Midnight Visitors

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Kirishima didn't see Bakugou for the remainder of the reception and wasn't sure if he was relieved or upset by it. He was, however, determined to not let him ruin his day so he talked and danced with as many people as he could and decided he could deal with Bakugou another day.

He was one of the last to leave, not wanting to go home and be alone with his thoughts too soon but as the night came to an end, that was exactly where he was headed now. He turned up the stairs of his building and made his way to the elevator.

He lived in an apartment block which had short term stay apartments on the top three floors and a communal garden on the roof. His apartment was on the 32nd floor so not that close to the top but high enough to have an amazing view over the city out his living room window.

He liked living here, it was busy and energetic and it suited him. His small apartment was decorated in his overcrowded style but sometimes, it felt like he was trying to fill a hole in it.

He didn't press the button for the 32nd floor tonight though, instead pressing the last button on the pad, allowing access to the roof. He could often be found there when his mind was overwhelmed. It was strangely calming being in the middle of the city but completely alone on the roof.

He knew dancing with Bakugou wouldn't end well but he didn't think he would touch him like that. The moment his calloused thumb stroked down his neck, Kirishima's eyes had fluttered closed and heat had spread from where he'd touched him out through his body.

He didn't know what it meant. Did he dare to hope that Katsuki still felt something for him? No, even if he did, it didn't matter. It wasn't something he could act on. Even if everything in his body was telling him to.

The doors of the elevator opened and he stepped out, making his way outside. The air seemed cooler up here and he shivered a little even though he was still in his suit. He walked between the path of small garden beds to the edge where he could stand at the railing but noticed for the first time that someone else was there.

He was about to change direction to allow them some privacy when they turned to look at him and the light illuminated their features enough to see.

Kirishima came to a stop, confusion halting his feet. Why was Bakugou on his roof in the middle of the night?

Recognition and confusion flicked over Bakugou's face too as he wondered the same thing. But he saw the confusion on Kirishima's face and realised they must have been staying in the same building. He'd picked this one because it boasted 'amazing views of the city below' and wondered of Kirishima was staying here for the same reason. Funny though, he thought he had a place around here.

He needed to apologise but he wasn't sure how to say it. He tried for something light instead. "Why is there a damn garden on top of a short-stay apartment building?"

Of all the things Bakugou could have said, that was what he chose? Kirishima couldn't help the surprised laugh that escaped him and he felt a little more at ease.

"There's only a few short-stay apartments in the building. The rest are permanent ones.
I live here and we have the option to have our own garden plot up here. I don't though, I just like the peace and quiet." Kirishima closed his mouth, realising he was about to start rambling from his nerves.

Bakugou nodded once. "What floor is your place? I hope you have a good view and not a street level one." He said as he turned back out toward the skyline.

Kirishima smiled a little, everything seemed to be ok and if Bakugou could pretend like nothing happened then so could he. "The 32nd so I'm pretty lucky. Room 3204 so it faces over the city, the lights at night are actually really beautiful."

Bakugou nodded again as he turned to look at the lights Kirishima had indicated. He shivered in the cool air, he needed to go inside before he froze but he still needed to apologise. He turned toward Kirishima "I'm gonna go in."

Kirishima nodded "Yeah, night, man." He should probably go in soon too.

Bakugou brushed passed him but paused "Kirishima, I'm sorry, about today. I just.." he took a breath "I'm sorry." He finished before waking toward the door.

Kirishima felt like there was more he wanted say but knew he wasn't going to. He turned toward his retreating form "I'm sorry too." He said quietly.

Kirishima had tried to go to sleep hours ago but had failed miserably. He'd occupied himself all day with work in an attempt to keep his thoughts away from a certain someone who happened to be staying in the same building. He didn't know how long for though, for all he knew he could be gone already, back in his house in the other side of the country.

He'd been successful in keeping his thoughts busy with other things for the better part of the day but as soon as he'd slipped into bed, his mind had wandered back to him.

He hadn't expected the intense attraction he had at the sight of him and he kept replaying his apology over in his head. He was sure there was something else he wanted to say.

Kirishima was broken out of his thoughts by a bang on his door, it was a little too violent to be called a knock, but too precise to have been an accident.

That was odd, he rarely had visitors and never ones that came over unannounced. He hastily pulled on some sweatpants as he rolled out of bed and shoved his feet into his red crocs on his way to open the door.

He swung the door open and blinked at the sight before him, not quite knowing if his eyes had just conjured him up from his thoughts or if he was really standing in his doorway.

Bakugou immediately regretted his decision to come here after one look at Kirishima. He must have been asleep, his hair was a mess and light purple circles rested under his eyes as if he hadn't been sleeping well. "Sorry if I woke you." He started lamely.

"Nah, it's cool, man. You all good?" Kirishima asked, concern tinting his voice. Why in the hell was Bakugou on his doorstep in the middle of the night? Wait, how was he even on his doorstep? Then he remembered he'd told him his room number when they were taking about the view. So he hadn't left yet. Maybe he would stay until the Young Heroes Conference that was coming up soon.

"Can I come in?" Bakugou broke through his thoughts.

"Ah, yeah, of course, bro." Kirishima stuttered out as he moved aside to let him in. He looked like he needed someone to talk to. "Everything ok? It's like" he checked his phone for the time "Bakugou it's two in the morning! What's going on?"

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