Yeah, You Said That

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Bakugou woke to the gray light of the early morning but knew they both needed more sleep than the few hours they'd had. As he started to register his surroundings he realised why he'd woken; Kirishima's arm was curled around his chest, sometime during the night he must have moved under the covers. He knew it was stupid but he turned in to Kiri's chest anyway and let his warmth envelope him as he drifted back to sleep.

Some hours later, Kirishima was woken by a horrific pounding noise coming from somewhere far too close to him. He slit his eyes open against the morning sun to find the culprit of the noise but it only intensified as the light burned through his brain. Groaning, he realised the pounding was coming from inside his own skull. 

What the hell had he done last night?

He groaned again as he tried to remember. His noise had awoken someone else in his bed and he froze.

What the hell had he done last night!? Or possibly who?

He fought against the natural urge to close his eyes tighter and braced himself to open them and find out who was in his bed. He was finding the energy to do it when a voice had his eyes snapping open immediately to see if it was real.

"I take it from the groaning coming out of you that you feel as good as you deserve this  morning?" Bakugou mumbled from the other side of the bed.

For the third time that morning he couldn't shake the thought. What the hell had he done last night? Bakugou was in his bed, for crying out loud! Panic started to twist its way into his stomach and he fought the overwhelming desire to spill its contents. Or was that the hangover? Probably both, he decided.

He shifted his gaze to the man laying next to him "I feel like hell. Ahh, what uh, did we do last night?" He had to ask.

Bakugou snorted as he sat up, turning his back toward him. "We, didn't do anything. You, on the other hand got blind drunk and I had to stay here after I took you home to make sure you didn't die."

"Thanks?" Kirishima said even though it sounded more like a question than anything.

"Whatever. Now get up, you need to shower and eat before you'll feel any better." Bakugou told him, the irritation from last night still clinging to him.

Kirishima laughed a little as the panic he had initially felt faded to appreciation for his  friend's concern. He sat up and scratched at the back of his neck "I was a little worried when I woke up and you were in my bed, man."

Bakugou stiffened but turned to face him, lifting one eyebrow in question.

"I thought for a second that we might have, well, you know, why else would someone be in my bed?" Kirishima tried to lighten the mood a little.

Bakugou felt the jealousy surge through his veins and wrap around his heart at the words. Bed's plenty big enough for two. He wondered how many times he had found that out and just how many other's he'd woken up next to. An image of navy hair flashed through his mind. He knew the jealousy was irrational but he couldn't help it. It was like a poison that spread through his body; once it took hold it wasn't easily removed. His next words were spiteful but he wanted to lash out.

"God forbid we actually fucked, Kirishima." He was on his feet and out the door before the other man had even registered what had just happened.

Kirishima was wallowing, he knew that but he also didn't care. He thought things were going well between the two of them but after Bakugou's exit the previous morning, he didn't know what to think.

The one thing he knew for sure though was that Bakugou had stormed out after he'd mentioned having sex. Was it the idea of sex with him that made Bakugou so angry? No, that didn't make sense. Especially after his parting words that he'd fired at him.

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