I Wanted to Give You the World

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When Kirishima woke before the sun had risen, the sliding door leading to the balcony was not quite closed, the thin white curtain fluttering in the soft breeze catching his attention.

He left the bed and leaned against the door frame, looking out.

Bakugou was standing at the railing wearing only grey sweats, his silhouette outlined by the soft predawn lights of the city. His arms braced on the rail and his head bowed slightly in thought.

The glint of his bracelet caught Kirishima's attention as he drummed his fingers against the railing.

Kirishima approached him quietly and stood just behind him, looking out into the dark over his shoulder.

Maybe it was what they had shared last night, or the way the waining moonlight softly illuminated his skin but he couldn't resist the urge to wrap his arms around him.

He rest his head in the crook of Katsuki's neck and twined his arms around his waist, "Is this okay?" he asked softly, overly aware of the intimacy of the embrace.

Bakugou hummed in response which Kirishima thought was a particularly noncommittal answer but he hadn't told him to move so he remained there, pressed against his back, his breaths coming in sync with the rise and fall of Katsuki's chest and continued to look out at the night sky.

It was at that moment, with his head on his shoulder and his arms around his waist, looking out at the fading stars, that Kirishima finally realised that he had fallen for him all over again.

"Eijirou, what are we doing?" Bakugou whispered, emotion thickening his voice.

"I thought we said just enjoying this, us." Kirishima hesitantly replied, his heart halting.

Bakugou let out a breathy laugh but it held no humour, "I think we both know that's not what this is. It hasn't been for a while."

Kirishima didn't say anything and his silence was confirmation enough. But he didn't have an answer for him, he didn't know any better than Katsuki. He only knew what he wanted it to be.

Bakugou fell silent again too. Finally, he turned to look at Eijirou's face and saw that sad look in his eyes. He hated that look, hated knowing that it was his fault it was clouding his features in the first place.

Kirishima smiled sadly at him and that smile made it all worse.

Bakugou tried to swallow the lump in his throat. He wrapped his arms around him and heard his shaky breath as he choked on a sob.

"Hey, don't cry. It'll just make it harder." Bakugou said softly as he released him.

Kirishima nodded but the tears silently slipped down his face anyway. "I can't do this. I can't lose you again."

Bakugou swallowed again, squeezing his eyes tight before reopening them, "I know." He placed a soft kiss on his brow and made to go past him, back inside.

Kirishima brushed the tears away, "Kat, I just, I can't do this again, it hurts so damn much."

Bakugou could physically feel his heart breaking and it cut off his words. He took a deep, unsteady breath as he stopped in the doorway and turned back to him. "Maybe I should go," he said quietly.

Kirishima looked at him with alarm in his eyes and Bakugou hated it, hated that he was doing this. "Red, I'll be honest, I don't know how to be your friend," he said as he went to walk through the door again.

Kirishima grabbed his elbow, stopping him, "Then don't."

It was Bakugou's turn to be alarmed then, "What?"

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