Chapter 43

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- Al -



I sit straight up in my bed, breathing heavily and drenched in sweat. I look around, and see I am in the dormitory, thank god that was just a dream. I look to one side, and see Hector snoring in his bed. I look around, and everyone is in their beds, except for Jenna. I don't think into it, she usually wanders around when she can't sleep.

I try to fall back asleep, but sleep just won't come. It is like there is something in my mind, that won't let me fall asleep. After what feels like an hour of trying, I decide to get up, and just walk around the compound. Usually, I would try to get to the trains, but I don't want to have another encounter with my 'dead' grandmother.

I slip on shoes and a jacket, and tip toe out of the dorm room. I walk out, and head toward the chasm, and as I approach, I see someone sitting at the edge. I remember how Hector said he was just sitting there when Kevin pushed him in. The thought of it sends shivers down my spine.

When I get closer I realize that the someone sitting there is Jenna. I walk closer to sit next to her, and of course, I trip on a rock, and fall face first onto the hard ground. I groan, and then I see Jenna looking over me.

"Oh my goodness, Al are you okay?" Jenna says, and tries to help me up, her abnegation virtues showing.

"Fine," I say, and I slowly stand up, and go over to sit at the edge of the chasm. Jenna sits down next to me.

"Bad dream?" She asks and I nod. "Same, it was really weird, like first it started that George was trying to throw me off the edge of the chasm." She says, and I look at her with my mouth wide open, "But his eyes weren't the usuall green that they are, they were all black. When he dropped me off the side, I woke up in my bed, but that was a dream too, but it felt so real."

"Then let me guess, you woke me up, and told me, but then you realized that there was no one else in the room." I say, and she looks at me with the same shocked expression that I just looked at her with. "And everyone was marching around like mindless soldiers."

"How did you-?" She asks, but I interrupt her.

"I had the same dream," I say, "and that is definitely not good."

"What do you mean?" Jenna asks, and I look out over the waterfall. It is really quite beautiful, but also terrifying to think about how many people have died in these waters, and yet I still sit here every time I just need to clear my head.

"If we expirenced the same exact thing, just tailored to our lives, then, I think it was a simulation, and we had the dream part that we were aware because of what we are." I say, not taking my eyes off the waterfall.

"It is so obvious that you are erudite." She says, and then she stares off at the waterfall too. "When did they inject us with the serum?"

The question echoes in my head, and it brings back the a memory from a few days ago.

"Al!" I here Nat call from behind me. I turn to see my younger sister, who looks like she is about to pass out.

"Nat? What's up?" I ask.

She pants, "Ethan, Ethan wants to see, to see you."

"Why where's Dad." I ask.

"He and Tori had to get a count of the factionless or at least that's what Ethan told me. He told me no questions." Nat says.

I nod, "Okay, where's Mom?"

"She is at work, at like some week long faction reps meeting or something." Nat says, "Now go he told me to get you there as soon as you can."

I jog down the hallways towards Ethan's office, and when I open the door there are too men standing by the desk.

"Al, please sit." He says cooly, and I sit in the seat in front of him. "You know how we have to have you take the test like the rest of the initiates, and on your record, it says you got sick during the aptitude test, correct?"

"Yeah," I say, and glance at the two huge men standing next to Ethan.

"So we thought it would be best if you, and anyone else who got sick during the aptitude test, to take a sample of the test, just to see if you have a reaction with this one." He says, and I nod. "Jackson." He says, and one of the men walks over to me, holding a syringe that looks like a gun. He stands next to me and brushes the hair off the side of my neck. His fingers linger there, and he sticks the needle in my neck.

"When Ethan gave us the sample of the test," Jenna and I say at the same time. We both laugh a little, and then, I hear footsteps behind us. We both turn and there is no one there. I look over at Jenna, and we both stand. I look over towards where the noise came from. I hear a little squeal, and I can tell just by the voice, that it was Jenna.

I glance over my shoulder, and Jenna isn't there. My mouth drops open, but before I can do anything else, there is something over my face, and then nothing.



I open my eyes, and there is a cloth over my face. I scream, and the yell is muffled, but still someone hears me. The person yanks the cloth over my face. It is then I realize that there is a piece of duct tape on my mouth. I look up, and the man there is Peter, the same Peter who stabbed Edward with a knife just because Edward was beating him in initiation.

"Hey Allie," he says, that is what everyone used to call me when I was younger.

I try to yell, and he just laughs. "See, you are here because people like you are the one thing that would ruin our plan."

"Plan?" I ask, or at least try to ask.

"Plan?" He says, "We are trying to get dauntless to be the governing faction." If my mouth wasn't taped shut, it would have fallen open. Abnegation has always been the governing faction because if they are selfless, then they would not be corrupt.

I start yelling, but it comes out as mumbled words. Peter starts to peel the corners of the tape slowly, but then he rips off the tape.

"Ahh," I say, "My dad and Tori would never go through with any of this."

"Well that's the thing Al, it doesn't matter, they are both going to be under the simulation when it is put into action. The simulation does work on Divergents, but we didn't think that there were anymore Resurgents left after Amar and Wu were killed." Peter says.

"Don't you even say their names or I will-" I start, but Peter puts the tape back over my mouth.

He smiles sinisterly, and says, "Bye Al." And then all I see is darkness.

Resurgent: A Divergent Story//editingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang