Chapter 2- Fire Dragon vs Sun Lion

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"Now you face judgement from the Lion Sin of Pride, puny boy!" Escanor exclaimed with great confidence, whilst Natsu could only grin and examine the change that the Holy Knight had undergone.

"Hehehe... well looks like you're not just some scrawny old guy after all, can't wait to fight you!" The Dragon Slayer said, slamming his fists together and creating a small spark of fire.

Suddenly Natsu charged at Escanor, summoning flames in his right hand before sliding under the mighty man and leaping into the air from behind.


With contact, the force was equal to a small explosion as the whole area was swallowed up in dust and smoke instantly, making it very blurry for everyone. Team Natsu could only cover their eyes from the dust, while the Boar Hat group simply grinned through the mist without covering their eyes.

When the dust and smoke was gone, everyone saw Natsu with his fist in Escanor's face, who looked like he didn't even notice the punch as it didn't even push his cheek in, and wasn't even budged an inch away from his original standing spot.

"Jeez, even Galand did better then that..." Ban said, remembering when Escanor played 'Galand's Game' with the armored Demon and how he was at least able to scratch the Lion Sin of Pride.

"What! Not even an inch!" Lucy gasped out, breath taking from the result of the first attack.

Natsu had a look of surprise, but didn't let the outcome distract him. Landing back on the ground, he went for an all-out assault all over the Lion Sin of Pride. Punches and kicks were sent in every open part available, while Escanor didn't even flinch or move a muscle at all, instead taking it completely like he couldn't even care less.

"Ha! There we go, Natsu will have this wrapped up in no time." Gray said.

"Don't be so sure there..." Ban retorted.

While Team Natsu looked towards the Fox Sin of Greed with confusion, Natsu took a moment in his attack combo to send a front snap kick to Escanor's groin. From this, Escanor winced slightly, and a small tear leaked out of his left eye. Natsu managed to notice this, and gained a cocky grin from it, proud he was finally able to get a reaction.

"HAH! Not such a tough bastard now are y-?!"

With everyone still trying to comprehend what just happened, Escanor delivered a hammerfist to Natsu, sending him into the ground and creating a two-foot hole, leaving his legs dangling out as he groaned in pain.

"Come to me, Divine Axe Rhitta!" Escanor shouted, as he reached his hand out into the open like he was going to catch something.

After a few seconds, Natsu began moving again, placing his feet on the ground and trying to pull his top half out of the hole. After a few attempts and one last big tug, his head came out with dirt on his face and his usually spiky pink hair pointing straight upward, making him look ridiculous and causing everyone to slightly giggle.

"Alright, NOW I'M MA-!" He started with, but was cut-off when he was hit in the back of the head with a giant golden axe, which caused him to create and be stuck in a new hole that was slightly deeper. The axe still kept flying however, and landed into the hand of Escanor, as he seemed to have somehow summoned it.

Taking a few seconds extra to get out of the second hole, Natsu then charged at Escanor in blind rage so fast that he caught him off guard, delivering a flying kick to the the arm which was holding Rhitta with tremendous force, causing Escanor to drop his Sacred Treasure. Now lying on the ground, Natsu landed by it and grabbed the handle.

"Now let's see how you do without ya-!"

Natsu grabbed the axe by the handle and tried to pull it up, but wouldn't budge an inch. Refusing to give up however, he tried pulling for a whole minute with both his hands and enough strain on himself that his face was going completely red from the attempt.

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