart of it. Damn it, why did this whole friendship thing have to be so hard!?

Deciding he needed to lighten up, he sent a message to Tetsu seeing if he wanted to have a night out soon. He replied quickly saying he and some friends were planning on hitting a couple places the following night and that he should come. He agreed, thinking that a night out was what he needed to clear his head.

I Still Like His Shitty Hair [Kiribaku]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon