Chapter 1- Sins vs Fairies

Start from the beginning

When everything was brought out, Diane, Escanor and Elizabeth started setting up the table, arranging everything neatly due to their experiences at table arrangement. As everyone was setting up everything, Meliodas suddenly looked up and stared into the distance of the woods.

"Meliodas, is something wrong?" Elizabeth asked him as she looked up from the newly made table and staring towards him, worried what he was staring at, since there were very few times he was this tense, like when the Ten Commandments were finally released.

Suddenly, a huge burst of flaming streams came charging past everyone, seemingly acting as a warning shot of what was to come as it didn't hit anyone and stopped by a large rock, nearly melting half of it due to its extreme heat.

"Elizabeth, everyone, get down!" Meliodas cried out, ensuring that everyone should now be on guard.

Out of nowhere from the opposite side, a blast of ice came from, directly hitting and impaling Ban, creating a huge hole in his chest. Luckily though it was healed up in an instant due to his immortality, making it almost seem like it didn't happen and he didn't even notice. The only signs were the tears in his jacket, and the stains of blood on the floor and on his mouth.

Just as it seemed the assault stopped, a huge swarm of forceful winds and multiple long swords were coming down from straight above them. They came metres close to hitting the group, luckily before they could hit, King and Diane managed to react fast enough.



Suddenly a whole wave of flying golden swords and massive rocks appeared out of nowhere, curtesy of Diane and King performing a team attack, countering the combination of wind and swords, with the Giant and Fairy duo seemingly doing it with little effort.

Before the wave stopped however, suddenly appeared a giant cow man and other male with glasses and a black suit, who both were directing their attack at Merlin. However the attack didn't hit as she instantly vanished into this air, only to appear behind them and blast them away with some variation of beam magic, causing them to be launched far into the woods until they were out of sight.

When that seemed like the end, suddenly attacks from all previous kinds of elements and weapons was coming at them in one huge blast. That's when Meliodas got in front of the attack and whipped out his sword, the Sacred Treasure Demon Sword, Lostvayne.


Just like that the combined attack was sent in the opposite direction, with seemingly many times more the original amount of force, causing a pathway of burnt ground and demolished trees to be created.

With that out of the way, a group of teenage kids appeared out of nowhere in front them. One had pink spiky hair with a black outfit and a scaly scarf, another had raven black hair with a giant white coat and thick trousers. There were also three girls, one with dark blue hair, sea green dress and a small physique, one with blonde hair that wore a blue and white mixed outfit who appeared older than the blue haired one, and the last had crimson red hair with her upper half being covered in armor, whilst her bottom half had a skirt and black boots, equal to the size of the blonde haired girl.

This was the most powerful wizards guild's strongest team, the strongest team of Fairy Tail, consisting of Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster, Erza Scarlet, Lucy Heartfilia, and Wendy Marvell.

"Well, looks like the rumours are true, the Seven Deadly Sins are here in Fiore..." Gray said, with a cocky smirk to add along with his words.

"Yes, it seems that today is our lucky day." Erza added, suddenly summoning a sword out of nowhere.

"Alright, I knew choosing that SSS-Class job was a good idea, now let's fight them!" Natsu finished with, slamming his fists together which created some fire.

"Hey Capn... who are these guys?" Ban asked, confused as to why they have to deal with the wizards in front of them.

"Hm... it looks like this country is a bit slow on news and so they think we're still wanted..." Merlin concluded, thinking that was the only reasonable explanation.

"Don't worry though, I've got a plan..." Meliodas said, and started to walk towards the group.

"Alright, I'll make you a deal, we'll come along with you and let you take us in without resistance... but ONLY if you beat a fighter of my choosing." He said, with a smile that showed he knew what he was doing. After a few seconds of silence, the first to speak was Erza.

"Well it does seem like a reasonable agreement, and you do look like a man who keeps his promises..."

"Yeah, I wanna fight one of you and show how strong I am!" Natsu added, clearly volunteering to be the representative for this deal.

"Alright, then I choose..."

Meliodas looked at his group for who to choose, passing Ban, King, Diane, Gowther, Merlin, Elizabeth and Hawk, until finally ending on...

"Escanor, come out here!"

With that Escanor had a look of absolute panic with a cowardly shriek, and Team Natsu could only respond with laughter.

"That's your pick? Sorry to say it but it looks like the pig would be a better choice..." Gray said, clearly mocking the scrawny man, and making Hawk fume in anger.

"Don't worry about it, all you have to do is beat him and we'll let you take us in." Meliodas finished with a cheery smile.

"A-Actually Captain, I-I would l-like to-"

Before Escanor could finish, Natsu sent a quick punch to the man's face, knocking him through three trees until stopping on the fourth. With that his clothes were ruined, and most importantly his glasses were broken and in a mess right next to him.

"Jeez Natsu, you didn't have to hit him THAT hard!" Gray shouted.

"Y-Yeah, that wasn't necessary..." Wendy added.

"Wah! But I thought..."

Before the conversation could continue any further they heard a rumbling sound, and then out of nowhere a large figure hit Natsu straight in the face, sending him through a whole thirty trees before almost breaking through the final one only to stop.

Everyone quickly changed their focus from Natsu to the person who hit him, only to discover it was Escanor, except... completely different. Now he was a lot taller, standing easily over 10 feet tall, nearly reaching 11, and becoming more muscular by the second, as his ruined shirt was starting to rip off until his chest was completely exposed, revealing biceps the size of Meliodas's body and a strong 8 pack.

This was Escanor during the daytime, as when the agreement started the sun was already starting to rise, which was what Meliodas was planning the entire time.

"Impudent child, you seem to find thrill in battle, only to discover how insignificant you truly are. You may be brave, but I am the one who stands at the pinnacle of all races, and will continue to remain at the top, for I am the Lion Sin of Pride, Escanor!"

Escanor's voice was now more deep, and his attitude changed to extremely prideful and confident, as he was now fully prepared for battle.

"W-WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" Lucy shouted at the top of her lungs, still trying to comprehend what just happened.

"I think it's transformation magic, kinda like the Master's..." Wendy guessed.

"Well either way, looks like Natsu might have a harder time than we first thought..." Gray added.

Suddenly Natsu appeared out of nowhere, filled with rage and flames covering his body.

It was now the standoff between Fairy Tail's Fire Dragon Slayer and The Seven Deadly Sin's Lion Sin of Pride, and whatever the outcome, one of them might not even survive the end...

The Sins of Fairies (The Seven Deadly Sins x Fairy Tail)Where stories live. Discover now